Discussion Papers 2007.
Regionality and/or Locality 122-136. p.
One of the main current principles of establishing a United Europe is “Europe of
regions”. According to this, the basic element of the European Union as a State
formation consists in separate regions, the state-members of the EU, meeting the
determined criteria and, in general, being all sufficient. That is why, emphasis in
the sphere of eternal co-operation should gradually shift to the level of regions.
In practice solution of numerous issues directly regarding separate territorial
entities is more rational, efficient and strategic on a regional level.
At present there is a set of institutional and functional instruments of deciding
issues in the sphere of external relations on an interregional level. Some of them
are universal, while others are one-track.
Among the principal instruments of border and transboundary interregional co-
operation the following stand out:
1 Euroregions – organizations of border (transboundary) interregional
(intermunicipal) co-operation aiming at establishing and strengthening good
neighbourly relations as well as addressing common problems singled out by
the constitutional documents regulating the territories of three and more
2 Bilateral organizations – organizations of border interregional (intermunici-
pal) co-operation, set up to establish and strengthen good neighbourly rela-
tions as well as address common problems singled out by the constitutional
documents regulating the territories of three and more states.
3 Agreements on co-operation in definite spheres between bordering and not
bordering territories that provide for the establishment of institutions of co-
ordinating actions.
4 Agreements on co-operation in definite spheres between bordering and not
bordering territories that do not provide for the establishment of institutions
of coordinating actions.
A Euroregion is the most universal institute among the above-mentioned insti-
tutes, which has a considerable potential.
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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In Central Europe such organizations started to appear in the 90ies of last centu-
ries. Euroregions were among the first, founded on the borders of Poland, Germany
and Czechoslovakia, on the borders of Hungary, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, on
the cross-border of Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and Poland.
The main objective set before Central European Euroregions was to harmonise
relations among the neighbourly countries and reduce a negative effect of the bor-
der with the consideration of the fact that it was not always conditioned by ethical
and historical factors.
Besides, the Euroregion had to become an institutional instrument-facilitating
co-operation in various spheres of social life, which would satisfy the interests of
the parties participating in it.
Thus, Euroregions must become an instrument of external policy of some sover-
eign countries, which aspire to establish and maintain good neighbourly relations
emerging on a regional (municipal) level.
We must mention that certain Euroregions, as a rule, on a municipal level (e.g.
Nisa, Pro Europa Viadrina), established without any support and custody of the
national governments (mainly, the Polish and German border), were after a less
lofty goal, for instance, to solve some local problems in the defined fields (tourism,
ecology, communal infrastructure development). Nevertheless, their cooperation,
in general, had a positive, though not direct, effect on the goals mentioned above.
We can claim for the time being that the main objective to harmonise the rela-
tions among the neighbourly territories, citizens populating them and governments
of these territories predominantly has been achieved by the greater part of the
functioning Euroregions. Thus, for example, due to the activity within the frame-
work of the Euroregions, the implicitly unsafe territories of the Eastern Carpathi-
ans, at the watershed of the Tisza river (the area where the “Carpathian Euroregion
is in operation), the Sudeten mountains (the area of the Euroregion Nisa’s activity),
etc, were not turned into zones of conflict.
Positive experience of the activity of the Euroregions can be also proved by the
fact that today the setting up of the Euroregions in Southern Eastern Europe, on the
Balkans is underway through the intermediary of and under the shelter of such
respectable organizations as the Council of Europe, the Pact of Stability and others.
At the conference “Polish experience in cross-border cooperation” which took
place in the city of Rzeszow (Poland) on December 6–8, 2001, the representatives
of different international organizations and diplomatic missions of separate coun-
tries stressed on an exceptionally positive experience of the Euroregional coopera-
tion and on a great role of the similar institutes in a solution of good neighbourly
relations harmonization. The representatives of a number of Southern and Eastern
European states attended the conference as well, who, according to the organisers,
might include the experience of the Euroregional activity in Central Europe into
their tooling of external policy.
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In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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Some of the advantages of the Euroregions’ activity should be mentioned here:
− a relatively high level of organization in their activity – existence of statutory
documents, the structural formation of the governing and labour bodies;
− strong established links between the governing institutions and autonomous
regions, their participants;
− a considerable volume of information about border and transboundary
cooperation, cooperation with international organizations, the general state of
affairs in various fields of the social life of neighbouring countries;
− finding contact points in transbounary and border cooperation, problem
monitoring and search of the ways of their solution;
− political and material support on the part of the European organizations;
− creation of the structures that contribute to the development of border (trans-
boundary) cooperation.
However, there is a number of other goals which have not yet been achieved in
the result of the Euroregions’ activity or have not yet been set at all. Considering a
great organizational potential, the current relations and experience in addressing
specific problems, it possible to view the Euroregions as the universal instruments
of border (transboundary) cooperation.
By this, it is reasonable to separate the objectives of their activity into the main
two directions:
− continuation of carrying out external policy tasks within the European uniting
− economization of the Euroregions’ goals, putting forward new tasks in the
sphere of external policy and regional development.
− Proceeding from an opportunity to set such strategic aims, the Euroregions
must fulfil the following tasks:
− supporting and deepening good neighbourly relations among bordering
territorial entities;
− taking advantage of the labour bodies of the Euroregions as the centres of
collecting information about the activity of the state bodies and economic
agents of certain countries, international organizations, processes taking place
in Europe, about the ways of resolving problems in some fields of life activ-
ity, of experience analysis and models of its use in modern circumstances;
− transforming the Euroregions into information and methodical centres of bor-
der and transboundary cooperation that facilitate a search of partners, estab-
lishment of relations among them;
− taking into view available information and relations, using the Euroregions as
intermediary structures in attraction of investments and donor potential into
the country;
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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− using the Euroregions and their labour bodies as structures that create a posi-
tive image of a country and its territorial entities as well;
− using lobbying opportunities of the Euroregions, first of all, those that con-
cern the European structures;
− turning the Euroregions into organisers and partners of various international
projects, considering their potential and experience in a solution of numerous
issues in the field of border (transboundary) cooperation.
It comes as natural that the list mentioned above is open, it could be carried on
depending on the tasks the external policy will face with time. Generally speaking,
a Euroregion is a viable and rather efficient instrument of an external policy, which
is able to adapt and change under the conditions of a definite situation, change an
objective and manners of actions, thus, coming of use in the right circumstances in
the achievement of strategic tasks of any country, particularly, of Ukraine, being
one of the instruments of its European integration strategy.
On the history of the issue
Transboundary cooperation among neighbourly countries on the level of regional
and local governments is considered to be one of the most significant issues of the
current agenda in Europe. At present more than 30 Euroregions are functioning in
Europe, which have become part and parcel of the European integration and con-
flict solution. The “Carpathian Euroregion” (CE) is the only Euroregion in Europe
including the bordering territories of the five post-communist countries on different
economic levels with heterogeneous ethnic, religious and cultural structures. That
is why, from the moment of its existence there arose a problem of creating a system
of mutual interests and cooperation with the aim of minimization and avoidance of
a potential tension, misunderstanding among the peoples populating these territo-
Significance of a Euroregion rises during the process of the EU extension and
entering a number of states – EU members into its composition. By the way, it has
become a contact area of the EU eastern border. This area can turn into a source of
tension or into a source of stability. Therefore, taking into account the concept of
“Europe of regions”, based first and foremost on safety and stability, it is in the
interests of the CE and the EU to facilitate the process of vigorous activity and
extension of the “Carpathian Euroregion”.
The model of the “Carpathian Euroregion” was developed in theory with the
assistance of the experts from the Institute of Research East – West (the former
name Institute of East-West), who promptly voiced that numerous local initiatives
of transboundary cooperation are not supported and understood by the national
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
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governments. This problem remained on the fringes of the interests of the EU
structures. At the same time there emerged a threat of a new “iron curtain” between
the countries of Central Europe and the former republics of the Soviet Union. For
this reason, at the international conference “Regions in international cooperation”
held in Mihalovtse (Slovakia) in November 1991, a concept and priorities of inter-
action of bordering administrative and territorial entities of the regional level of
Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Ukraine were set (1).
The conference in Nyíregyháza (Hungary) in May 1992 became the next im-
portant organization stage. The attending representatives of the Institute of Re-
search mentioned above proposed to join the Ukrainian, Hungarian and Polish ini-
tiatives with the aim of setting up the “Carpathian Euroregion”. There was estab-
lished a committee which would prepare all the constitutional instruments of the
union – Agreement and Statute – during the session of the representatives of the
regions involved which took place in June in the same year in Uzhgorod.
On February 14, 1993 the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Poland and
Ukraine ratified a declaration in the city of Debrecen (Hungary), which claimed
that the “establishment of the “Carpathian Euroregion” would greatly contribute to
strengthening of friendship and prospering of the countries of the present region as
well as guarantee active application of the principles the Act of the Conference on
the issues of Safety and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki, 1975), the Charter of
Paris for a new Europe (Paris, 1990) and other instruments. The creation of the
“Carpathian Euroregion” will direct the efforts of the Council of Europe and the
European Union into the sphere of regional cooperation development”. That date is
considered to be the day of the official registration of the international association
the “Carpathian Euroregion”. The representatives from the regions of Ukraine,
Poland and Hungary, signing the program and statutory documents, became the
founders of this international Association.
The territories belonging to the “Carpathian Euroregion” are still at the periph-
ery of their countries from a social and an economic point of view. The greater part
of them suffers from the problems connected with the environment, an inconsistent
infrastructure, unemployment, economic cooperation problems, unequal accessi-
bility to various EU funds.
Information concerning the size of the territories belonging to the CE and the
population living on these territories can be found in the table.
On February 14, 1993 the Hungarian, Polish, Slovakian and the Ukrainian par-
ties signed a basic agreement on the “Carpathian Euroregion”. The international
association the “Carpathian Euroregion” was defined as a consultative and coordi-
nating body directed at the expansion of transboundary cooperation of its members
as was provided by the Project of the European Convention on transboundary co-
operation among the geographical communities and authorities No 106 of the
Council of Europe.
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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The Association was provided to be aimed at:
− organization and coordination of the activity in supporting economic, scien-
tific, ecological, cultural and educational cooperation among its members;
− development of separate projects on border cooperation among its members
in the sphere of mutual interests;
− facilitation of contacts among the peoples of the regions-members of the
Association, in particular, contacts among experts in various branches;
− support of good neighbourly relations among its members;
− support of the regional development of all its members;
− determination of the potential areas for a multilateral border cooperation of
its members.
The existence of an associated transboundary association of local and regional
communities, whose interests are presented by the government bodies as well as
local self-administration offered the following opportunities:
− common exploitation of energy resources;
− common policy making in the sphere of environmental protection;
− increase of a foreign capital flow;
− working out of regional development programs;
− production of competitive goods, facilitation of local initiative implementa-
tion (3);
− development of transportation links on the territory of the “Carpathian
Euroregion”, overcoming the problems of an insufficiently developed infra-
− development of a modern economic structure of the region;
− harmonious development of man’s activity;
− development of the health protection system, social and cultural protection
− diversification of tourism;
− strengthening of the European and Atlantic cooperation (4).
However, for absence of a strategic approach to the vision of the development
prospects of the “Carpathian Euroregion” within the ten years of its existence the
greater part of opportunities rising after its formation in 1993 were not taken.
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
Discusion Papers, Special
System problems of the CE after the EU expansion
The entrance of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to the EU on May 1,
2004 had a great impact on the role and place of the “Carpathian Euroregion” in
the field of cooperation between Ukraine and its Western neighbours and the Euro-
pean Union in general. From a geopolitical point of view, the status of the “Carpa-
thian Euroregion” has undergone changes.
If before the EU expansion the “Carpathian Euroregion” took a somewhat nar-
rowed and local function of the organization of transboundary integration of border
administrative and territorial entities of the states of the Carpathian states basin,
after the entrance of Poland Slovakia and Hungary into the EU it assumed quite a
different role of a higher organizational form of transboundary cooperation on the
new Eastern borders of the European Union with closest neighbours, Ukraine in
particular. The Euroregional cooperation development in this way has transformed
into an integral part of the EU general Western strategy and has become a matter
not only of the states-participants of the Euroregion bordering on Ukraine but also
a matter of the European community in general.
Such geopolitical changes have become a positive push to the development and
improvement of cooperation within the EU framework. The Euroregion’s status,
higher than it used to be, is an actual reaching by the Euroregion the level of the
relations system between Ukraine and the EU, but not only the bilateral interstate
relations between Ukraine and its neighbours; it also conditions the lengthy exis-
tence of the “Carpathian Euroregion”.
Therefore, in the author’s opinion, “the dramatic forecast” of the possible clos-
ing down of the transboundary cooperation through the “Carpathian Euroregion”
after the entrance of some Central European states to the EU are groundless. On the
contrary, both the states-members and the EU in general are insisting on the expan-
sion of the Euroregional cooperation with Ukraine. Generally speaking, trans-
boundary cooperation is considered by them as one of the most perspective direc-
tions of interaction with the Ukrainian state aimed at admitting it to the general
European integration processes. Accordingly, Ukraine regards the development of
transboundary and Euroregional relations in the Western direction as an additional
essential “integration bridge” for its approaching the EU.
There are a number of advantages facilitating the further functioning of the
“Carpathian Euroregion”. The attitude to the Euroregion and to transboundary co-
operation of the central governing bodies of these countries as well as those of
Ukraine has changed. The problems of functioning of the Carpathian and other
Euroregions have reached the general state and interstate level. The “Carpathian
Euroregion” has gained general European recognition.
It could be claimed that the “Carpathian Euroregion” has formed as trans-
boundary integrity. In the author’s opinion, the factors of a system character have
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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been detaining the development of cooperation within the framework of the “Car-
pathian Euroregion” till present time the most obvious among them being a consid-
erably different level of reform processes in the countries, bordering administrative
and territorial entities in the composition of the Euroregion. On the one hand, Po-
land and Hungary left their neighbours far behind in their paces and depth of so-
cial, political and economic reforms. In 1999 they became the NATO members. At
the end of the 90ies Slovakia also quickened system transformations and promoted
the Euroregion cooperation. Thanks to these purposeful actions it managed to catch
up with Poland and Hungary with its reforms and enter together with them into the
EU on May 1, 2004. On the other hand, Romania and Ukraine did not justify re-
forming expectations. Nevertheless, Romania has an opportunity to join the Euro-
pean Union in 2007 while Ukraine will still remain beyond the EU boundaries.
That is, a gap in system reforms is going to have an undesirable effect especially in
the field of cooperation within the “Carpathian Euroregion” between Western
Ukrainian regions and its foreign partners.
System differences regard first of all the spheres of economic transboundary
cooperation. The market regional economy and the regional agriculture that was
not gradually reformed because of the administrative interference have a lot of
interconnected elements in common. This base makes it almost impossible to cre-
ate an ideal system of economic interrelations, which would lead to the formation
of an integral in an agricultural respect international transboundary region.
On the other hand, differences in reforms did not allow to realize within the
framework of the “Carpathian Euroregion” a binding requirement of the general
European institutions concerning transboundary, Euroregional cooperation, par-
ticularly, concept coordination of the social and economic development of the bor-
dering territories.
At present it can be stated that the development of the “Carpathian Euroregion”
is going through a critical moment after the EU expansion. It is the time when they
should shift from a political and declarative economic Euroregional cooperation to
the priorities of economic cooperation and realization of specific mutual agricul-
tural transboundary projects. This is shown, for example, by an appearance of new
institutional forms of transboundary cooperation, which are being used to minimize
the challenges connected with the EU expansion. By the way, these new instru-
ments are emerging on the both sides of the Eastern EU border and are being im-
plemented by the local governing bodies, particularly, in Transcarpathia during the
realization of the “Europe of regions” motto.
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In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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What is it about?
“The strategy of transboundary cooperation development in the Carpathian region
“Carpathians 2003–2011 (October, 2003) has been initiated by the Transcarpathian
regional state administration as well as the Transcarpathian regional council and
supported by the regional governing bodies of the bordering regions of Ukraine,
Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. The basic ideas of the Programme of
Ukraine’s integration to the European Union in the field of bordering policy lie in
the foundation of the Development Strategy.
Analyzing a specific character of the bordering territories (sector, political and
territorial), the Development Strategy consists of the preferred strategic pro-
grammes of the development of these territories (infrastructure, economy, envi-
ronment, nature and country development, tourism, social and cultural integration),
which is sure to smooth possible negative results of the EU expansion in a short-
term period.
Another programme – “Nyíregyháza initiative” (October, 2003) – has been ini-
tiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian Republic as well as the
local authorities of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg region as an instrument of practical
realization of the New Policy of the EU Neighbourhood. The main objective of the
Initiative is to strengthen the links between the local and the regional bodies on the
both sides of the EU Eastern borders.
Recently active cooperation under the programme “Interregio” has span up.
Signed a couple of years ago, it had a formal character only. At present eleven
common projects in humanitarian and economic spheres have been prepared. It is
planned to set up transboundary territories of environmental protection and land-
scape the Tisza water gap and protect it. The issue of a further cooperation of the
bordering regions was discussed during a working meeting in February 2004 of the
heads of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg region (Hungary) and Satu-Mare region (Roma-
We cannot but mention the “Concept of the common development of the
Ukraine’s and Hungary’s bordering territories” approved by the Transcarpathian
Regional body in June 2003. Its strategic objective was to exploit to the full the
opportunities of transboundary cooperation between the two countries in order to
improve the conditions of the social and economic life of the people on the both
sides of the border.
The Programme of the strategic development of the “Carpathian Euroregion” is
also of utter significance. It was prepared by professor Istvan Suli-Zakar (the Uni-
versity of Debrecen) (5), and deliberated at one of the last sessions of the “Carpa-
thian Euroregion’s” Council. It consists of regional and local programmes of the
strategic development of the bordering territories in the EU composition.
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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A successful model of regional cooperation under the new conditions will be-
come an indicator in our common relations and demonstrate our capability to take
an active part in the development of new (transboundary) relations over the com-
mon borders of the expanded EU. Common challenges should lead to common
actions and suggestions.
Proceeding from the mentioned above, a conclusion can be made that there are at
least three ways of making contribution to the development of transboundary coop-
eration after the EU expansion under the conditions of joining the efforts of the
regional structures of Ukraine and its Western neighbours.
Firstly, there is an opportunity for the regional structures and bodies to put the
most important issues of transboundary cooperation on the agenda;
Secondly, on the basis of such an agenda there is an opportunity to find an influ-
ence lever on the central governments of the states – the expanded EU members-
tobe to make them raise some issues on the EU level.
Thirdly, the regions may become active participants of various common trans-
boundary projects if they apply for them.
In addition, the regions should play a visible role in the EU expansion but pre-
dominantly in the sphere of additional efforts and measures aimed to support ac-
tions taken by the states and the authority of the European Union.
New programmes of the neighbourhood: opportunities for the CE
According to the experts’ estimates, the bordering regions of Ukraine are most
susceptible to the changes that have arisen and are still to arise in future in the
process of the EU expansion to the east. Therefore, transboundary cooperation as a
form of cooperation between the bordering regions of Ukraine and the eastern re-
gions of its Central European neighbours requires to be profoundly renewed and
transformed so that they could adapt to the new conditions determined by the EU
At present it is possible to rely on the positive changes as the European policy
of neighbourhood offers an instrument, which should give an impetus to trans-
boundary cooperation. Moreover, this instrument can in prospect be spread to all
the regions of Ukraine that will promote interregional cooperation in general.
The programmes of Neighbourhood are expected to function on the whole ter-
ritory of the countries bordering on the European Union. Such an expansion of the
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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programme will become possible only in 2007 when the Programmes of
Neighbourhood will gain a separate status and a budget. But till 2007 these pro-
grammes will be in operation only on the territory of the bordering regions on the
both sides of the border, particularly, to the east of the EU – the regions of Ukraine,
Russian, Byelorussia and Moldova which are subject to the TACIS programme on
transboundary cooperation (TACIS CBC). In Ukraine these are the following re-
gions: Volynska, Lvivska, Transcarpathia, Ivano-Frankivska, Chernivetska and
Odeska. In 2002 the Council on the matters of cooperation Ukraine – the EU sin-
gled out one of the main priorities of further cooperation between the European
Union and Ukraine – transboundary and interregional cooperation.
The fact that the mechanism of financing the transboundary projects under the
TACIS CBC existing scheme is still in force in Ukraine shows the “transitory”
status of the Programme of Neighbourhood till 2007. During the years of 2004–
2006 about 20 million Euros were allocated to the Ukrainian partners involved in
the projects directed at the strengthening of transboundary and transnational coop-
eration between the expanded EU and its new neighbour Ukraine within the
framework of the programmes mentioned above. The new EU members – Slova-
kia, Poland and Hungary are financed under the projects INTERREG, while Ro-
mania (prior to its entrance into the EU in 2007) will be financed through the pro-
gramme PHARE (6).
In July 2004 the common Working groups (Task Force) comprising the repre-
sentatives of Ukraine and its Central European neighbours together with the EU
experts completed and submitted for consideration to Brussels the projects of the
Common programme documents of such Programmes of Neighbourhood: “Poland–
Ukraine–Byelorussia”, “Hungary–Slovakia–Ukraine”, “Romania–Ukraine”.
The Commission has singled out the following general priorities for the Pro-
grammes of Neighbourhood:
− facilitating economic and social development in the bordering regions;
− implementing common actions aimed at a solution of common challenges in
such spheres as environmental and health protection and combating organ-
ised crime;
− maintaining border efficiency and safety;
− contributing to the organisation and conducting local social activities.
Further on, the Working groups set general and specific objectives, priorities
and tasks within the framework of a separate Programme of Neighbourhood.
During the session in May 2004 in Odesa the EU Commission offered to exclude
from the Programme of Neighbourhood “Romania-Ukraine” the preferred objec-
tives and measures concerning the development of transboundary transportation
infrastructure for lack of funds so that later these measures should be included into
the following EU infrastructure programmes. However, all the regions on the both
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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sides of the border declined their suggestion and offered to preserve them at least
on the level of technology and economy as otherwise it would be only possible to
preserve the cultural heritage under this Programme of Neighbourhood.
The main problems that the Ukrainian side faces regarding the further imple-
mentation of the Programmes of Neighbourhood are absence of funds for their
development and for further working out of specific project proposals as well as
maladjustment of the mechanisms of the simultaneous co-financing of transbound-
ary projects at the cost of the EU programmes, national and regional budget outlays
and extra budgetary funds.
In accordance with the EU requirements the Law of Ukraine “On transbound-
ary cooperation” provides two main kinds of the projects and programmes of trans-
boundary cooperation: joint and national. Under the final provisions of the men-
tioned above Law the State Budget of Ukraine of 2005 must allocate funds and
determine mechanisms of co-financing the chosen projects on the part of Ukraine.
On the part of the European Union there is also work conducted to process the
mechanisms of co-financing of the “matching” transboundary projects at the ex-
pense of the programmes INTERREG III in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, PHARE in
Romania, TACIS CBC in Ukraine. At the same time a part of the joint transbound-
ary projects of the mentioned above Programmes of Neighbourhood are expected
to integrate to the so-called “Initiative CADSES” (Central European, Adriatic,
Danube and Southern Eastern European areas) which include the territory of the
“Carpathian Euroregion”, the Euroregions of the “Higher Prut” and the “Lower
It can be forecasted that the matching of the Programmes of Neighbourhood
and, mainly, have the mechanisms of the further co-financing of transboundary
projects is going to be delayed. Nevertheless, the actual financing of the specific
projects will start in 2005.
But the most significant conclusion lies in the fact that we at last have started
understanding transboundary cooperation not only as the arrangement of the bor-
ders, customs-offices, etc but also as cooperation and interaction of the regions.
The concept is filled with a new meaning, and, accordingly, new tasks are set. This
leads to new responsibilities and obligations. Thus, further strengthening of the
borders, constructing of new modern transfers and modernisation of the already
functioning ones, developing the bordering infrastructure and other matters have
been included into the agenda.
Today Ukraine and other adjacent territories should actively take advantage of
the “Carpathian Euroregion” as a functioning instrument of the development of the
bordering regions and European integration on their way to “Europe of regions”.
The Ukrainian bordering territories enter into the four Euroregions at the same
time: the “Carpathian Euroregion”, the greatest one, unites the territories of Poland,
Slovakia, Romania, Hungary as well as Transcarpathia, Lvivska, Ivano-Frankivska
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
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and Chernivetska regions of Ukraine; the “Lower Danube” includes Romania,
Moldova, Odeska region; the “Bug” covers Poland, Byelorussia and Volynska
region; the recently established “Higher Prut” unites the territories of Romania,
Moldova and Chernivetska region. The Prime Minister of Poland L.Miller men-
tioned in his speech at the last economic forum in Lviv that “we must use the EU
expansion for the development of this part of Europe so that it would not turn into a
great depressive region in future”.
So far the mentioned Euroregions have not lived up to the set objectives. It is
understandable as the structures are functioning exclusively on a community pro-
ject basis. It could seem at first sight that the “Carpathian Euroregion” that has
existed for more than ten years already is well known in Europe as successful and
extensive. It has been involved in numerous European programmes. But if we look
at the Ukrainian regions the most active region (particularly, financially) is Tran-
scarpathia, which is in a traditional close contact with Hungary and Romania. But
lately Ivano-Frankivska and Chernivetska regions have picked up with Chernivet-
ska facing the “Higher Prut”. This cannot be said about Lvivska region despite its
powerful potential. It is cooperating more or less actively with Polish regions on a
bilateral level. From the point of view of the European community if a bordering
territory (region) enters the European structures together with its administration
and financial provision it is dealt with at the same high level as with the local gov-
erning bodies. In such a way, the Euroregions become the subjects of international
The anomaly lies in the fact that the European and other structures are ready to
finance useful and interesting programmes, but, according to some experts, serious
and efficient programmes are ignored. For instance, the “Carpathian Euroregion”
has spent during the last years 1 million USA dollars on an integration programme
and employment for the Romanies, 120,000 dollars on establishment and develop-
ment of enterprising, 500,000 dollars on communication systems development.
Ukraine has virtually received nothing besides this. However, when Poland and
Hungary as the EU members apply for thirty-forty projects, Ukraine applies for
two or three only.
The bordering countries on the both sides of the EU eastern border have not
lost the previously established relations and understanding of the mutual problems,
which were of a bilateral nature. The following step within the Euroregion is to
reach the general European level. In order to do this in such Euroregions it is nec-
essary to set up serious executive structures, which would have their action, pro-
grammes, a methodological basis (7) and a legal status.
The role of the bordering territories of the “Carpathian Euroregion” in interna-
tional cooperation is of great significance from a political and territorial point of
view. This Euroregion is regarded as an area of immediate interaction of the
economies of Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary. In a result of the
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
Discusion Papers, Special
EU expansion to the East in 2004 the bordering regions of Poland, Slovakia and
Hungary gained the status of contacting areas of partner interaction of the coun-
tries-neighbours with a considerably different geopolitical status: Ukraine – an out
of the bloc nuclear-free state-member of the CIS; Poland, Slovakia and Hungary –
states-members of the EU and NATO, Romania – a member of another group of
candidates for the entrance to the EU and NATO.
Therefore, the bordering regions of Poland, Slovakia and Hungary have been
on new external borders of the EU with Ukraine since 2004. Only the states and
their bordering regions through their mutual projects, particularly, in an economic
sphere and using a Euroregions as an instrument are able to reduce to a minimum
the possible negative consequences of the dividing lines in Europe of interstate and
interregional cooperation between Ukraine and Hungary, Ukraine and Poland,
Ukraine and Slovakia, Ukraine and Romania. That is why, transboundary coopera-
tion, particularly in the “Carpathian Euroregion”, cannot be effective without the
guidance and coordination of branch and territorial projects. Harmonious develop-
ment of the bordering regions is possible only through the joint development pro-
grammes and “matching” branch projects. Transcarpathia has made its first suc-
cessful steps in this direction actively using the Euroregions as an integration in-
Thus, the EU expansion process in 2004–2007 may come to a standstill on the
Western border. Nevertheless, Ukraine feels its effect, is actively preparing for a
new neighbour and does not lose hope of making its European dream come true.
Generalisation and usage of a positive experience of the modern stage of European
integration on a regional level should contribute to the realisation of practical tasks
of Ukraine’s entrance into European political, economic and legal space. Much
depends on Ukraine only whether it remains an EU neighbour, a privileged one, or
it moves ahead and deepens relations with this powerful European organisation.
At present we can state the fact that the Carpathian region is one of the most stable
regions in respect of safe peaceful co-existence in Europe. Despite the fact that the
borders of the five states have their points of coincidence here sometimes made
without considering ethnic principles. These states have their own political, eco-
nomic and cultural interests in the region. The stability factor in the “Carpathian
Euroregion” is undoubtedly a credit of the activity of the national governments of
the autonomous bodies and a respective model of a tolerant behaviour of the
population of the bordering territories.
Svitlana Mytryayeva : Carpathian Euroregion as an Instrument of Ukraine's Eurointegration Strategy.
In: Regionality and/or Locality. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2007. 122-136. p.
Discusion Papers, Special
In spite of the fact that the “Carpathian Euroregion” carries out its main mission
it now faces one of the most important tasks of becoming an efficient instrument of
Ukraine’s European integration.
The gained experience of setting up such associations as the “Carpathian Eu-
roregion” in Western Europe proves the fact that it takes a long time to achieve an
efficient level of functioning for the similar structures, harmonisation of the par-
ticipants’ interests, development of mechanisms of transboundary cooperation and
of finding influence levers on the level of the national governments with the aim of
establishing a favourable legal environment. As for Ukraine the bordering territo-
ries make up a certain “area of research” to study different situations where it is
possible to predict the consequences of the entrance of the Euroregional institutions
partners to the European Union and, thus, to introduce changes to the tactics and
strategy of European integration.
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