The Role of the SAPARD Programme in the EU Integration of the Agricultural Enterprises


  • Álmos Péter Leitmann SZIE GTK, Gödöllő



Today the regions have got a lot of opportunities to receive money from the EU. They have to take the opportunity to close the gap between the regions of the EU, so they will have the possibility to be competitive. The money from the EU is not much (38,054 million Euro), but as the EU declared, this money is not for the enlargement of production. This must be prepared first for the EU's Structural Founds.

The first and the most important thing is the quality in the harmonization of agricultural production with EU regulations. A lot of subsidies are differentiated by quality. If the farmers do not realize the significance of quality, they will miss a lot of money.

Ten countries are going to join the EU and all of them have different strategies. The EU also has their own strategy and adjustment to this new changing strategy is essential for the farmers and the entire agricultural sector.

Author Biography

Álmos Péter Leitmann , SZIE GTK, Gödöllő

PhD hallgató




How to Cite

Leitmann, Álmos P. (2000) “The Role of the SAPARD Programme in the EU Integration of the Agricultural Enterprises”, Tér és Társadalom, 14(2-3), pp. 203–208. doi: 10.17649/TET.14.2-3.587.


