Air Transportation and Spatial Development




Rail transportation and inland water transportation – among all sectors of transportation – have influenced and differentiated the most obviously the spatial development and the development of settlements in Hungary due to the geographical conditions and historical evolution. Until the end of the 1990s the effect of transportation wasn't appeared clearly. It has been manifested rather along motorways and near to bigger cities but mostly within the scale of small regions. The Hungarian air transportation having only one centre is corresponding to the mono-centric transport network of the country. Consequently, the regional effect of it could be hardly examined for the time being. Although in the recent years the whole country likes to establish and develop regional airports, only some of them have the substantial base. Information is available for national researchers of spatial sciences about the interaction between air transportation and seftlement and regional development is rather restricted. The study likes to contribute in some way to the enlargement of the related knowledge.

Author Biography

Ferenc Erdősi , MTA RKK Dunántúli Tudományos Intézet, Pécs

tudományos tanácsadó




How to Cite

Erdősi, F. (1999) “Air Transportation and Spatial Development”, Tér és Társadalom, 13(4), pp. 45–76. doi: 10.17649/TET.13.4.543.


