Discussion Papers 2007.
Regionality and/or Locality 178-186. p.
The question of whether infrastructure stock affects private sector growth remains
unanswered, although the notion that the provision of public capital has an impact
on the economic activity of private sector was explored in literature for many years
(Mead, 1952; Hansen, 1965). The large discussion about the impact of infrastruc-
ture equipment or investment on economic growth was initiated by David As-
chauer at the end of the 1980’s and the beginning of the 1990’s (1989a, 1989b,
1989c, 1990), when he proved that the decrease of productivity that took place in
the US in 1970’s was preceded by a slow down of infrastructure investment. Much
of the studies that followed Aschauer’s papers have focused on the influence of a
rise of infrastructure stocks or aggregate public capital1 on private sector output
and productivity. Douglas Holtz-Eakin (1988, 1992) confirmed that aggregate
public capital has significant impact on private sector productivity and similar con-
clusions were reached by Alicia Munnell’s (1990, 1992).
Further studies showed that growth of infrastructure stock enhance output and
productivity of the companies, by decreasing their costs, stimulating technological
innovation and increasing productivity of other factors of production (Lee and
Anas 1992, Suarez-Villa and Hasnath 1993). Alternative explanation for the influ-
ence of infrastructure on firms’ activity was given by Rafael Flores de Frutos and
Pedro Pereira (1993). They assumed that public capital is an endogenous variable
in the macro growth system, proving that it is driven positively by output of private
companies and negatively by their employment changes. Similarly to Aschauer
(1989a), they found high return rates of the public capital (Flores de Frutos and
Pereira 1993). Although other studies state the positive dependency between infra-
structure stock and firms founding (Eberts 1991), differences among cases has been
demonstrated. The variation depends on size of firm, type of infrastructure stock
and the development stage of the country. Eberts’ evidence shows much stronger
relation in case of small companies then larger firms. David Canning and Marianne
Fay (1993) found in their study of 96 countries that rate of return of transport net-
works in developed and industrializing countries is high to normal and moderate in
underdeveloped countries.
1Aggregate public capital – sum of public capitals.
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
Also agricultural production is affected by infrastructure stocks prove numerous
studies (Ahmed–Hossain, 1990; Antle, 1983, 1984; Binswanger–Khandker–
Rozenzweig, 1993; Pradhan–Ratha–Sarma, 1990). However, the connection be-
tween existing infrastructure and enterprises (or wider speaking productivity) is
also criticized. This critical approach, nonetheless, will be here limited to few au-
thors (e.g. Henry Aaron (1990), Charles Schultze (1990), Dale Jorgenson (1991),
John Tatom (1991, 1993) or Edward Gramlich (1994)) as, literature analysis is not
main goal of this paper.
This paper aims at checking if entrepreneurship is driven by infrastructure stock
in rural areas2 in Poland by calculating correlation between those two variables.
The dependent variable is the number of enterprises (per 1000 inhabitants) and the
independent the infrastructure stock (in various units according to the kind of infra-
structure). Such choice was made on basis of review of several documents of local
policy in Poland, where presence of infrastructural stock is expected to change
entrepreneurship activity.
The character of available data makes difficult to measure long run dependency
between those two variables, mainly due to the lack of data before 1990 and to the
various spatial approaches in collecting data employed during transformation pe-
riod. Therefore, this paper focuses on one particular year (2002) and aggregates
data on the communes’ level. The infrastructural as well as entrepreneurship data
cover whole area of rural Poland (2171 communes) and were collected by the Pol-
ish National Statistical Office.
The infrastructure data gives measures of technical stocks (e.g.: water pipelines,
sewage systems, gas, electric and telephone networks and sewage plants) and were
collected during National Census in 2002. The data on firm formation is from the
Statistical Office Database REGON (the National Official Business Register),
which is the most representative database for entrepreneurial activity in Poland.
The basic unit of data contains information on company name and location, num-
ber of employees, character of activity, date of establishment, and branches. The
REGON database collects information for whole Poland however, it contains in-
formation solely of companies with more than nine employees. Though the above-
mentioned restriction it can be consider as the most valuable polish enterprises
To proceed with the assessment of spatial differentiation of infrastructure stock
in rural areas in Poland, the first step is the calculation of the synthetic index sug-
gested by Parysek and Wojtasiewicz (1979) for evaluating spatial differentiation of
socio-economic issues. For index construction purposes, seven features were se-
lected from various characteristics of communal infrastructure stock in rural areas
2Rural areas, according to the Polish Statistical Office, are all areas located outside of the city or town
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
in Poland: rate of flats with water pipeline connection (1), rate of flats with sewage
system connection (2), rate of flats connected to gas network (3), rate of flats with
electricity of medium voltage 380 V (4), rate of household with fixed phone line
(5), density of hard roads (6), and rate of households served by sewage plants (7).
Linear dependency test (Pearson) between those characteristics revealed strong
correlation level (r = 0.8) between two of them: rate of flats with sewage system
connection (2) and rate of households served by sewage plants (7). The latter was
higher correlated also with other infrastructural characteristics and thus skipped in
further analysis. The remaining features were processed according to equation:
y − y
y′ =
y′ – value of j feature for i unit
y – standardized value of j feature for i unit
y – average value of j feature
– standard deviation of j feature
Following, the average value of normalized features for each rural commune
was counted according to equation:
s =
∑ ′ij
where j =1,2,3,…,p
Ws - synthetic index of infrastructure equipment
y′ - standardised value of j feature for i unit
p - number of features
The above calculations generate values for synthetic index that form series of
data, which are divided into three groups according to the suggestion of Paryskek
and Wojtasiewicz (1979):
Class I: W < (x – ½ Sx)
Class II: (x – ½ Sx) ≤ W ≤ (x + ½ Sx)
Class III: W > (x + ½ Sx)
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
Figure 1
Technical Infrastructure Index in rural communes in Poland 2002
Source: Author’s own elaboration based on the Polish National Census 2002.
The synthetic index of infrastructure equipment shows a distinct division of
polish communes into two groups: units located in eastern part of the country
which are poorer equipped with technical infrastructure on the one hand and com-
munes located in western part of Poland which are strongly differentiate but gener-
ally better equipped with infrastructure stocks on the other hand. This phenomenon
can be partly explained by historical determinants: like inheriting German infra-
structure stock after the WWII in west part of Poland (Siemiński, 1992; Pięcek,
2001; Świątek, 2003, 2004). There are few groups of rural communes with higher
number of infrastructure stock index can be observed: a) communes located in
vicinity of large cities like Poznań, Kraków, Bielsko Biała, and Sielsian agglom-
eration, and; b) communes that are under strong influence of middle size towns and
c) communes where former state farms were located (Dzun, 2005).
Rural communes with high and average infrastructure index create spatial shape
similar to spatial layout of areas with high values of the synthetic index of national
economy created in 60’s by the polish geographer Stanisław Leszczyki. The index
was created based on three groups of indicators: value of fixed capital assets, na-
tional income generated and national income per capita (Leszczycki, 1964).
Leszczycki’s index revealed areas with high living standard, characterised by in-
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
dustrial development above the national average, rich in mineral deposits and com-
plemented by intensive agriculture (former voievodships Wrocławskie and Opol-
skie). These communes together create an area shaped as a ‘L’ letter, which corre-
spond with the shape created by the communes with higher infrastructure index
calculated with data of 40 years later. Therefore, it shows us that spatial divisions
present in Poland’s space after the WWII still exist.
The Figure 1 illustrates a classification of infrastructure of polish communes,
that can be divided in three groups: Congested (with index higher then -0.16), In-
termediate (index between -0.16 and -0.51) and Lagging (index lower then -0.51),
following the division proposed by Hansen (1965), who theorized that the impact
of new investments on regional development would vary according to the level of
socio-economic activity in the region. As Hansen explained Congested regions can
be characterised with high level of economic activity in comparison to infrastruc-
ture provision, Intermediate regions have high potential but deficit of infrastructure
and finally Lagging regions can be characterised as areas with scarcity of human
and physical potential and lack of attractions for infrastructural investments (Han-
sen, 1965).
Figure 2
Number of companies per 1000 inhabitants of rural communes in Poland 2002
Source: Author’s own elaboration based on the REGON’s database.
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
During the period of transformation from central planning to market driven
economy started in 1989, entrepreneurship in Poland rose significantly. Changes in
law regulations reduced to minimum the administrative requirements for opening
new companies, and thus resulting in quick increase of enterprises’ number. Poland
had 624,4 thus registered firms in 1989, while in 2002 this number rose to 2 261,9
thus. The most significant increase of entrepreneurial activity was noticed at the
beginning of transformation period (years 1989–1992), when quantity of registered
companies rose 227,2% (Kamińska, 2006).
Increase of private activity in rural areas was observed especially in communes
located in the neighbourhood or within the borders of the Special Economic
Zones;3 as well as in communes that beneficiated by international aid programs
(like PHARE); areas with potential for tourism and spa; and communes located in
the fringe of large cities. The latter group gathered 13% of all private companies in
rural areas in 2002. It is worth noting that all above mentioned communes had ex-
tra source of founds that allowed them not only to support entrepreneurship in di-
rect and indirect ways but also to promote general development in their area.
The highest concentration of private firms in rural Poland was in the north-
western part of the country (voievodships: Wielkopolskie, Kujawsko-Pomorskie,
Pomorskie and Zachodniopomorskie), which had on average over than 58 compa-
nies per 1000 inhabitants. The leading position was reached by communes with
potential for tourism (like seashore, Mazury lake district or mountain communes)
as well as those located in vicinity of large cities (like Poznań, Budgoszcz,
Gdańsk). On the other hand, the smallest number of companies per 1000 inhabi-
tants was registered in the eastern part of Poland (Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Pod-
laskie voievodship), where even large cities do not seem to generate high entrepre-
neurial activity (e.g. Lublin, Rzeszów).
Hence, to check how technical infrastructure stock (measured by the infra-
structure index) influence non-agricultural economic activity (measured by the
number of companies registered per 1000 people) in rural areas in Poland, we must
analyse the result of the correlation analysis, which can be seen in Figure 3.
The correlation indicates moderate association between entrepreneurship and in-
frastructure index with a correlation coefficient of 0.270 and sinusoidal fit where
y=68.739+19.725*cos (1.483x–2.387). The moderate association between analysed
variables means that the influence of technical infrastructure can not be considered
as a crucial for ‘new firm birth’. This level of dependency was confirmed also by
analysis of Canning and Fay (1993) for developing countries.
One of the reasons of the discovered lack of strong dependency can be found in
generally short history of technical infrastructure investments in rural areas. During
3Special Economic Zone are areas created to stimulate the economic activity in underprivileged
regions (e.g. diverse kinds of tax exemption).
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
the communism, technical infrastructure in the country was developed only to short
extend. Therefore infrastructure as a factor that stimulates entrepreneurship is a
relatively new phenomenon and associations between infrastructure and firms birth
are still not very widespread. Additionally, only a medium level of association
between analysed variables is obtained due to the fact that infrastructure in rural
Poland is build mainly to satisfy needs of residents of the region and not to provide
services or to attract entrepreneurial activity. However one can expect that this
aspect of infrastructure investments will be more significant in the future.
Figure 3
The correlation between technical infrastructure index (X Axis) and number
of registered companies per 1000 people (Y Axis) in 2002
Y Axis – Enterprises per 1000 inhabitants
X Axis – Index of technical infrastructure
Sinusoidal fit: y = 68.739+19.725*cos (1.483x–2.387).
Source: Own elaboration.
Dariusz Swiatek :
The Impact of Technical Infrastructure on Entrepreneurship Activity - Example of Rural Areas in Poland.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 178-186. p. Discussion Papers, Special
A separate problem requiring further analysis is the direction of causation be-
tween infrastructure and entrepreneurship in rural areas. However, the goal of the
present study is to analyse only if ‘firm birth is driven by infrastructure stock’, a
statement frequently taken for granted in local policy making in Poland. Thus, the
causation problem between the above mentioned variables was omitted in this pa-
per, which is based on the assumption that infrastructure is independent variable
that may influence or not entrepreneurial behaviour. Considering the results of the
undertaken analysis is recommended that the line of reasoning of dependency be-
tween infrastructure and entrepreneurship should be more cautiously applied, espe-
cially concerning the low level of infrastructure development experienced in Po-
land. Nonetheless, bearing in mind the theory of circular causation (Myrdal, 1957)
the more developed commune is, the bigger its development will be and therefore
the possibility of infrastructure driving entrepreneurial behaviour should be
strongly considered.
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