Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
No. 59 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project 
Ferenc, ERDOSI — Zoltan, GAL — Christoph GIPP — Viktor, VARJU 
Viktor VARJU 
Series editor 
Zoltan GAL 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
Experience of the INTERREG IIIB — CADSES Project "Transport With 
a Social Target", co-financed by the European Commission 
This paper is financed by the TWIST (Transport With a Social Target) 
* * 



* *  
Ferenc ERDOSI, scientific advisor, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, Pecs. 
ZoltAn GAL, senior research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, Pecs. 
Christoph GIPP, scientific research fellow — project manager, Berlin University of Tech- 
nology, Institute of Land and Sea Transport Systems. 
Viktor VARJU, junior research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS, Pecs. 
ISSN 0238 2008 
ISBN 978 963 9052 81 9 
2007 by Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 
Technical editor: Ilona Csap6. Language editor: Gyorgy Varadi. 
Printed in Hungary by Sumegi Nyomdaipari, Kereskedelmi es Szolgaltato Ltd., Pecs. 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
1  Introduction 
2  Legal background 
2.1  The Role of the DRT in the Transport Policy of the EU 
2.1.1  Sustainability as a Key Issue 
2.1.2  Traffic Extremities and their Handling Methods 
2.2 Technical rules — The EU Bus Directive 
2.3  Specific national regulations 
2.3.1  German Rules 
2.3.2  Hungarian Legal Background 
3  DRT Services in Europe 
3.1  Evolution of DRT Services 
3.2  Options for DRT Organisation And Operation 
3.3  European DRT in Scientific Research and in Practical Operation 
3.3.2  ARTS 
3.3.3  Public Transport in Rural Areas (PNV-Region) 
3.3.4  The UK Case 
3.3.5  Further DRT Experience 
3.4  Summary of the Earlier DRT systems 
4  The Experimentation Areas 
4.1  Region Abruzzo 
4.1.1  Description of the Area 
4.1.2  Experimentation 
4.2  Region Apulia 
4.2.1  Description of the Area 
4.2.2  Experimentation 
4.3  Region Marche 
4.3.1  Description of the Area 
4.3.2  Experimentation 
4.4  Region Molise 
4.4.1  Description of the Area 
4.4.2  Experimentation 
4.5  Region Ioannina, Greece 
4.5.1  Description of the Area 
4.5.2  Experimentation 
4.6  Region Oberhavel, Germany 
4.6.1  Description of the Area 
4.6.2  Experimentation 
4.7  Region South Transdanubian, Hungary 
4.7.1  Description of the Area 
4.7.2  A Strategy to Implement DRT Services in Hungary 
4.8  The potentials of DRT as result of the Experimentation 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
5 DRT Controlling and Cost-Effect Analysis 
5.1 Model Contracts for Subcontractors in DRT Operation — A German 
5.2 Potentials for Cost Efficiency 
6 Transferability 
6.1 Applied Models in the TWIST Project — A DRT Service Model 
6.2 The setting-up of a Theoretical Model 
6.2.1 The identification of the Service Area 
6.2.2 Fare System 
6.2.3 Operational Rules for DRT Services 
6.2.4 Licensing Process and Legal Aspects 
6.2.5 Subcontracting and Liability for Operation 
6.2.6 Business Model 
6.3 Transfer Strategies 
6.3.1 Transferability for the European Community 
6.3.2 The most Important Aspects of Transferability 
6.3.3 The transfer of numbers 
7 Conclusion 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
List of figures 
Figure 1 Relationship of car sharing with other modes of local transport 
Figure 2 Basic conditions three essential components of sustainable transport as 
part of sustainable development 
Figure 3 Flexible Concepts in Public Transport Operation 
Figure 4 Setting up of a DRT process 
Figure 5 Elements and relations of a DRT Business Model 
List of tables 
Table 1 The proposed guidelines of sustainable transport 
Table 2 Classes of vehicles regarding the EU Bus Directive 
Table 3 DRT concepts within the Sampo/Samplus projects 
Table 4 DRT concepts within the ARTS project 
Table 5 DRT concepts within the PNVRegion projects 
Table 6 Benchmarks for Costs in DRT Operation 
Table 7 TWIST DRT Service Model 
Table 8 Validity index for estimating the further use of DRT transportation 
Table 9 Some indicators in the implementing regions 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
1 Introduction 
The rising of mobility claims resulted not just in the increase of private car use 
but also called for solution in the field of public transport. Public transportation 
act upon the needs — e.g. it is frequented in day time — but much higher flexibil-
ity is needed. First experimentations began in the field of Flexible Transport 
System (FTS) — or in other name Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) — in 
1980's. A turning point could be the years of 2000 when informatics and the 
telemetric based control systems came to the front and became widespread in 
transportation as well. 
Demand Responsive Transport services provide transport "on demand" from 
passengers using fleets of vehicles scheduled to pick up and drop off people in 
accordance with their needs. DRT is an intermediate form of transport, some-
where between bus and taxi  (Figure 1) which covers a wide range of transport 
services ranging from less formal community transport through to area-wide 
service networks  (Maggean—Nelson,  2003, 255. p.). 
Figure 1 
Relationship of car sharing with other modes of local transport 


Source:  European Parliament, STOA, Briefing Note No 4/2001. p. 1-8. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
TWIST' (Transport with a Social Target) is a European part-financed project 
by INTERREG III B — CADSES. It oriented towards the promotion of the mo-
bility in underprivileged areas by experimenting a Demand Responsive System. 
Various European Countries (Italy, Germany, Greece, Hungary) participated in 
the project and implemented (excluded Hungary) the pilot system. 
The project of TWIST is inspired by the cohesion policies of the EU which 
aim for territorial integration of countries or regions of countries which are 
structurally less developed. Areas participating show a lack of balance in infra-
structural and transport services in mountain, rural and suburban areas. 
The implementation of a DRT system aimed to reduce the social and eco-
nomic gap between inland and urban areas, and aimed to set up an appropriate 
model to solve the problems in areas with similar background. 
The social characteristics of the territories involved in the TWIST project 
have the main objectives of offering the possibility for greater mobility to the 
weakest part of the population, such as the elderly or disabled people, women, 
children and others who have no own cars. 
2 Legal background 
2.1 The Role of the DRT in the Transport Policy of the EU 
Similarly to other sectoral policies transport policy is designated for imple-
menting the objectives of the European Union defined as follows: 
—Improving Europe's competitiveness against the world's other economic 
centres (North-America, East-Asia); 
—The harmonic and continuous development of the economy within the 
Community adjusting to the environment and without being hindered by 
serious inflation; 
—A high level convergence of economic performances/services, i.e. balanc-
ing between regional and inter-sectoral economic processes; 
—The improvement of living standards and living conditions; 
—Economic and social cohesion; 
—Increasing the solidarity between member states; 
—High employment level and building an extensive social care system. 
Since Maastricht several Green and White Papers have been issued on the 
most important issues and segments of transport policy. Today due to the deep-
ening crisis of global ecology the EU' s policies are attaching a growing impor-
tance to sustainability (both from traffic and environmental aspects) and various 
directives are issued for an environmental friendly transport. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
2.1.1 Sustainability as a Key Issue 
In the past the environmental problems of transport were handled by creating 
community legal rules for a certain issue of partial importance. The accelerating 
decrease of the quality of environment (especially the greenhouse effect) made 
necessary the multidimensional approach of the problem. The demand of a sys-
tem-wide approach to environmental issues and regarding environmental as-
pects as primary aspects was formulated even in the 1990 Dublin Declaration 
before the Rio Conference. The European Community has declared its com-
mitment for environment oriented development even in its 5 th  Environmental 
Action Plan. Article 130 of Maastricht Treaty has obliged the Community with 
enforcing environmental aspects in the elaboration and implementation of the 
Community's sectoral policies. 
The EU considers sustainability as a superior principle to which community 
policy (including environmental and transport policy) should comply with. This 
requirement has been formulated on EU level even in the 1997 Amsterdam 
Treaty. As a consequence of the above-mentioned poor state of environment the 
sustainability of transport became a more and more worrying issue (primarily in 
the most densely populated and most heavily "motorised" areas of West-Europe 
in two aspects: 
—In traffic aspects as more and more (financial environmental technical le-
gal/regulator) conditions are missing for building such a transport infra-
structure which capacities can keep pace with the demands of traffic but 
—In environmental aspects as transport is one of the most heavily pollutant 
sectors it is damaging living (and partly built) environment in such a high 
degree that is threatening their sustainability. 
Maintaining sustainable mobility is definitively a big challenge  (Table 1). 
Despite some scepticism the European Union is firmly devoted to the 
achievement of sustainable transport until the year of 2020. Sustainable 
transport, which is similar to the concept of "sustainable development"  (Figure 
needs some (rather unstable) compromise. 
Various steps should be made for the achievement of sustainability. The 
majority of these actions is directly intervening into the mechanism of transport 
but others indirectly only. 
There are two very different ways of stopping environmental pollution: 
—Actions needing no reduction in mobility; 
—Actions relying on a series of measurements for reducing  mobility. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
2.1.2 Traffic Extremities and their Handling Methods 
According to the 2001 White Paper the transport in the European Union is 
threatened by a "stroke" in urban regions and by "paralysis" in peripheral areas. 
This is not an overstatement as the changing socio-economic structure of set-
tlement networks and the restructuring of the spatial location of population and 
their implications on transport demands and the spatial distribution of traffic 
resulted in unfavourable changes in the past decades. 
A growing rate of population, producer and other activities is located in ur-
ban agglomerations and concentrating in the proximity of interregional connec-
tion routes (high-speed trains, motorways, waterways) and sea ports and air-
ports in favourable locations offering high capacity and quick transportation and 
cargo delivery facilities. 
In these "core areas" and conurban territories traffic will increase to an un-
bearable level with constant traffic jams on main roads, motorways and the 
speed of traffic will slow down enormously. Due to the heavily built in areas the 
building of new roads for increasing the existing capacities will almost be im-
possible and if so their favourable impacts will weakly be felt because of their 
traffic increasing effects. 
Table 1 
The proposed guidelines of sustainable transport 
Anyone should have reasonable access to places, goods 
and services 
Transport should meet the demands of various social 
groups and generations 
Health and security 
Transport systems should be planned and operated making 
no harms for health and personal security 
Education and involvement 
People and communities should completely involved into 
transport related decision processes 
Integrated planning 
Various experts from different areas — environmental 
protection, health, energy management and urban 
planning should be involved into transport planning 
The use of land and resources 
Transport system should efficiently use available land and 
other natural resources while maintaining the diversity of 
the living world and biology 
Environmental integration 
Transport should make no harms for public health, global 
climate and essential ecologic processes 
Economic welfare 
Taxation and economic policy should contribute to the 
realization of fair and clean transport 
Source: OECD Report, 1999. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Figure 2 
Basic conditions three essential components of sustainable transport as part 
of sustainable development 
L E 



cse  k, 
eejs eNi  
e riv too° 

Source:  Erdosi, 2004. 
In "traffic overloaded" agglomeration and conurbation areas transport policy 
is targeted at creating a global perspective of a European level of public spaces 
of sustainable mobility. This task is can be solved upon the principle of 
subsidiarity as the European Union on European level is planning to connect 
states (capital cities and big economic centres) with Trans-European and Pan-
European networks. These networks are based on high-performance transport 
routes collected/batched into corridors on the basis of multimodality emphasiz-
ing on joint services in goods transportation modes by creating economic syner-
gies in delivery services and reducing environmental loads at the same time. 
Railway routes are considered as the main tracks of corridors alternatively sup-
plemented by environment-friendly waterways as well. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
• Tackling local/micro regional transport/traffic problems belongs to the tasks 
of municipalities. The main objective on this level is stopping further traffic 
increases (or at least slowing it to a minimal level) and decreasing traffic vol-
ume to as low level as possible. This can be achieved by technical developments 
(by the extension of network, by influencing traffic by telematic devices and by 
building new parking places etc.). 
By applying partial traffic rationalisation/organisation, restriction measures 
(total prohibition of cart traffic or its limitation to certain periods or hours of the 
Beyond these measures different direct and indirect methods are applied for 
educating people for environment-friendly transport i.e. using cars in absolute 
necessity only and using public transport or cycle or walk instead of a car. 
Recently several attempts have been made to reduce the high pollution of 
transport in urban/agglomeration areas (car, bus) (which can amount up to 70-
80% of total air pollution (after de-industrialization in countries of advanced 
economic development industry fell back to the second or third place in the 
ranking of the main pollutant agents!) such as hiring electric cars, a better utili-
zation of the capacities of personal cars, forming associations of transport, using 
school buses, establishing city mobility centres, introducing ecological aware-
ness programmes and above all introducing demand responsive transport sys-
tems on local level. 
Of them minibus 'jitney service' has been proved the most promising initia-
tion everywhere from Ukraine to the Atlantic area. In this case a small group of 
passengers forms a team for the common use of a minibus for their daily travel 
purposes and share the costs of their trips. 
This form of travel mode is known as car sharing. In some cases this may 
partially be funded by the local community's budget but it is not customary. 
The competitiveness of car sharing which is the most popular in Germany 
(Hamburg, Cottbus, Rostock, Berlin etc.) and Switzerland, several cars are 
shared in this way, could be improved if a special lane were assigned to these 
'tele-cars' and their travel services were rationalized by mobility management 
services. The most serious problems of transport arise in big cities where people 
in move have great difficulties in getting a clear insight into the multiple actors 
and complex system of urban transport offering a large scale and diversity of 
services and the modes of personal transport in different urban quarters and 
streets. The orientation is also difficult under these complex circumstances 
choosing the right time, place and means of transport. At a certain development 
level metropolises can afford to establish a new institution of transport man-
agement. The transport management centre's task is optimizing the supply side 
of transport and traffic flow in a network by the utilization of transport telemat-
ics, information and management systems for a better use of existing capacities. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
This function can be extended by a mobility management system servicing po-
tential passengers. This is definitely a demand oriented service providing de-
tailed and comprehensive (computerised) information for channelling the ma-
jority of mobility requests into public and target group oriented transportation 
The other side of transportation extremities is servicing the transport demand 
of sparsely populated rural areas in an appropriate form. 
Until 1990, the date of the collapse of the socialist system, the problems of 
servicing these areas by means of public transport was raised within the frame-
work of market economy in West-Europe, as the utilisation of the conventional 
means of transport (train, bus, ship and air services) was very low, some per 
cent only, and the big difference between high costs and low revenues resulted 
in heavy losses and the system of public transport in rural areas became eco-
nomically unsustainable. At first these heavy losses were counterbalanced by 
drastically reducing the frequency of services, by simplifying the transport 
modes and by increasing the subsidization of the state. In the sparsely popu-
lated, boreal climate areas of Northern-Europe this problem has been tackled by 
using a mixed transport system (the transportation of school-children to schools 
and seriously ill patients to hospitals is a joint task of the state and local munici-
pality but in general personal transportation services are provided by flexible 
systems. A similar system has been introduced in the internal regions of Spain 
as well. 
2.2 Technical rules — The EU Bus Directive 
At European level, the rules and regulations regarding freedom from barriers are 
concretised in, for example, the EU Bus Directive (Directive 2001/85/EC of the 
European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2001 relating to spe-
cial provisions for vehicles used for the carriage of passengers comprising more 
than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and amending Directives 
70/156/EEC and 97/27/EC). 
"While the principal aim of this Directive is to guarantee the safety of pas-
sengers, it is also necessary to provide technical prescriptions to allow accessi-
bility for persons of reduced mobility to the vehicles covered by the Directive, 
in accordance with the Community transport and social policies. Every effort 
must be made to improve access to these vehicles. To this end, accessibility for 
persons of reduced mobility can be achieved either by technical solutions ap-
plied to the vehicle, as covered by this Directive, or by combining them with 
appropriate local infrastructure to guarantee access for wheelchair users" (rea-
son No. 11, Directive 2001/85/EC). 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
For the technical implementation detailed "Requirements for Technical De-
vices Facilitating Access for People of Reduced Mobility" are included in 
Annex VII. 
One of the purposes of the EU Bus Directive is to improve the accessibility 
to the transport vehicles for all groups of passengers. Article DI of the directive 
asks that access to all buses used in the urban transport should be guaranteed for 
all people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users. The accessibility must 
be ensured for Class I urban buses for more than 22 passengers. For smaller 
urban buses (Class A, 8 to 22 passengers) and regional regular buses (Class II), 
each member state of the European Union can find a different solution to ensure 
the accessibility. If vehicles other than those of Class I are equipped with de-
vices for people with reduced mobility and/or wheelchair users, they shall com-
ply with the relevant requirements of Annex VII of the EU Bus Directive  (Table 

Table 2 
Classes of vehicles regarding the EU Bus Directive 
Class  II 
Class  III 
Class A 
Capaci ty exceeding 22 passengers 
Capacity lower th an 22 passengers 
Vehicles con-
Vehicles con-
Vehicles con-
Vehicles de-
Vehicles not de-
structed with ar-
structed princi-
structed exclu-
signed to carry 
signed to carry 
eas for standing 
pally for the car-
sively for the 
standing passen-
standing passen-
passengers, to 
riage of seated 
carriage of seated  gers; a vehicle 
gers; a vehicle of 
allow frequent 
passengers, and 
of this Class has 
this Class has no 
passenger move-
designed to allow 
seats and shall 
provision for 
the carriage of 
have provision 
standing passen-
standing passen-
for standing pas-
gers in the gang-
Source:  Directive 2001/85/EC of the European Parliament  and of the Council  of 20 November 
2001, Edited by Gipp. 
2.3 Specific national regulations 
Our standpoint is that problems begin with national legislation. As we could 
realise during the implementation usually the possibility and the identification 
of flexible transport did not exist on national level. Fortunately in several 
countries (Germany, Italy) the need and the idea of demand responsive solution 
appeared on regional or local level. But as experience suggests us we have 
problems in eastern part of Europe (e.g. in Hungarian legislation). 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
As you can see below the German legal background in order to the real and 
flexible mobility is much chiselled than the Hungarian one. The convergence is 
justified not just economically between the western and eastern part of Europe 
but legislatively — especially in real mobility — as well. 
2.3.1 German Rules 
With the provision of the German Basic Constitutional Law "No person shall be 
disadvantaged because of disability" (Article 3 (3) GG) the authors of the con-
stitution of the Federal republic of Germany stated clearly that "disadvanta-
geous and exclusionary provisions and discriminatory conditions in the every-
day lives of disabled people are socially unacceptable" (official explanatory). 
The following federal laws are important for complying with the ban on dis-
crimination in Article 3 (3) of the Basic Law: 
—"Code of Social Law — Book IX (SGB IX): Rehabilitation and participa-
tion of disabled people" of 19 June 2001 
—"Act on the Equal Treatment of Disabled People and on the Amendment 
of Other Acts" of 27 April 2002, Article 1 of which constitutes the Equal 
Treatment for the Disabled Act (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz, BGG) 
The Equal Treatment for the Disabled Act (BGG) 
The priority goal of the act is to create a comprehensively interpreted free-
dom from barriers that for disabled people includes the elimination of both spa-
tial barriers and communication barriers. 
"The term barrier-free is used to describe structural and other facilities, 
modes of transport, technical consumer items, data processing systems, acoustic 
and visual sources of information and means of communication, as well as other 
structured areas of life if they can be accessed and used by disabled people in 
the generally normal manner, without particular difficulty and in principle with-
out requiring the assistance of others" (Definition of freedom from barriers in 
the Article 4 BGG). 
The demand to participate equally in all areas of life and to have a self-de-
termined lifestyle is specifically taken into account through the condition "in 
principle accessible and usable without the assistance of others". Freedom from 
barriers is a target for structuring areas of life. The specification is carried out 
through DIN standards, general technical standards and programmes, plans and 
agreements. Providing the most extensive freedom from barriers is set out as an 
objective in the relevant specialist laws. The legal requirement that "publicly 
accessible transport facilities and means of conveyance in public transport must 
be designed barrier-free as provided for the pertinent legislation enhanced by 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
the federal government" (Article 8 paragraph 2 BGG) is important for the public 
The Passenger Transport Act (PBefG) and the public transport plan 
When developing a new public transport plan principals (e.g. the town, 
county or region) have to satisfy the requirements of mobility-restricted passen-
gers. The following provision was inserted into the Passenger Transport Act on 
1 May 2002: "The public transport plan must take account of the interests of 
disabled people and other people with mobility impairments for the purpose of 
achieving the maximum freedom from barriers in using public transport; the 
public transport plan shall contain statements on time requirements and neces-
sary measures. As the plan is being drawn up, any existing representatives of 
the disabled or advisory councils for the disabled of the principal shall be con-
sulted" (Article 8, paragraph 3, clauses 3 and 4 PBefG). 
The operators are obliged to specify the measures that will be used to put 
into practice the statements on freedom from barriers. "In all cases the applica-
tion for approval shall contain [.. 1 a description of the measures for achieving 
maximum barrier-free use of the transport for which the application is submit-
ted, in accordance with the statements set out in the public transport plan [...]" 
(Article 12, paragraph 1, No. 1(c) PBefG). The public transport plan is an un-
dertaking on the part of the principles. 
Ordinance on the Operation of Motor Vehicle Companies in Passenger 
Transport (BOKraft) 
The Ordinance on the Operation of Motor Vehicle Companies in Passenger 
Transport (BOKraft) applies to companies that carry passengers using motor 
vehicles or trolley-buses. The needs of mobility restricted passengers are only 
regarded in Article 34 BOKraft: "The operator shall provide seating for the 
seriously disabled, people with impaired mobility, elderly or frail people, ex-
pectant mothers and passengers with small children [...]". 
The Building Codes of the Federal States 
Also the building codes of the federal states contemplate the requirements of 
barrier-free construction, such as step-free accessibility, door widths, ramps and 
movement areas. Partly they are created by ordinances, initial enactments or 
guidelines. The introduction of special DIN standards (e.g. DIN 18024 Part 1: 
"Barrier-free built environment: Streets, squares, paths, public transport, recrea-
tion areas and playgrounds") applicable to building supervision is important for 
the implementation of the requirements of mobility-restricted people. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
2.3.2  Hungarian Legal Background 
As Hungary concerned National regulation nr. 33/2004. adopted the nr.1191/69 
EU regulation in 2004 in the field of public passenger transportation. Hungarian 
Bus Transport being a regulated (not fully liberalised) market, regulation 
protects companies, already in the markets, from the new entrants. Until 2012 
only 5-35%-of services can be provided by new entrants as subcontractors 
(there are no examples of this due to the unprofitability of public bus transporta-
tion service). 
National regulation nr. 33/2004. defines different fields of passenger trans-
port (rail bus) and differentiates between local and inter-locational transport. 
National regulation regulates the composition of nationwide timetable and 
(price) discount decree. There is a nationwide tariffs union of the 24 bus com-
panies responsible for Inter-locational Bus Transport. Bus companies make 
"public service provision" contract with the Ministry of Economy &Transport 
for inter-locational transport service provision, while companies in larger town 
responsible for local transport make contract with local self-governments 
(municipialities). There is no specified territorial scope of DRT and bus compa-
nies (24 large ones), usually operate on county level. 
Because of the causes mentioned above, big bus transport companies have 
monopoly rights for servicing their area until year 2013. There is an alternative 
plan for the entry of private transport service providers into the market but it is 
not operational. The major problem here is that Hungarian laws have maximised 
the servicing rate of private sector in coach transport services in 35%. This was 
not an attractive perspective for the actors of market as it gives no opportunities 
for gaining profits and according to this concept coach services do rather fall 
under the 'category' of regulated market than free market. On the other hand, 
today in Hungary the number of coach services is decreasing. 
A plan has already been made for the 'privatisation' of coach services which 
tried to reform the present anomalies of coach transport. According to this con-
cept the operation (and ownership) of Baranya County Coach Company should 
have been transferred to the county seat's (Pecs) local government free of 
charge but this experiment has failed. The monopoly of Volan Coach Transport 
Company in county coach services prevents the extension of the bus services of 
the public transport company of Pecs into the agglomeration zone. 
Another important difficulty appeared during the research. Nowadays in 
Hungary municipalities or micro regions have microbuses using them for school 
bus or other social purposes. These buses are not in use all day therefore it can 
be a solution to use them — operating by local self-governments and cooperating 
with public transport provider — as a flexible solution answering the demands in 
off-peak time. But Hungarian legislation does not allowe micro regions or 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
municipalities to use these buses for satisfying other claims. In this case 
municipalities have to buy or lend new buses to response these demands. As it 
can be seen this part of legislation needs renewing. 
3 DRT Services in Europe 
Various rural areas all over Europe can be characterized by a lack of public 
mobility services. Declining population number, structural changes and the 
increasing use of private cars cause serious problems to guarantee mobility ac-
cess for the population. 
Several groups can be identified which do not have a private car access: eld-
erly people, mothers with small children and young people under the age of 18 
without a driving licence. Public transport services are a basic requirement to 
ensure a minimum of mobility to these population groups. To ensure the acces-
sibility of rural areas authorities and operators have to find a way to provide a 
good quality public transport which is affordable and accessible also in areas 
and times of low demand. 
The several European countries can be characterized by different market 
structures in public transportation, different legal frameworks (e.g. for licensing 
and bidding processes) and different levels of co-ordination between the au-
thorities, operators and customers. Therefore innovation processes in rural pub-
lic transport also require different mobility solutions. The integration of school 
transportation into the public transport network is for example an innovation in 
Spanish rural areas whereas it is a common practice in Germany. 
The key word for mobility solutions in rural areas of low demand is Demand 
Responsive Transport (DRT). 
3.1 Evolution of DRT Services 
The first efforts to DRT were made in the 1980s (e.g. in Germany and UK) with 
dial-a-bus services. In most cases these projects were not successful and the 
services terminated after a few years. Reasons for the failures are different: lack 
of flexibility, economic fears of the operators, difficulties caused by insufficient 
legal basis, incalculable costs, lack of engagement of local actors, competition 
with taxi business, complicated access via telephone etc. 
Many DRT dial-a-bus services were supposed to be a taxi service for the old 
and the poor which resulted in a low consumer acceptance. Nevertheless, there 
could be gained much experience. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Over the last decade DRT and dial-a-bus services have grown in popularity. 
Technological innovation enabled the implementation of new telematics-based 
systems. This improvement offered, amongst others, new possibilities regarding 
fleet dispatching. To strive for an increased collaboration between the transpor-
tation companies and the taxi business should be the aim of all new projects in 
the DRT sector. The management of dial-a-ride services should be located at 
transportation companies; the operation should be integrated in taxi business or 
as well in public transport companies. Currently it is possible for taxi or rental 
car companies to execute operation as a subcontractor. 
Furthermore it is important to communicate towards the residents of an area 
served by a DRT service that dial-a-bus services can be used by everyone. 
3.2 Options for DRT Organisation and Operation 
Demand responsive transport services can be arranged in various operating 
—Flexibility in time implies a service operation only after a pre-trip reserva-
tion which normally has to be accomplished 30 to 90 minutes in advance. 
Although there may exist a defined timetable, the vehicles operate only on 
request to avoid deadhead trips. Several DRT services operate without any 
predefined timetable. 
—Modal flexibility can be defined by the possibility to use different vehicle 
sizes (standard buses, mini-buses, vans, taxi). 
—The route and the stops on a DRT service can be fixed, so that they could 
be served in any case. Spatial flexibility means the substitution of prede-
fined routes in favour of a corridor or an area around the basic route. Both 
bus stops and points anywhere in the region indicated by an address can 
be beginning and end of a trip. 
Temporal, modal and areal flexibility can be combined with each other. 
Within public transport network, DRT services can have different tasks. 
Autonomous DRT services are operated without any relation to other public 
transport services. The local spatiotemporal requirements, like opening hours or 
the location of the community or the health services, determine the service. 
Unlike the stand-alone DRT service, almost all of the costumers of DRT 
feeder service use it as a feeder service to a fix scheduled services. It is the con-
necting stop that mostly determines the operation of the feeder service as it has 
a predefined passing time and is always served. This kind of service is often 
installed for saving travelling time on fix scheduled service by avoiding devia-

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Both models above show extreme situations. In most cases DRT services 
will offer the possibility to reach the local centre, with its local facilities and the 
connection point to other public transport services. 
The service concepts can mainly be differentiated by their spatiotemporal 
flexibility. With regard to the spatial flexibility  (Heinze,  1982) describes differ-
ent levels of flexibility of the so called "Paratransit" which includes also our 
common DRT systems: 
—Door-to-door: The area coverage is only restricted by the existing road 
network. Examples are taxi or accordant forms of demand responsive bus 
—Many-to-many: No door-to-door relations are offered, but there are a lot 
of possible stops. Especially realised in demand responsive bus systems; 
—Many-to-few: Connection of a centre or connection point with an area; 
—Route-deviation-systems: There are fixed routes, but without fixed stops. 
If necessary it could be deviate to a certain extent; 
—Point-deviation-systems: Demand responsible operation of fixed stops by 
flexible route choice; 
—Fixed route with stop on demand: Conventional scheduled service with in-
clusion of spatially fixed stops on demand; 
—Fixed routes with fixed stops: Conventional scheduled services with no 
spatial flexibility. 
The temporal flexibility is also categorised in different levels: 
—Immediate-request: Dynamic scheduling allows a fixed service according 
to the wishes of the demanding users; 
—Advanced-request: In this form a booking with fixed time limit is neces-
—Advanced-standing-request: A returning trip has to be booked once; 
—Temporal discrete service at fixed times: Service according to a conven-
tional schedule. 
Kirchhoff  1987 and 2004 describes three operation concepts, which differ-
entiate in their spatiotemporal structure  (Figure 3): 
—Conventional service on fixed lines "one to one"; 
—Flexible service within a corridor including route deviations and route ex-
pansions "few to  one"; 
—Sector operation "many to one". 
—Area-wide service "many to many". 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Figure 3 
Flexible Concepts in Public Transport Operation 
none to one 
„few to one 
to one" 
Source:  Kirchhoff, 2004. 
For further descriptions of DRT operation concepts see  Engels and Am-
brosino  (2004),  Mehlert  (2001) and  Wilhelm  (2002). The conventional sched-
uled service means an inflexible service topology with a fixed timetable on 
fixed routes. This leads to a high temporal and spatial aggregation of the de-
mand and the single trip is made irrespective of the actual demand. Single lines 
are often linked to synchronised timetables. The advantages of this system 
could be seen in the high transport performance per vehicle and driver, low 
operational requirements and the good accessibility and for the passenger (see 
Wilhelm,  2002). 
In contrast to fixed services, DRT services like route deviations, sector op-
eration and area-wide operation will only serve all or a part of the stops, if pas-
sengers want to enter or exit the vehicle. This requires the announcement of the 
planned trip by the passenger and thereon the disposition of the route. Wilhelm 
stresses the importance of a relatively limited demand and accordingly a limited 
number of stops, which have to be served. If the number of stops becomes too 
big, the attractiveness for the passenger will reduce, due to long travel times. 
In the flexible service in a corridor there are fixed, highly frequented stops at 
central places and demand responsive served stops in smaller villages. Trips 
follow a temporal in the direction fixed schedule. But the exact route will be 
determined by the passengers' trip announcements which can cause deviations 
of the journey times. The minimal route between the fixed stops will always be 
The line expansion includes a conventional scheduled line, which is supple-
mented by demand responsive served stops. The DRT-section of the line could 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
have the form of a demand responsive scheduled service or an area-wide ser-
The route deviation is characterised by a regular scheduled service on a fixed 
line which is supplemented by demand responsive served stops along the main 
For flexible service in a corridor there are one or more fixed stops with fixed 
passing times. Demand responsive served stops are installed in the corridor 
between them. The route between fixed stops is determined flexible by the pas-
sengers' trip plans. For further structuring defining passing times for single 
DRT-stops could be useful. 
The sector operation neither has fixed routes. Mostly there is one fixed stop 
with a fixed servicing time. The remaining stops are demand responsivelys 
served. The routes are defined by the passengers' trip plans. This could lead to 
highly varying servicing times. Like by all other forms of the flexible service in 
a corridor the trips are orientated to fixed time frames and follow fixed point. 
In respect to the levels of flexibility, the area-wide service has to be seen in 
the fields door-to-door and many-to-many. The routes and times of service are 
only determined by the passengers' trip plans. 
Demand responsive fix scheduled service means a service on fixed routes to 
fixed times which will only be operated if an announcement is made. Departure 
and arrival stop have to be known, which allows a partially operation of the line. 
However, there are a lot of hybrids among these four DRT models; e. g. also 
in the flexible service in a corridor a stop-to-door service is possible. 
European DRT in Scientific Research and in Practical Operation 
Beside the objective to gather the social impact of DRT services and flexible 
mobility solutions for the population in mountainous and rural areas the TWIST 
project is a key project which profits from a number of further research activi-
ties and existing DRT experiences. The following examples give an overview 
on European and national research projects and DRT services in operation. 
3.3.1 Sampo/Samplus 
The aim of the EU project Sampo (1996-97) and its continuation Samplus 
(1998-2000) was the development and testing of systems for the DRT man-
agement. It was settled in the more general Telematics Applications Program 
(TAP) of the EU. Different rural and urban regions in Belgium, Finland, Swe-
den, Ireland, Italy and Great Britain were involved. Also different service to- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
pologies and offers, e.g. special offers for disabled and elder people, were tested 
(Table 3). For a detailed description of the project see  (Ambrosino et  al, 2004). 
Table 3 
DRT concepts within the Sampo/Samplus projects 
DRT/urban Special user/ Special user/ 


Seina joki 

Tuusula/JarvenpaA/Kerava FI 

Kilkenny (FS) 

Cavan-Leitrin (FS) 

Florence/Campi Bisenzio 

Hagsbo (Gothenburg) 

Ma rsta (Stockholm) 

W-Sussex/Surrey (FS) 

Key:  BE — Belgium; FI — Finland; IRL — Ireland; IT — Italy; SE — Sweden, UK — United  Kingdom. 
Source: Edited by Gipp. 
3.3.2  ARTS 
Within the ARTS (Actions on the Integration of Rural Transport Services) pro-
ject financed by the EU different public transport applications were tested in 
eight rural regions of the EU. The involved implementation areas in Austria, 
Ireland, Finland and Sweden introduced different DRT concepts whereas the 
implementation in Hungary, Greece and Spain focused on school transportation 
or fixed line services with innovative elements regarding the national legal 
frameworks. The remaining project in Wales implemented a passenger infor-
mation system (Table 4). 
3.3.3  Public Transport in Rural Areas (PNV
Within the research programme „Public Transport in Rural Areas (PNV-Re-
gion)" of the German Ministry of Education and Research (approx. 2000-2006) 
different projects prove the chances for flexible mobility services and technical 
concepts for its impacts to the German public transport market. DRT modes are 
a main aspect of the developed solutions especially in the following projects: 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Amabile focuses on the legal aspects of DRT systems within Germany and 
develops specific requirements and procedures for placement and bidding proc-
esses. Another key issue of this project was the development of IT-based plan-
ning tools for DRT services. "aufdemland.mobil" introduced taxi bus systems 
as a form of DRT in the counties of Herford and Minden-Lubbecke with a line-
orientation but service on demand. 
Table 4 
DRT concepts within the ARTS project 
DRT/ rural 
DRT/ urban  Special user/ 
Special user/ 




Key:  AUS — Austria; FI — Finland; IRL — Ireland; SE — Sweden. 
Source: Edited by Gipp. 
The main objective of the research project IMPULS 2005 (Integrated Mo-
bility Planning, Realisation, Management and Services for Regions 2005) was 
the development of concepts for a new „intra-community transport" for the 
German federal state of Brandenburg and their implementation in the rural dis-
tricts of Barnim, Oberhavel and Uckermark as well as research on legal im-
pediments for the realisation of the developed transport models. The project 
IMPULS2005 developed basic modules for the flexible forms of pubic trans-
port, e.g. for operational conditions, routing and the avoidance of intersections 
with scheduled services. 
Within the project "mob 2" the whole public transport network of the county 
of Grafschaft Bentheim was optimised by the introduction DRT services as an 
efficient and cost saving part of the integrated public transport network includ-
ing school transportation. MultiBus as another important project within the 
PNVRegion programme was oriented towards practical implementation. The 
aim was to transport mail and goods with public passenger transport (DRT). 
The following table gives an overview on the implemented DRT systems 
within PNVRegion. Some of them were very successful whereas other exam-
ples had to be modified to reach user acceptance and economic efficiency  (Ta-
ble 5). 


Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Table 5 
DRT concepts within the PNVRegion projects 
DRT / 
Special user/S pecial user/ 
DRT Gransee (IMPULS 2005) 

DRT Eberswalde (IMPULS 2005) 

DRT Gerswalde (IMPULS 2005) 

DRT Gartz/Oder (IMPULS 2005) 

DRT Angermtinde (IMPULS 2005) 

Taxibusses Herford/ Minden- 

Lubbecke (aufdemland.mobil) 
DRT Grafschaft Bentheim (mob 2) 

DRT Selfkant, Waldfeucht, Gangelt 

Key:  GER — Germany. 
Source: Edited by Gipp. 
3.3.4 The UK Case 
Since public transport deregulation in the UK the provision of solutions to 
transport demand in areas of dispersed demand has been met by local authori-
ties' attempts to "fill the gaps" in the commercial public transport network, 
whilst the voluntary sector has addressed the needs of more specialised travel. 
Over the last five years more innovative solutions have been enabled by the 
development of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), which allow more flexible 
transport services in terms of time and space  (Brake—Nelson,  2007, 262 p.). 
The areas of Great Britain are densely populated with favourable terrain (a 
mixture of plains, hills and low mountains) and with dense and well built road 
system. The rate of personal cars is high. However, since the privatization of 
inter-settlement/rural bus services private bus companies have terminated sev-
eral bus services in rural small villages as the maintenance of heavily segmented 
outlying village lines with low number of passengers was an extremely loss-
making business for bus operators. For this reason since the 1990s in several 
counties experiments have been made with more or less success for the intro-
duction of demand responsive transport (DRT) systems. DRT in Britain has not 
been introduced in a homogenous system but varies according to the different 
variations in technical solutions and traffic organisation. 
British planners state that against those who consider fixed route public 
transport services as a kind of demand responsive (supposing that the operator's 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
historical knowledge of customer demands influences the route taken and the 
type of vehicle used) they interpret the term of demand responsive transport 
services as real "flexible route" services adjusted to concrete passenger de-
mands. In this case the concrete travel demand can change the fixed route in 
time and space during each travel.  (Brake—Nelson—Wright,  2004). 
3.3.5 Further DRT Experience 
The "Taxitub" system of Saint-Brieuc (France) is a kind of DRT service but 
possesses all the characteristics of regular line services (fixed routes and stops; 
timetable). The lines are only activated by user's request. Requests can be made 
at least 45 minutes before and a maximum of 10 days before departure. The 
request of a Taxitub ride can be made via telephone push buttons (departure 
time, number of passengers, departure stop, arrival stop, etc.). Between 1992 
and 2001 the number of routes increased from 23 to 45 virtual lines. Together 
with that the number of passengers raised from 8.400 to about 11.000 passen-
gers per year (see Epe, 2006). 
Other experiences could show the successful implementation of DRT like 
Treintaxi (The Netherlands), PubliCar (Switzerland) or Anrufbus Leer (DRT 
System Leer/Germany). Beside that many systems failed in order to various 
above mentioned structural problems (see chapter Evolution of DRT systems). 
The MASCARA project aims to become a vehicle for the promotion and 
widespread implementation of site-specific Collective Demand Responsive 
Transport Services (DRTS) as a key component of social cohesion, sustainable 
and competitive development in European Regions. The MASCARA partner-
ship includes 7 Transport Operators / Authorities / Universities from 7 Euro-
pean Regions representing different transport /mobility environments, ranging 
from large metropolitan areas to small towns in more rural areas. This provides 
an ideal context for investigating DRT mobility solutions and achieving useful 
tangible, results regarding mobility service accessibility. The Evaluation Plan 
received inputs from all sites describing the local area, local user groups, popu-
lation densities, demographics, commercial/educational activities and transpor-
tation routes for existing and proposed modes. This will ensure that the evalua-
tion yields "an action plan to conduct sustainability analysis of potential DRT 
services" and leads to "guidelines to enable local authorities and PT operators to 
set their DRT services and links with companies providing the market with 
technologies, organisational and support services". A number of different drafts 
of the Evaluation Methodology were produced by Porto and refined by all part-
ners. All partners actively participated and exchanged information on training 
courses and project meetings (see  Cork City Council). 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
In nine municipalities of the Mountain Community of Montefeltro, this De-
- mand Responsive Transport service satisfies the need for mobility in territories 
characterised by weak demand, making regularly scheduled line service eco-
nomically inefficient. At each stop covered by the service, a map of all the other 
stops in the municipality serviced on a demand responsive basis can be viewed. 
Reservations are made by telephone for daily, weekly or monthly rides, as long 
as they are received at least one day prior to the date on which the service is 
requested (see  Comune di Tavoleto). 
A Demand Responsive Transport service established under the project enti-
tled AGATA (Agence de multiservices basee sur des Telecentres pour la ges-
tion integree de la mobility et de l'accessibilite aux services de transport), part 
of the European Regional Cooperation Program INTERREG III B — MEDOCC. 
To benefit from the PRONTOBUS service, users must be registered. Once the 
service has been activated, users will be able to make reservations by means of 
a toll-free number or the on-line reservation section of the service's portal, 
specifying: the zone in which the service is requested, the stops for pick-up and 
drop-off, the requested times of pick-up and drop-off and the number of seats 
onboard the bus. Registered users may reserve one or more rides a day, round-
trip if necessary. If the ride is required habitually, they can reserve the service 
for a given period of time, even reserving rides scheduled for different times 
and destinations on different days (see A  GATA). 
3.4 Summary of the Earlier DRT Systems 
The description of various European experiences with DRT and flexible public 
transport services shows that many different areas try to solve transport prob-
lems and to cover low demands. In the context TWIST enables us to learn from 
all of this case studies and practical examples. It is a crucial advantage for 
TWIST that we are able to gather specific solutions for the different implemen-
tation areas together with the chance to avoid serious failure reasons. TWIST 
will cover some additional benefits for rural transport operation and cost effi-
ciency of services because many problems remained unsolved in the past pro-
Experience from across Europe suggests that for financial and scheduling 
reasons, DRT services do not aim to be the dominant public transport supplier 
in a market, but are regarded as a vital supplier of services where conventional 
solutions are untenable, for example low demand areas, special transport ser-
vices and where social exclusion is evident with low number of potential pa-
tronage (where the conventional means of public transport are insufficient). 
Elderly people, young passengers, disabled social groups and individuals with- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
out cars may have extreme significance in servicing transport demands within 
the framework of DRT systems. 
Past DRT experience have shown that the more regulated the economic/legal 
environment, the less conflict there is between DRT and other public transport 
It seems in terms of technologies for DRT services, the level of telematics 
support available at the local level is critical. In any situation, major investment 
into TDCs and telematic networks can only normally be justified if high patron-
age can be confidently predicted. Fortunately, regarding mobile phone and other 
ICT technologies, the telematics solutions for DRT are highly transferable to 
rural and urban areas making the access to telecommunication services easier 
and cheaper. 
Intermodality needs an adequate environment. Some fixed stops are needed 
by all means for interconnections. Services need a fixed starting time and a 
definite starting point for departure. Completely circular schemed flexible 
routes very rarely prove to be viable in the long run. 
4 The Experimentation Areas 
4.1 Region Abruzzo2  
4.1.1 Description of the Area 
The Mountain Community Medio Sangro Zone  "R"  in the Province of Chieti, 
with offices at the Municipality of Quadri, has been identified as the area for 
implementation in the Abruzzo Region. The total area of the Mountain Com-
munity amounts to 157.73 square kilometres, the equivalent of 6.10% of the 
territory of the Province of Chieti, with a density of 36.38 inhabitants per square 
kilometre, a value decidedly inferior to the provincial average of 148 inhabitants 
per square kilometre. The majority of the population, amounting to 5,783 in-
habitants, equivalent to 70.08%, reside in a zone at an altitude of between 500 
and 1,000 m above sea level. The remaining 29.92% residing at between 1000 
and 1500 m above sea level are distributed not only in urban centres, but also in 
residential settlements and houses dispersed across the communal territory. The 
orography of the Mountain Community territory is uneven with aspects con-
nected to the presence of waterways and a section with a higher drop down to 
the Sangro River, which characterises the territory. 
 D'Orazio,  2006 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Regarding the economic aspects of the community, the activities of service-
producing sectors relative to commerce, receptivity and catering have registered 
the highest number of personnel. Tourism is one of the opportunities for local 
economic development together with promotion of the natural and historical 
elements of this part of the Medio Sangro, which has already stimulated the 
preliminary development of tourist-receptive activities. The industrial index is 
very low (from 1970 to 1996, on average of only 3% of the resident population 
in the nine municipal areas was employed in industry) confirming dependence 
on industrialisation in the lower valleys of the Sangro. The construction sector 
however historically results in the highest number of local units and employees. 
Since the fifties the primary activities of agriculture and zoo technology have 
lost importance in the economy of the Communities of the Medio Sangro, with 
a profound transformation coinciding with the phenomenon of immigration. 
Apart from the company providing regional railway transport, local public 
transport is guaranteed by another three local public road transport companies, 
which ensure local and interregional transport to Molise. The single municipali-
ties and the Mountain Community are provided with their own means to inte-
grate said service with that of scholastic transport. The Mountain Community 
has features similar to those of all the mountain zones in the internal regions: 
scarcely populated, insufficient infrastructure and a scarce propensity for indus-
trial development. 
4.1.2 Experimentation 
The Medio Sangro Mountain Community resents the features typical of an area 
with a weak demand for public transportation. The demographic dimensions of 
the area, which holds fewer than 6,000 inhabitants, the extremely limited popu-
lation density (36.38 residents per km2) and the high ageing index (equal to 
282%) mean that Demand Responsive Transport service can be effectively car-
ried out by only four vehicles, one of which serves as spare, each seating sixteen 
passengers (or twelve, in the case of vehicles outfitted for disabled transport). 
The four vehicles, equipped with interactive onboard terminals, are managed 
by means of a continuous connection with the operations control centre, located 
at the headquarters of the Mountain Community. The centre receives requests 
for the service from the users and confirms that the requests are compatible with 
the scheduled service plan by means of dedicated software (Telebus). Informa-
tion is exchanged using GSM or GPRS (General Racket Radio Service) signals, 
while the location of the vehicle is tracked with GPS. The service is provided on 
both sides of the Sangro Valley, the area holding the destinations of interest to 
the residents of the Mountain Community. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
The drawing of the graphic illustration for the TWIST transport network 
guarantees connections, both modal and inter-modal, between the municipalities 
inside the Mountain Community, as well as between the later and the major 
destinations that attract flows of transport. The graphic illustration was drawn 
up on the basis of the geographic characteristics of the area of implementation, 
facilitating the placement of preset stops (pick-up points). The residential pat-
terns of the local population, which tends to cluster (at a rate of nearly 90%) 
around urban centres and inhabited areas, rather than living in homes spread 
throughout the territory, makes the placement of the pick-up points almost 
obligatory. Within the group of pick-up points, a distinction can be made be-
tween those with set pick-up times and those where pick-ups are made at the 
request of the users (variable scheduling). 
The project is being enacted under a partnership between the Mountain 
Community and the manager of the Local Public Transportation Service: while 
the proper operation of the Call Center is overseen by the Mountain Commu-
nity, which has hired specially trained personnel for the task, the transportation 
of the users is the responsibility of the local manager of the TPL "Autolinee 
Casciato S.r.l.". The drivers of the vehicles, hired for the experimentation peri-
ods, have been trained in the use of the onboard terminals, in order to guarantee 
continuous and effective connection with the operations control centre. 
As a preliminary approach, the service follows a pre-set route along which 
"latent stops" are made exclusively at the request of users. This means that cer-
tain lines consisting only of stops made upon request are operated only when 
there are requests for the service. Permanent service is provided on certain days 
of the week along set lines that present a constant level of demand. The service 
operates from 6:36 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays, and from 6:36 Am to 9:05 pm 
on Saturdays and days preceding holidays. Extensive publicity has been given 
to the program in schools and public offices (posters and pocket-size schedules), 
while the reservation services in operation include the toll-free number 800-
138-078, which is answered by an operator at the Call Center of the Mountain 
4.2 Region Apulia3  
4.2.1 Description of the Area 
The area bordering Molise and Campania is delimited to the Northwest by the 
Fortore River, to the South by the Salsola Torrent and to the East by the 
Tavoliere Plain. The Mountain Communities of the Northern Apennine Dauno 
 D'Argento,  2006. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
include thirteen municipalities (Alberone, Biccari, Carlantino; Casalnuovo, 
Monterotaro, Castelnuovo della Daunia, Casalvecchio di Puglia, Celenza Val-
sortore, Motte Montecorvino, Pietra Montecorvino, Roseto Valfortore, San 
Marco la Catola, Valfortore Appula and Volturino) comprising a total popula-
tion of 22,713 inhabitants. The surface area amounts to 675.95 km 2, of which 
537.78 km2  are classified as mountainous territory, explaining the data relative 
to the population density, which is the lowest in the region (equivalent to 
33.60%). With reference to the demographic situation, the present situation of 
depopulation is aggravated by an increase in the index of the old-aged popula-
tion (205.4% is the average data of the Sub-Apennine), which directly reflects 
on the occupational situation as well as the educational level of the population. 
Continuous depopulation creates serious problems for attracting capital and 
motivating investment and thus scarce entrepreneurial initiative caused by the 
low relational density and reduced demand together with a minimal degree of 
management and financing for the structures is offered. Data relative to the 
average level of education of the population highlights a low index of high 
school education and still a large degree of illiteracy, nurturing an evident di-
vergence between employment expectations and the opportunities offered by 
the system (the unemployment rate in 2001 was 18.1% with peaks of 29 and 
27% in some municipal areas). 
The road infrastructure is decidedly inadequate with a lack of both medium 
and high-speed roads and those present are all two-lane roads with single lanes 
in each direction. Furthermore due to the morphological configuration of the 
territory these roads are curved rendering it impossible to exceed an average 
speed of 45km/h. Mobility is almost exclusively through private vehicles di-
rected toward external centres characterised by greater development. Local 
public transport seems incapable of satisfying the requirements of the residents 
and the tourist demand. The zone is currently served by a bus connecting a few 
municipalities with each other and the nearest urban centres, these journeys are 
concentrated in particular during the hours of commuter transport. In this con-
text the socio-economic and road situation is destined to be further aggravated 
by the absence of any integrated social capital support for the productive re-
sources and territorial infrastructure. It seems necessary therefore to improve 
the infrastructure with a transport service capable of linking the entire territory. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
4.2.2 Experimentation 
The experimentation of the TWIST project in the Apulia Region began in the 
Northern Daunia zone of the Apennines, one of the region's most disadvantaged 
areas in socioeconomic terms. Characterised by the presence of primarily 
mountainous zones within a total surface area of approximately 676 km 2, the 
area holds nothing but small-scale towns (from 1,000 to 3,000 inhabitants per 
municipality), in addition to which the ageing index is high, as the bulk of the 
population is over 65 years old. 
The roadway infrastructures are extremely scarce, all consisting of a single 
roadbed, with one lane of travel in each direction. The highly TWISTing paths 
taken by the roads, as well as the sharp changes in altitude, keep the average 
travelling speed below 45 km/h. What is more, the area is currently serviced 
exclusively by buses providing connections between only some of the towns 
and the larger nearby urban centres, with the bulk of the runs occurring during 
the day-parts in which commuters travel to school or work. 
The area originally selected for implementation of the project held all thir-
teen of the towns that make up the Northern Daunia Mountain Community, 
whose demand for internal transportation is low, on account of the absence of 
sites of attraction, apart from an advanced spa centre found in the town of Cas-
telnuovo della Daunia. It was thus decided to reduce the number of towns ser-
viced by TWIST to ten, though these municipalities were provided with a con-
nection to the town of Lucera, which turns out to be the urban centre of greatest 
interest, as well as the one nearest the area of experimentation. In addition, it 
holds Local Healthcare Board FG/3 (covering all the towns in the experimental 
area), plus a hospital and the INPS pension institute office for the zone. 
At present, therefore, the experimentation is being carried out in the towns 
of: Carlantino, Celenza Valfortore, San Marco la Catola, Volturara Appula, 
Volturino, Motta Montecorvino, Pietramontecorvino, Castelnuovo della Daunia, 
Casalvecchio di Puglia and Casalnuovo Monterotaro. The transportation service 
runs on a "call-in" basis, with flexible routes and schedules tailored to meet the 
needs of the users. A short model bus has been selected for the service, with a 
seating room for nine and the features necessary for disabled passengers. The 
service is in operation from Monday to Friday, during the hours of 9:09 am to 
3:40 pm. Reservations can be made by calling the toll-free number 800-904770, 
which is answered by an operator who collects the requests, organises the route 
and communicates confirmation of the service to the users who have made res-
The Call Centre is in operation from 1:30 pm to 6:00 pm daily, with the ex-
ception of Saturdays and Sundays. The distances between the different towns, 
together with the low average travelling speed, made it impossible to implement 
a service that meets the requests received in real time. Instead, an off-line sys- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
tern was adopted, meaning one under which reservations must be made no less 
than 12 hours in advance of the actual performance of the service. The reserva-
tions received are processed by Pluservice' s "Telebus" software, a program 
capable of determining the optimal route on the basis of input supplied by users 
and supplemented by subsequent input. All the calls received and the routes 
drawn up on a daily basis are registered and catalogued, with the result that they 

shall serve as a key source for analysing the service at the end of the experi-
mentation. On the other hand, the vehicles were not outfitted with onboard de-
vices for communication with the Operations Centre, a feature held to be point-
less, given that it is not possible to vary the route during the run. Promoted 

through the distribution of leaflets and the display of posters in the towns in-
volved, as well as television commercials broadcast by the local station 
"Telenorba", the service began operation on 11 September 2006. 

4.3 Region Marche°  
4.3.1 Description of the Area 
Alto Maceratese is characterised by the presence of several hamlets and tiny 
housing clusters, the majority being of a rural nature, disseminated across a 

scarcely inhabited territory. The area is represented by the Mountain Communi-
ties of Camerino, San Severino Marche (Alte Valli del Potenza and dell'Esino) 
and San Ginesio (Monti Azzuri). The Mountain Community of Camerino 
(749.13 km2) is a zone with a demographic decline caused by continuous de-
population from the area towards the urban centres and a progressive aging of 
the resident population. This area, although on the outskirts of the centre of 
provincial development, houses a first class cultural centre — the University of 
Camerino. The naturalistic, environmental and cultural patrimony of the terri-
tory is represented by the National Park of the Sibylline Mountains and the 
Natural Reserve of Abaddia di Fiastra. The Mountain Community of San 
Severino Marche, or "Alte Valli del Potenza and Esino" (623.14 km2), has en-
tered a phase of demographic growth thanks to immigration resulting in a slow 
but progressive peopling of the principal urban centres. 

The area, a barycentre in respect to the bordering centres of industrial devel-
opment, is characterised by the presence of small and medium sized industry.  In 
the Mountain Community of San Ginesio, or "Monti Azzurri" (504.83 km 2) the 
resident population results as substantially unvaried over the years, but showing 
significant movement toward the industrial centres of Tolentino and the ad-

joining Belforte del Chienti. The economy of the area is characterised by the 
 Pongetti,  2006 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
presence of several agricultural firms and animal breeding farms, as well as 
receptive tourist structures, favoured by a rich naturalistic and environmental 
The road system and mobility in Alto Macerate is conditioned by a range of 
hills and mountains and a branched road network with long winding stretches 
and steep inclines even on provincial and state roads. Similarly the railway sys-
tem lacks fast transversal connections with the Tyrrhenian side, heavily limiting 
access to the territory. Currently local public road transport is the principal 
source guaranteeing a service of mobility. In a situation of progressive aban-
donment of the rural zones, the resources destined to local public transport are 
often reduced to the supply of minimal services. In this context demand respon-
sive transport represents a modification (and integration) of the present transport 
system, capable of offering better capillarity and usability of the public service. 
4.3.2 Experimentation 
Given the layout and the specific morphology of the Macerata hinterland, an 
area that includes the three Mountain Communities of Camerino, San Severino 
and San Ginesio, it is not always possible to provide TPL services that fully 
satisfy the needs of local residents. With its scattered habitation patterns and 
high rate of ageing, the territory presents the features of an area with a weak 
demand for public transport, explaining why it was selected for the TWIST pilot 
The experimental TWIST Demand Responsive Transport service was started 
up by the Marches Region on 1 August 2006. The experimentation is being 
carried out with 4 vehicles that hold 19 passengers each, one of them outfitted 
for the transport of disabled people. The vehicles are equipped with interactive 
onboard terminals operated by software installed at the Operations Centre in 
Castelraimondo, plus devices onboard the buses, designed to dialogue with the 
Operations Centre through the "Telebus" system and its GPRS/UMTS technol-
These instruments track the bus using satellite technology, transmitting the 
information directly to the Operations Centre: 
—The Operations Centre immediately transfers the requests to the software. 
—The software processes all the requests received, setting the route to be 
—The user is informed of the trip specifications. 
—The software sends the data to the interface installed on the buses used for 
the service; the interface registers the data. 
—The driver, based on the information received, carries out the service. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
The TWIST service is offered from Monday to Saturday between 7:30 am 
and 12:30 pm, with 1 bus earmarked for the purpose, while, during the rest of 
the schedule, the 4 other fixed-route vehicles service branches of the fixed lines 
when necessary. Users wishing to call in a reservation for a ride can do so up to 
20 minutes before departure (in this last case, the user's request is satisfied if 
the scheduled service plan makes it possible), procuring a ticket for a simple 
ride, based on the regional fee for kilometres travelled, by simply calling the 
toll-free number 800-037737. What is more, during other parts of the day, cer-
tain stops-upon request can be reserved, assuming operations on the fixed-
service lines permit it. 
The area selected for the experimentation includes a number of towns in the 
three mountain communities of the upper Macerata zone, with the primary ob-
jective being to provide connections between these zones and the towns which, 
because they offer various types of structures (hospitals, sports facilities etc.) 
are destinations frequently requested by users. 
The service is carried out by Contram SpA, a local public transportation op-
erator in the Upper Macerata zone, employing human resources that work inside 
the company, managing calls and software plus resources that work outside, 
such as the drivers. Contram has installed the Operations Centre in a branch 
office in Castelraimondo, where the operators, during set hours, answer calls 
and handle requests, reporting to the Transport Movement Office at the central 
headquarters in Camerino at the end of the day. 
The TWIST initiative has been publicised among families in the towns cov-
ered through the sending of envelopes containing a letter from the Head of the 
Regional Transportation Bureau, a map of the service and a brochure on the 
operating procedures. The experimentation has been further highlighted with 
posters, the distribution of fliers and other information materials on the vehicles 
and in the towns involved, plus the publication of press releases in local media. 
4.4 Region Molise 5  
4.4.1 Description of the Area 
Molise is a predominantly mountainous region extending across 4,438 km 2, 
with a population of 320,601 inhabitants. The area identified for implementa-
tion consists of the municipal territories of Bonefro, Casacalenda, Castellino del 
Biferno, Colletorto, Larino, Montelongo, Monotorio nei Frentani, Morrone del 
 Storto,  2006 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Sannio, Provvidenti, Ripabottoni, Rotello, San Giuliano di Puglia, Santa Croce 
di Magliano and Ururi, all falling within the so called Crater area, the area hit 
by seismic forces on the 31st October and 1 st  November 2002 and part of the 
Province of Campobasso. The area under study is internal and prevalently hilly 
covering a surface area of 569.73 km 2  with a pre-earthquake resident population 
of 27,663 inhabitants. The largest municipality is Larino with 7,078 inhabitants 
while the smallest is Provvidenti with a mere 166 resident inhabitants. It would 
be pleonastic to note that after the earthquakes hit this area the socio-economic 
component of many of these municipalities suffered notable upsets caused by 
the temporary transference of many family units to other municipalities or to 
new structures specially developed in more secure areas. 
The road infrastructure is complexly characterised by routes which are not 
very smooth, winding and scarcely efficient, coupled by the absence of a trans-
versal motorway offering a fast Tyrrhenian-Adriatic connection and a regional 
motorway accident rate which is equivalent to 1.76% of the complex national 
rate. The Molisan railway network consists of 250 km of track, for a large part 
obsolete with 33 km running on electricity and 17.5 km of double track. Only 
Ripabottoni, Cascalenda and Larino benefit from the rail service (Campobasso-
Termoli line, obsolete and slow); for all the municipalities considered, road 
transport is prevalent. The TWIST DRT System serves the hospitals of Larino 
and Termoli which are currently lacking a public transport connection. An ini-
tiative that will respond to the lacking infrastructure and to a primary need of 
the aged, youth and disabled as well as all those who do not own a private vehi-
4.4.2 Experimentation 
The local implementation of the DRT system in Molise launched from 18 Sep-
tember in the territories of ten municipalities of the "Cratere" area hit by the 
seismic events of 31 October and 1 November 2002. This area is especially well 
suited to the experimentation, and doubly qualified in terms of the type of ter-
ritories considered under the project, given that it is both a mountain zone with 
a low level of transport mobility and an area that was further weakened by the 
recent earthquake. The intention of the Regional Bureau of Transportation is to 
makes the towns of the "Cratere" area the first to participate in experimentation 
of a new mode of public transportation designed for the weaker segments of the 
population, with the creation of an operating model that can be reprised in all 
the mountain and hinterland areas of Molise. 
From Monday to Saturday, mini-buses leave these cities for the medical 
centre in Larino during the visiting hours for relatives. Given the social charac- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
teristics of the territories involved, the experimentation has been aimed at the 
socially weaker population segments and those with a lower level of mobility, 
such as women, very young children and the elderly, with a particular focus on 
the latter, who experience the greatest difficulty of movement. The experimen-
tation in the field was assigned to the CMM regional bus consortium, and spe-
cifically to the Silvestri and Calzolaro bus companies, which already operate 
routes in the territory selected for the experimentation. 
The service was organised around 2 flexible, interchangeable routes that 
passed through the towns involved in the experimentation only when a call was 
received, in this way ensuring that the entire area was served while optimising 
the route taken to and from the medical centre in Larino. The system for re-
questing the service is activated by users through a Call Centre with an operator 
all its own, located at the office of the Silvestri company, which is found in one 
of the towns involved in the project, as is the telephone number and the com-
pany itself. By telephoning the Call Centre, up to roughly ten minutes before 
departure, the users can reserve a round-trip at the cost of a normal ticket for the 
same route: the Call-Centre operator confirms that the request is viable and 
enters it in the operating program, "communicating" it to the driver the minibus, 
which is connected to the Operations Centre by GPRS, in real time. 
For the TWIST experimentation, it was decided to use an online computer-
ised system under which calls are made to the Call Centre, which, in turn, 
communicates with the travelling vehicles in real time. This explains why the 
call can be made up to 10 minutes before the bus has the option of passing 
through the town from which the call originates. The service is managed by a 
MICROTPL/ROUTE type dedicated software that makes possible organisation 
of the services, the vehicles, the stopping points and the routes, plus the off-line 
management of reservations, with transmission of the lists of stops and user 
reservations, display of maps providing the geo-positioning of the vehicle for 
on-line requests for stops and a variety of statistical output. This service is sup-
ported by an advanced onboard hardware, as each vehicle is equipped with an 
onboard computer assisted by dedicated software, a system for tracking and 
communications with the Operations Centre, plus display of off-line and on-line 
information, together with a two-way GSM/GPRS-GPS radio, complete with 
software, antenna and wiring. All the computer equipment was prepared and 
supplied by the company MICRODATA s.r.l. of Campobasso. 
It is necessary to note that a similar optimisation of the service makes it pos-
sible to reduce the total kilometres travelled, as compared to the traditional ap-
proach, by more than 50%, all the while guaranteeing the necessary coverage. 
In order to promote the service, and taking into consideration the limited ex-
pense of the territory and the difficulty involved in reaching the target, a very 
simple, direct communication was prepared for all users (delivered through fli- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
ers and posters), together message, referred to as the "trust" communication, 
specifically aimed at the elderly and featuring figures with whom the elderly 
come into contact, and who enjoy their trust: physicians, pharmacists and parish 
priests. An overview of the communications initiatives carried out would in-
clude: the widespread distribution and posting of fliers and posters, both on the 
buses of the transport companies involved and in all locales normally fre-
quented by possible users of the experimental service (parish halls, hospitals, 
local healthcare agencies, family doctors' offices, pharmacies, bus terminals, 
intermediate stops, town halls, non-profit organisations, centres for the elderly 
and for social activities on the part of the target); encounters dedicated to the 
subject at town halls and parishes, in the company of the "trusted figures", in 
order to set off word of mouth; assisted distribution of communications materi-
als on the bus lines. 
4.5 Region Ioannina6, Greece 
4.5.1 Description of the Area 
The Prefecture of Ioannina, identified the area for the implementation and reali-
sation of the TWIST project, a mountainous region in the Northwest of Greece 
with natural resources and a cultural heritage preserved over time. The Prefec-
ture is the third largest province in Greece, covering 50% of the Region of 
Epirus, one of the most disadvantaged regions in Europe. The surface area 
amounts to 4,990 km2  and, according to the latest demographic survey, the 
population has grown to include 170,239 inhabitants. Mountainous like the en-
tire region of Epiruso, Ioannina lies at an average height of 510 m above sea 
level, while the average height of the territory is 520 m (above sea level). The 
territory is one of the poorest in Europe with an average income of € 10.300 per 
capita. The territorial contribution to the national gross domestic product is a 
mere 1.40%. The principal economic sectors are: agriculture (8.5%), industry 
(21.8%), services (69.7%). 
The road infrastructure in relation to the population is 1,307 km per 100,000 
inhabitants, while the average cost of local public transport is € 1.38 per km. 
Territorial mobility is principally characterised by local buses and KTEL long 
distance service buses. From 1952 the owners of the transport companies in the 
Greek regions operated individual lines covering the transport needs of the vil-
lages, cities and regions, under the auspices of the local authorities (State Li-
cence). In 1973 by a governmental decree KTEL transformed the structure of its 
 Petropoulos, 2006. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
organisation. KTEL SA is participating in the TWIST project with the general 
aim of having an influence on transport with a social target in the vast area of 
the Prefecture of Ioannina, acquiring and transferring know-how between the 
participating regions and providing a region which fully meets the project ob-
jectives with the TWIST model. 
4.5.2 Experimentation 
The area selected for the implementation of the TWIST project is the Prefecture 
of Ioannina, which covers over 50% of Epiro and is the third largest Prefecture 
in Greece. Its territory, among the most disadvantaged in Europe, fully meets 
the principal objectives of the project at which KTEL is participating with the 
aim of promoting public transport and increasing the social target on the entire 
area. KTEL has initiated implementation adapting its transport system directly 
within the catchment area. In September 2006 new pick-up points were intro-
duced and presented to the public to satisfy the need for access to other means 
of long distance transport. 
New routes have been activated and, although only available during specific 
hours, they cover an area that until now was rarely served. The beneficiaries are 
mainly inhabitants who utilize the bus to and from the Prefecture of Ioannina. 
Before implementation of the new transport service, passengers headed for Io-
annina had to organise themselves beforehand in order to reach the nearest 
KTEL stop along the busiest Ioannina—Athens—Ioannina line. To date the ser-
vice has enriched the line offering pick-up points in predefined localities at 
which the bus only passes on passenger request. 
Until introduction of the service, passengers could only board at a KTEL 
stop fixed along the route. What has therefore been introduced is the possibility 
for passengers to board within fixed localities, but according to their particular 
needs by making a simple booking. The KTEL Ioannina—Athens—Ioannina line, 
which previously functioned in a standard mode, is now reserved for Demand 
Responsive Transport: the passenger who wishes to use the service needs to 
timeously inform the local KTEL, at which of the predefined areas they shall be 
waiting so that a bus on route is able to stop and fetch them. Currently no addi-
tional cost is imposed for the service. 
The service is activated on the E951 line and includes all buses travelling Io-
annina—Athens—Ioannina. The line E951 passes through Anatolia, Bizannzio, 
and the town of San Dimitri. As an extension to the DRT destined zones, KTEL 
has introduced a stop on the Rio-Antirio bridge notwithstanding the fact that 
this area is outside the implementation area of the project. This choice was 
based on the importance of serving an ample fascia of passengers. The lines 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
chosen for DRT implementation were based on a transport study undertaken by 
KTEL  in 2005. A collection of requests made by frequent passengers also pro-
vided important data for defining the service timetable. 
The service is active three times a day on the lines to and from Athens: dur-
ing the morning, at midday and in the evening. With the aim of spreading the 
service, a publicity campaign utilizing hoardings and leaflets describing the 
service, was initially undertaken. The hoardings were put up at the KTEL pick-
up points, while the leaflets were distributed directly among the passengers. The 
first phases to follow, without doubt, will be an increase in the number of areas 
included in the DRT service. These areas may vary along the route covered by 
the Ioannina-Arta, Ioannina-Preveza lines and those to other major cities in the 
Epiro region. 
Furthermore KTEL presented a proposal to the National Secretariat of In-
formation Technology, for the purchase of hardware to increase the level of 
technology in the company fleet in order to satisfy the needs of Demand Re-
sponsive Transport. This proposal was presented within a national competition 
for funding reflecting the increasing awareness of state authorities to the DRT 
network. The supply of the necessary technological equipment is programmed 
for the first quarter of 2007. This will enable KTEL to completely manage the 
DRT activities activated in the implementation area and supply services that are 
more appropriate and effectively respond to user needs. 
4.6 Region Oberhavel, Germany 
4.6.1 Description of the Area 
The district of Oberhavel is located north of Berlin and covers an area of 
1,796.75 km2. About 50% of the area can be classified as a natural reserve and 
landscape patrimony. The total population is about 200,000 inhabitants with an 
average population density of 111 inhabitants per km 2. Industry in the Ober-
havel district is of little relevance, with the greatest number of industrial build-
ings concentrated in an outlying area. In the Region of Oberhavel 40% of the 
workers are employed in the industrial sector, 24% in the service-producing 
sector and 12% in public administration. Only 4% still work in agriculture. 
Given the concentration of economic activities in the Southern outskirts and the 
principally rural characterisation of the North of Oberhavel, there is a consistent 
difference between the unemployment rate in the North and the South. Tourism 
is increasing, mainly in the rural zone of the region, a recreational area near 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Oberhavel is equipped with a 47 km motorway network, 316 km of federal 
road and 174 km of local and state roads. Due to the large distances within the 
district, the lack of a good public transport service and social problems that 
emerged from the drastic changes after the re-unification of Germany, Ober-
havel, like many other areas in East Germany, is characterised by total motori-
sation. The transport company Oberhavel Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (OVG) 
serves all the bus lines within the district. The passenger train system consists of 
peripheral trains in the suburban areas (every twenty minutes) and two express 
trains on the commuter line (RE-Regional Express), which cross the Oberhavel 
district from North to South. In addition five commuter train lines (RB — Re-
gionalBahn) serve the area. Only the principal line offers a constant service 
between 6.00 in the morning and 8.00 at night. Reduced solutions are used to 
guarantee school transport. At the weekend, during the holidays and during the 
night, the bus service is heavily reduced to the principal routes. The drastic 
socio-economic changes, especially in the rural areas, together with the increase 
in the cost of public transport necessitate better and more flexible solutions to 
guarantee system efficacy. The introduction of demand responsive transport 
system will help to maintain and in some cases extend the current level of ser-
vice toward an explicit social target: it will guarantee access to mobility to the 
aged, commuters, those without private vehicles, minors, low income groups, 
etc in periods and areas of low demand. 
4.6.2 Experimentation 
Like many other European and German regions the Oberhavel Implementation 
area has to solve serious problems of financing public transport services. This 
requires more flexible and cost efficient operation solutions intent on keeping 
and extending the current service level with an explicit social target. TWIST 
prevents a shortening of the routes and a reduction of rides. TWIST activities in 
the Oberhavel Area aim to guarantee mobility access to people without private 
car access, older people, commuters and minors in times and regions of low 
demand. A passenger census in three different periods enabled a specified 
analysis of transport demands and the identification of low demand areas. Only 
trips which were identified as economically critical in a prior evaluation process 
were analysed. 
The demand structure analysis showed the usage of each trip within the ex-
isting public transport system. As a result it was possible to separate different 
implementation areas within the Oberhavel area and to find adequate alterna-
tives to the current operation models. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
The implemented forms to reach higher flexibility and cost efficiency — es-
pecially in low demand areas — can be performed by operation with small vehi-
cles, the introduction of line oriented or dispersed DRT services and service 
provision by subcontractors. 
All TWIST activities are fully integrated in the Berlin-Brandenburg public 
transport service e.g. corporate design, route numbers and integration in passen-
ger information systems (printed and online timetable information) to ensure a 
good user acceptance. 
The strategies to guarantee mobility access for the users are the transforma-
tion of line oriented services and the introduction of demand responsive opera-
tion on fixed lines, an operation with vans to reduce operational costs, the use of 
subcontractors to reduce personnel costs and optimisation of the connections to 
regional and suburban trains to and from Berlin. The booking of rides has to be 
made 90 min in advance. The operator (Oberhavel Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH) 
offers a 24 hour Call Centre with common telephone access for DRT booking 
and passenger information purposes. A prebooking is not required in the trips 
involved in "Southern Oberhavel" and the "Hohen Neuendorf Area". 
The service provision is supported by different software systems or data-
bases. "IntraCity Rufbus" is a special solution for DRT management. All 
booking, routing and disposition activities are based on the already existing 
software solution IntraCity Rufbus. To save costs for additional technical ser-
vices it was useful to integrate TWIST services into the existing technical envi-
ronment. As an additional benefit it is possible to use „IntraCity Rufbus" for 
DRT controlling and evaluation within the TWIST project. 
The interface between the Call Centre, the DRT management software and 
the passenger vehicle is performed by the existing Computerized Operational 
Control Centre of the operator. All large scale vehicles are equipped with GPS 
based units for communication and localization. The usage of small vehicles 
and the operation case "subcontractor" will be solved by the implementation of 
mobile units. The unit "ATRON 120 MR Mobile" will guarantee localization 
and communication with the Operational Control Centre and the DRT booking 
system. Additional benefits of the mobile communication unit are ticketing, 
printing and penalty management functions. 
The start of the test phase in "Northern Oberhavel" was 11.12.2005. The 
following table shows the number of trips involved in the TWIST project classi-
fied by route numbers. The trips include a variation of the vehicle size to small 
units, the change of the operator towards the introduction of more subcontrac-
tors and the change to DRT-services. 
In the "Southern Oberhavel" and "Hohen Neuendorf Area" the implementa-
tion includes the operation with vans to reduce operational costs, the use of 
subcontractors to reduce personnel costs and an optimisation of connections to 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
regional and suburban trains to and from Berlin. The main start of the test phase 
was 28.05.2006 but some rides on routes 801 and 816 already started on 
11.12.2005. All trips of the "Hohen Neuendorf Area" started on 20.08.2006. 
The operator offers a 24 hour Call Centre with common telephone access for 
passenger information purposes. A pre-booking is not required in the trips in-
volved in "Southern Oberhavel" and "Hohen Neuendorf Area". 
4.7 Region South Transdanubian, Hungary 
4.7.1 Description of the Area 
In Hungary TWIST focus orients on Southern Transdanubian area, a region 
comprising three micro regions: Szentlorinc, Sellye and Pecsvarad. Due to legal 
problem until the end of the project no TWIST DRT services can be imple-
mented. The region will define requirements that enable a future implementa-
tion with a focus onto the political structures and tasks for authorities and gov-
South-Transdanubia is an area rich in natural resources which has been am-
ply promoted during the reorganisation of the Hungarian economy. The agro-
biological wealth of the area, arises from favourable soil and climatic condi-
tions, which constitute a relevant basis for agricultural production. The area is 
however characterised by a poor economy and low level of exportation, princi-
pally toward east Europe. Thus economic change toward the service sector and 
general development of the infrastructure to reinforce the export potential must 
be considered by the regional development strategy as a multiple and decisive 
factor for growth. Although the territory is more industrialised than other sub-
urban regions in Europe, the high number of agricultural workers and the scarce 
presence of industrial and service sectors is inevitably an index of backward-
ness. The poor transport and communication infrastructure (bad road and rail 
quality, lack of motorways, the scanty communication network and backward-
ness in data processing and transmission) are slowing down transformation and 
still further reducing the level of exportation activities. Production, the quality 
of products and services, and the number of personnel in the sector are low in 
this area and activities are principally linked to the city. The average population 
density in Southern Transdanubia (711 inhabitants) is significantly lower than 
the national average (1,259 inhabitants) and the area is characterised by a vast 
number of little villages, among which Baranya is that with the lowest popula-
tion rate. The correlation between geography and transport within the region is 
determined by both its macro-regional collocation and its inadequacy to keep 
pace with the most important international traffic flow. The region is disadvan- 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
taged due to its distance from the Rhine Rhone Valley super-corridor in West-
ern Europe, from the large scale commercial route connecting CIS countries 
along the London—Berlin—Warsaw—Moscow axis, and from Hamburg—Prague/ 
Paris—Munich—Vienna—Budapest—Belgrade—Bucharest—Istanbul corridors. 
4.7.2 A Strategy to Implement DRT Services in Hungary 
The South Transdanubian region is not an implementing region in the TWIST 
project, however we have discussed the usage of the DRT system in our region 
with interested parties (transportation companies, micro regions). Although 
interest exists, there are a lot of obstacles and difficulties which have not per-
mitted us to implement the system. Some of our research experiences are listed 
below in order to reveal possibilities in the field. 
Although the county branches of Volan Coach Transport Company are plan-
ning to decrease the frequency and density of coach services in the hinterland 
they are not interested in introducing an investment intensive alternative trans-
port development model. Their fares and state subsidies are almost fully cover-
ing their expenses. Big bus transport companies have monopoly rights for ser-
vicing their area until the year 2013. There is an alternative plan for the entry of 
private transport service providers into the market but it is not operational. The 
major problem here is that Hungarian laws have maximised the servicing rate 
for private coach transport services to 35%. 
This is not an attractive perspective for the market players as it offers no op-
portunities for gaining profits and in line with this concept coach services fall in 
the regulated market rather than free market category. Today the number of 
coach services in Hungary is decreasing. A plan was developed for the 'privati-
sation' of coach services in an attempt to reform the present anomalies of coach 
transport. Accordingly the operation (and ownership) of Baranya County Coach 
Company should have been transferred to the county seat (Pecs) local govern-
ment free of charge, but this experiment failed. 
The Votan Coach Transport Company monopoly in county coach services 
prevents the extension of the bus services of Pecs Public Transport Company 
into the agglomeration zone. The importance of railway services in the Szent-
Wine micro region (a potential implementing micro-region in the future) which 
should maintain its leading role in the system must be underlined. One of the 
critical problems in the current transport system is that it does nothing to im-
prove the employment situation in the area. The micro-region's active popula-
tion cannot get jobs because they cannot commute to centres of attraction nor 
work in shifts due to the inadequate transport services. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
For these reasons the utilisation of TWIST Programme would be of extreme 
importance for Szentlorinc micro-region. The micro-region has prepared a plan 
for the implementation of a networked transport system that, adapting to the 
micro-region's special features, could significantly improve the efficiency of 
intraregional transport services. There is a potential technical method, which 
could be applied in this area — especially in the south and south-west areas — due 
to the lack of high mountains. 
This method is used by the Local Transport Company of Pecs. All company 
buses have an onboard GPS device and a duplex USW radio communication 
system to maintain contacts with the Call Centre. As operation of the GPRS 
interactive and permanent vehicle tracking system would impose high costs on 
the company, the interactive passenger information system on the Internet is not 
available to the greater public yet. The present communication system maintains 
contact between bus drivers and the Call Centre within a 30 kilometre radius. 
Using this method, the Public Transport Company of Pecs had plans to extend 
its bus service area into the suburban zones of Pecs but the above mentioned 
laws prohibit this until the year 2013. 
The recent political and budget situation in Hungary is another difficult ob-
stacle for these micro-regions. Lack of investments and development in the area 
cannot help solve the problems. Hopefully, the successes of TWIST project 
implementations in partner countries and regions will reveal an appropriate 
model as a kind of solution for transport development. 
4.8 The potentials of DRT as a result of experimentation 
As the areas involved show us, experimental areas have mountainous geo-
graphical background. Both data of population and the data of aging rate show 
us that the micro-regions involved in the pilot projects have difficult accessibili-
ty. The high aging rate and other experience of the experimentation show that 
these elderly people and these areas need this kind of mobility. Most of the mu-
nicipalities involved had not satisfying transport service before. 
Concerning previous European experience the flexible transport systems try 
to serve low demand areas. The characteristic of these areas is usually different. 
We find suburban or rural, mountainous or plain areas. So as we can see the 
geographical specialities do not determine the necessity of the use of DRT sys-
tem. But on the other hand — as we could realise — the high rate of aging, the 
high number of young people, the low population density, the lack of local fa-
cilities and the high variation of demand can result a claim for flexible transport 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
As it has been mentioned, DRT systems are somewhere between personal 
taxi using and the traditional public transportation. The exact place of DRT 
depends on many indicators. But as our and previous experimentation shows us, 
we have to make a distinction between urban and rural provision areas. The 
efficiency in urban areas (for example DRT minibus airport services in Buda-
pest) is much higher than in rural areas (for example in Abruzzo). Parallel the 
decreases of efficiency the role of non-for-profit stakeholders (self-govern-
ments) are increasing. 
In rural areas the DRT volume is lower than in urban areas, because of the 
density of population but on the other hand there is no direct correlation be-
tween the decrease of population density and the using of DRT systems. 
One of the most important roles of the DRT systems is that they help people 
to reach one point, which can be an attraction centre, a facility or a main trans-
port corridor/system. We think that it is very important that people reach the 
main transportation line (for example in Prefecture Ioannina where the main 
aim is to get the service Ioannina—Athens—Ioannina) in order to reach the attrac-
tion centres and facilities (medical centre, leisure facilities etc.). 
Therefore DRT has three main functions: 
— The role of carrying on/off•  The DRT system can help to reach the corri-
dors from the background area. 
— Additional services:  When DRT Public transport cannot provide enough 
service for example for disabled people, In this case DRT has a special 
function to serve a special segment of the whole transportation. 
— Replacement role:  In this case DRT has to try to fill in the "black hole", 
where public transport absolutely not exists. (Usually DRT can not func-
tion as a totalitarian actor in the whole transportation network.) 
But in all models mentioned above it is very important to focus on the coop-
eration with the main public transport provider either it is a bus company or a 
railway company. 
We can suppose as well that different settlement structures need different 
solution and different mixture of transport services. This is why it is difficult to 
apply one appropriate solution. As in the implementing region can be seen the 
different geographical (natural, infrastructural, societal etc.) circumstances re-
sulted different (DRT) answer to the modelling question among different im-
plementing areas and countries as well. 
The good practice can be born after identifying the actors in the rural areas 
how have or be able to provide these transportation services with social target. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
5 DRT Controlling and Cost-Effect Analysis 
The evaluation of a pilot project supposes the analysis of the cost efficiency. 
Although a clear DRT system can not be profitable the application of business 
calculations in order to create for instance a Public Private Partnership is neces-
The basic approach to calculate the economical effects of DRT services com 
from the common controlling systems within line oriented bus services. Cost-
benefit analysis of line oriented services can be transformed to a relevant analy-
sis bases on the service performance (operated kilometres) and additional op-
erational indicators. 
Besides performance costs have to be taken into consideration seriously. 
That includes costs for operation itself including personnel costs, for the vehi-
cles and if necessary for infrastructure like stops or large scale technical invest-
ments (operational control centre etc.). 
Like in many cases the public transport operation in rural areas with demand 
problems can not be operated with full cost coverage. Therefore cost coverage 
can not be expected in the field of DRT services as well. 
The theoretical approach to use a cost-benefit analysis for DRT cost control-
ling will not used often, because a detailed separation of different cost elements 
is not common in many operating companies. They only survey the costs ap-
peared in the previous operational period. 
The cost oriented decision to implement a DRT system bases on a compari-
son of the costs that would have appeared when operating as a fixed line service 
with the costs of the DRT service provision. The comparison can easily be per-
formed by using of cost benchmarks for a kilometre of line oriented service and 
for a kilometre of DRT service. 
5.1 Model Contracts for Subcontractors in DRT  Operation 
— A German Example 
Especially the DRT prices are influenced by the operator models. Often sub-
contractors will be used because they own small scale vehicle that are ideal for 
DRT use. In Germany therefore a standardized contract has been designed 
whenever it was possible to use it. They would suggest an equal treatment of all 
competitors. It is not sure that all taxi and rental car companies accept identical 
treatments yet. Despite different commitments, the essential parts of a possible 
basic agreement already are in use. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Basically it is possible to vary in about four different schemes reimburse-
ment in the contractual relationship between municipal transportation compa-
nies (principal) and taxi or rental car companies (agent): 
— Refund of Service Kilometres and Additional Stand-by Payment (Without 
Guaranteed Benefits):  All effective operated service kilometres are com-
pensated. It is not guaranteed if or how many passenger requests have to 
be served at all. Additionally, the agent receives a basic stand-by payment 
for every day providing DRT services. With this additional amount the 
agent has to ensure his operational readiness during the whole service 
hours of the DRT. 
— Refund of Service Kilometres (Without Guaranteed Benefits):  This model 
is partially established e.g. in the TWIST DRT service of Northern Ober-
havel (Gransee). It is not guaranteed if or how many passenger requests 
the agent has to serve. Therefore this only generates benefits in case of a 
high level of service kilometre commitment reconsidering the agents' 
— Refund of Total Kilometres (Service Kilometre and Empty Running; With-
out Guaranteed Benefits):  In this form of contract all operated kilometres 
are refunded. This includes both service kilo-metres and empty running 
and tends to compensate the lack of a stand-by payment. This mode of 
commitment was used at the former existed dial-a-bus service of 
Gerswalde. Contrary to this contractual relationship it is recommended to 
use of the first commitment model with a payment of service kilometres 
and an additional stand-by payment (without guaranteed benefits) to avoid 
high total costs or additional deficits in DRT services. 
— Refund of Service Kilometres (Guaranteed Benefits):  Agreements based 
on service kilometre compensation and a guaranteed amount of rides are 
used in the fixed TWIST Services in the district of Oberhavel. This model 
is established in case of fixed route services appearing especially in low 
demand periods e.g. late evenings, weekends, public or school holidays. 
These transports are defined as hailed shared taxi or fixed route taxi as a 
bus substitute. 
As follows the experiences in German DRT operation using subcontractors 
will be concluded to present a practical guideline how to realize Subcontractual 
Subject of the Basic Agreement (§  1) 
Subject of the basic agreement is the operation of DRT transport services ac-
cording to §42 of the Federal Law for the Transport of Passengers (PBefG). The 
principal is licensee of the DRT services and assigns the agent as subcontractor. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Duties of the Agent (§§  2-5) 
The basic agreement includes the duties of the principal and his employees. 
It refers to the existing laws and to the prescriptions. Important arrangements 
are punctuality and reliability in the service provision. It is also defined in 
which way the agent is liable for the property and for the technical equipment of 
the principal. Important is that the agent is bound to use the exact route is de-
fined by the principal. Usually this will be the direct way. 
Fares, Tickets and Account (§ 6) 
Passengers are just allowed to be carried within the common VBB fares and 
terms of transport. Only tickets according to the VBB fare are permitted to be 
issued. The principal receives the amount which is charged for all issued tickets. 
Replacement of Vehicles in Case of Operational Disorders (§  7) 
The breakdown of a vehicle of an agent means that the principal himself has 
the responsibility to inform the agent and he also has to arrange the replacement 
with his own vehicles and employees. If the agent is not able to replace the re-
quired operating resources the principal has the alternative to use his own vehi-
cles and employees. The agent bills the principal for the additional costs. 
Commission (§8) 
The commission of the agents is not regulated by the basic agreement yet. 
The reason is that presently a number of different basic attempts are used. But it 
is intended that at least all agents of all dial-a bus services in one area are sup-
posed to be remunerated similarly. Finally, this question will be decided within 
the transport market and not because of idealized perceptions with standardized 
Duties of the Principal (§  9) 
The duties of the principals are also included in the basic agreement. The 
principal has to provide all required technical equipment (PDA, ticket-printer 
included clamp, vehicle signage) to the agent. The principal has the responsibil-
ity for the dispatching process of passenger requests and he also transmits the 
requests/orders to the vehicles of the agents. 
Insurances, Commitment and Adjustment (§§ 10 — 12) 
The contract of transport exists between the passenger and the principal. 
That is why the agent substitutes the principal in front of the passenger. The 
operator of vehicles has to be the agent which is written down in the jurisdiction 
code. He releases the principal from all receivables which can be used against 
the principal because of his transport service. The agent is in duty to sign up the 
casualty insurance and he has to keep up the insurance coverage for himself and 
his employees as it is included in legal terms. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Duration of the Period, Cancellation (§ 13) 
The contract lasts for 12 months and is extended to a new schedule period if 
the contract is not cancelled within the expiration date which is a month before 
the contract will expire. If general regulations change, both parties have the 
right to cancel the contract. A cancellation without previous notice is also pos-
sible. The reason for a previous cancellation is the damage of the contractual 
obligation or the damage of the interests of one of the contractual partners. 
5.2 Potentials for Cost Efficiency 
1) The costs of the DRT can be reduced in comparison to the fixed line ser-
vices only if a low demand has to be served. 
DRT enables an extension of the service level via timetable-free operation 
or additional rides that only operate by a pre-booking. Normally the total 
transport performance decreases after the DRT introduction compared to 
the substituted fixed line services. This effect can be reported in many 
German experiences and results in a cost reduction even if the operator is 
the same like before. 
The use of cost differences between municipal transportation companies 
and private bus or taxi operators open another potential for cost reduction. 
The following benchmarks of German cases figure a bandwidth of options 
and limits for cost savings when operating by different actors. 
Additional cost that appear in DRT operation have to be calculated  (Table 
Disposition of DRT rides; additional vehicle equipment, planning and 
consultancy costs, etc. 
Table 6 
Benchmarks for Costs in DRT Operation 
Average Costs of Public Transport Operators (Costs per hour in Euro)' 
— Municipal or State owned Transport Companies: 
18,00 — 26,00 
— Private Transport Companies: 
13,00 — 18,00 
— Taxi Operators: 
10,00 — 13,00 
Average Costs per DRT Kilometre (East Germany) 2  
—Taxi Operator or Private Bus Operator with Subcontract: 
0,80 — 1,50 
—Municipal or State owned Transport Companies: 
1,50 — 2,540 
I  Bundesministerium ftir Verkehr, Bau- and Wohnungswesen BMVBW (Hrsg.) (1999): Planungs-
handbuch fur den offentlichen Verkehr in der Flache. 
2  Own Research and Calculation. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
6 Transferability 
Without final statements, establishments and suggestions a pilot project has no 
relevance and in this case it is not more just time wasting. On the other hand the 
flexible transport solutions even Demand Responsive Systems are very com-
plex. Not only do chiselled way concern to the socio-geographical circum-
stances but also concern it to technical solution. As we realised solving the mo-
bility problems sometimes goes hand in hand with fixed timetable provision 
next the clear method of DRT service. 
6.1 Applied Models in the TWIST Project — A DRT Service Model 
With regard to the implemented DRT systems within the TWIST project the 
complexity of possible DRT solutions has been showed clearly. The following 
table  (Table  7) shows the different DRT aspects in a theoretical overview. 
Every other DRT solution can be designed by a variation of the given charac-
So as it can be seen on the tables at rural DRT areas — where mostly the 
TWIST experimentation is taking place — the model of few to one is the most 
appropriate. The "ONE" can be an attraction centre where facilities are avail-
able (like medical centre, leisure centre, Sunday service etc.). On the other hand 
the "ONE" point could be a transport corridor (for instance in Prefecture Io-
annina it is the corridor of Ioannina-Athens-Ioannina), which can be either 
"normal" traditional public bus transport or railway station or complex transport 
The few transportation modes can be flexible routs with fixed and requested 
stops. The rate of these stops depends on several aspects (texture, orographic or 
geographic aspects, infrastructure provision). 
The experimentation of the TWIST project is performed dominantly in rural 
DRT systems which suggest us that the role of non-profit stakeholder is of spe-
cific importance. 
As the table shows us, nearly all experimentation includes fixed timetable 
services. This is very important for the introduction of a new service especially 
for elderly people. 
The booking technology shows us two different things. Primarily the call 
centre is very important in the service in any time and DRT system should be 
based on it. The introduction of the booking procedure trough the Internet is 
supposed for some other requests. Secondary it presupposes the Internet provi-
sion of marginal geographical areas — like mountain municipalities — on the 
other hand computer/Internet users are needed. Computer users mostly are the 
new generation, and the middle-aged of the urban population. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.

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Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
But DRT systems usually provide — as in our cases — in rural, marginal areas. 
The main target is to avoid social disadvantages especially for elderly (who 
usually don't use computer) and disabled people. 
6.2 The setting-up of a Theoretical Model 
Demand responsive transport (DRT) solutions become more and more impor-
tant especially in times and areas with low demands. The growing economic 
pressure of public funds leads to a high need for adequate possibilities to keep a 
good service quality in public transport and to reduce the necessary budget. The 
transport market is usually dominated by line oriented bus services, especially 
in rural and mountainous areas. 
The figure  (Figure 4) is due to show how to built up a DRT service process, 
and its the main elements. 
Due to the lack of experience with DRT solutions in a number of European 
countries it is obvious that the focus has to be put on investigation and knowl-
edge transfer in the field of rural public transport. The present draft for specific 
planning principles represents the basis for a theoretical model in the field of 
DRT solutions that has to be considered within the TWIST project. 
Within the theoretical model the following elements have to be discussed: 
—Identification of the service area; 
—Fare system; 
—Operational rules for DRT operation; 
—Licensing process and legal aspects; 
—Liability for operation and subcontracting. 
In addition the technical environment of DRT systems is essential for the 
success and operability. This aspect already was described within the technical 
reports of Work Package 3 Transport System Planning. To resume the technical 
requirements the following components have to be considered within a DRT 
—Computerized Operational Control Centre (also known al Dispatching 
Centre or DRT operator); 
—On-board devices for communication, ticketing, routing and positioning; 
—Communication network between customer, and operator / Call Centre 
and vehicle. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
Figure 4 
The setting up of a DRT process 
Collection of 
Recent position of 
mobility data 
Collection of 
- Social 
financial, environmental 
- Economical 
(SEA or EIA), legal, 
- Legal 
- BAT 
feedb  ck 
DRT Service 
(with mid term 
Source:  Edited by Viktor Varju using adding the model of Prileszky—Horvath—Toth (2007a). 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
6.2.1 The Identification of the Service Area 
The size of the service area for DRT services depends on various aspects like 
population size, population density, geographical aspects, points of interests in 
the service area and mobility behaviour. In Germany for example the dimension 
of DRT service areas varies from approx. 10 km 2  to more than 200 km2. The 
decision for the optimal area size has to be made with regard to the specific 
regional conditions. 
The route distances within the areas interact directly with the number and 
requested distance of passenger trips. The area size is also related to the avail-
able car pool and to the organisational structure of public transport operators 
and taxi companies. 
The following indicators give an overview for the estimation of the service 
area dimension: 
—Distances between the settlements/ communities within the planning area; 
—Comparative data for the traffic flows and density in public or individual 
transport (Commuter census; School statistics (Students per settlement); 
Passenger census in existing public transport lines; etc.); 
—Number of points of interest within the planning area (public facilities, 
hospitals, shopping facilities, schools, cemeteries, etc.); 
—Public transport connections within the planning area. 
6.2.2 Fare System 
Different experience show that DRT service fares depend on the level of ser-
vice. If the level is comparable to line oriented bus services the fare should be 
the same. If there is a higher quality with temporal flexibility and free routing 
the fare has to skim this added value with a higher price level that has to be 
under the common taxi tariffs. Another option is a basis fare with optional extra 
charges for higher service levels. 
If there is more than one operator involved in DRT service, it is important to 
agree upon a constant and equal fare level including rules for sharing the reve-
nue. In areas with market structures in form of an integrated public transport 
service (e.g. many metropolitan areas like Rome, Paris, London, Berlin) there 
should be the integration into the common public transport fares. 
Basically the following fare models for DRT systems can be classified: 
—Non integrated fares: Independent DRT fare without acceptance of any 
other public transport tickets 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
—Partly integrated fares: acceptance of long term public transport tickets / 
commuter passes with or without extra service charges; special DRT fare 
for other passengers 
—Totally integrated fares: acceptance of all public transport tickets with or 
without extra service charges 
The integration of DRT fares into the existing integrated public transport 
fare systems like in the TWIST case of Germany is a basic condition for user 
acceptance and identification of DRT systems as part of the common public 
transport network. Integrated fares allow trips with changes to other transport 
modes (e.g. line oriented bus, railway, metro, etc.) and support the public trans-
port networks efficiency. 
6.2.3 Operational Rules for DRT Services 
Operational rules are essential for the provision of DRT services because vari-
ous interests have to be coordinated within the DRT concept. The different ac-
tors in the system are the passengers, the dispatcher / call centre agent, the 
driver, the transport operator, etc. Operational rules define the specific respon-
sibilities and rights of each system actor and component. The main aspects of 
operational rules can be described as follows: 
—Definition of service area and schedule / time concept. 
—Restriction of non-scheduled operation by using defined operational hours 
and pre-booking terms 
—Prohibition parallel services of fixed route busses and DRT services. 
—Service integration within the further public transport network including 
the handling of connection assurance (Definition of guaranteed connec-
tions, connection points, maximum and minimum waiting times, etc.). 
—Routing policy (Definition of deviations from fixed routes; usable roads 
under consideration of different vehicle types — turn over facilities, weight 
restrictions of roads, etc.) — mostly performed by predefined route options 
within the routing software. 
—Fare system and tariff integration (see chapter Fare System). 
Bundling options of passenger requests (including definition of priorities 
in case of conflicts: first come — first served / first passengers with con-
nections to other transport modes than passengers without constraints). 
—Obligation of pre-booking and terms of booking (required personnel data, 
standing orders, maximum/minimum pre-booking times, etc.). 
—Consideration of special requirements (disabled passengers, leisure trans-
port — bicycles, baby carriage, luggage, etc.) 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
—Definition of minimum trip length to avoid short trips with high number 
of empty running kilometres. 
—Cancellation rules. 
—Liabilities according to transport contract and further legal aspects. 
—Data protection of customer / passenger data. 
6.2.4 Licensing Process and Legal Aspects 
As performed in the second part the legal framework of public transport and 
DRT regulation is different in each European country. In some countries there is 
a strong regulation although other countries do not have any legislation for DRT 
A major problem in the licensing process for DRT services is, that the status 
of DRT services neither can be classified as scheduled nor as non-scheduled 
services using the terms the different national rules and laws of some European 
countries (e.g. Germany or Hungary). This results in uncertainties at the licens-
ing authorities, how the rules laws may be applied to those unconventional 
transport concepts. In some cases this forbids the implementation of door-to-
door services, since the definition of "scheduled service" comprises the fact that 
each trip must have an official stop as its starting or ending point. In other cases 
the implementation of DRT service is not possible at all due to strong market 
regulation (e.g. Hungary). 
To enable equal chances for implementing DRT solutions European wide 
legislative rules are required. Only by this the strong social oriented objectives 
of the most DRT systems can be fulfilled. 
6.2.5 Subcontracting and Liability for Operation 
Within the concept phase of a DRT system the liability for the service provision 
and the operator itself have to be defined. Often the operator (licensee) is not 
the same legal body that will provide the services, because the introduction of 
subcontractors may be more cost efficient. The liability for DRT services is 
incumbent upon the licence of the DRT concession and not upon the subcon-
Basically DRT services may be performed by all transport, taxi and rental 
car companies if they fulfil all required legal and operational constraints. In taxi 
and rental car companies labour / personnel costs are often lower than in mu-
nicipal public transport companies. Taxi companies are especially suited for the 
operation of DRT services in low demand rural areas, because they usually own 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
low-capacity vehicles. It could also make sense to consign the operation of a 
DRT service to a subsidiary of the dial-a-bus service licencee, if the total com-
panies' efficiency has to be considered. 
In conclusion the major decision criteria for subcontracts are the costs for the 
service provision and the availability of the suitable vehicle size for DRT op-
6.2.6 Business Model 
Although the task of a DRT system is not to be a profit oriented venture a DRT 
system has a business model as well. As in the CONNECT project („D10: Inno-
vative Solutions and Test Cases concerning Business Development". CON-
NECT Project — FP6-PLT-506959 funded by the European Commission, 2005) 
had been described the flexible transportation needs a business model as well 
(Figure 5).  A business model has to include the followed elements: 
—Who and how will launch the service? 
—Who are the stakeholders of the transportation markets? 
—What kind of role and targets will the project have? 
—What is the network system like? 
—What type will the division of responsibility follow? 
—Who will finance and what about the income? 
—What is the legal background like? 7  
The actors below can participate in the business model as well. They have not 
just regulative but financial role as well. 
—State: Beyond the regulative actor the state can appear as a financial stake-
holder who ensure the equality to the mobility 
—Self-government: They have similar role as the state but they can partici-
pate in the experimentation using their sources (financial sources, bus, 
building, other equipments etc.). 
—HealthCare Insurance Companies: They can finance the medical visits 
within the DRT service where they get financial advantages vis-à-vis tra-
ditional system. 
—Medical Centres: They should promote the availability of their services 
for disadvantage people trough the DRT system. 
Civil actors: They also can help in increasing the efficiency of the DRT 
system using their specified information. 
Prileszky—Horvath—Toth, 2007b. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
—For-profit companies: They can be involved in DRT system as an em-
ployer using their commuting buses and build them into the DRT service 
—Other transportation provider: Cooperation is needed among all the trans-
portation providers. Complex, integrated timetable, booking system is 
needed for the best mobility. 
Figure 5 
Elements and relations of a DRT Business Model 
Choosing of 
Success of the 
the business 
Financial conditions 
Influential aspects 
Aspects influenced 
Source:  Prileszky—Horvath—Toth, 2007b, 90.  p. 
6.3 Transfer Strategies 
TWIST aims to implement a common transnational strategy for regional devel-
opment in order to optimise transport organisation in disadvantage and margin-
alized areas from both a geographic and social-environmental point, according 
to local requirements and with the objects of comparing and eliminating territo-
rial differences. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
This specific object may be achieved through the possibility to replicate the 
in all European regions — especially in the eastern part of the EU, in the new 
member states — and to develop further actions at a EU level by the spreading of 
best practices. 
Testing results will provide a new way to organise and manage transport 
services in disadvantaged areas, granting mobility — as a common right of hu-
man being. 
The regions participating in the TWIST project show a lack of services and 
infrastructural balance in the rural and mountain areas. The growing isolation of 
the population, mostly represented by old people, is the cause and the effect of 
the progressive abandonment of these territories. As a consequence, the re-
sources assigned to local transport services have been reduced, inducing the 
population to use their own means of transport and causing higher levels of 
traffic, exhaust emissions and road accidents. Starting from the survey of the 
supply and demand of the public transport in the territories of the pilot projects, 
the TWIST project implemented the experimentation of different on-demand 
bus services. A model to organize and evaluate these services had been elabo-
rated and transferred to other regions with similar characteristics. 
6.3.1 Transferability for the European Community 
Adequacy to EU priorities as a need that TWIST can be a transferable solution 
to other EU member states and regions. The EU considers sustainability as a 
superior principle to which community policy (including environmental and 
transport policy) should comply with. Next sustainability to available all the 
services and goods to everybody is another important priority. In order to reach 
it we have to take into consideration how the TWIST project fulfilled the 
guidelines below. 
Accessibility means that anyone should have reasonable access to places, 
goods and services. This criteria is especially important at rural, mountainous 
and disadvantages areas where TWIST has been implemented. 
Concerning justice transport should meet the demands of various social 
groups and generations. As the example shows us the young generation can 
achieve easier these goods than elderly people. TWIST in this field has a goal 
that the project provide in high aging rated area. 
Health and security mean that transport systems should be planned and oper-
ated making no harms for health and personal security. Regarding the means of 
transport in experimentation areas of TWIST this guideline has been fulfilled. 
Education and involvement mean that people and communities should com-
pletely be involved into transport related decision processes. DRT system and 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
TWIST are a perfect example that in case that people and communities are not 
involved in it, could not exist. 
Integrated planning requires various experts should be involved from differ-
ent areas — environmental protection, heath, energy management and urban 
planning should be involved into transport planning. This criteria is highly pre-
sented at TWIST transnational and internal national meetings where Best Avail-
able Technology and its representatives were appearance. 
Transport system should efficiently use available land and other resources 
while keeping the diversity of the living world and biology. Sustainability 
guidelines refer to the environmental integration as well where transport should 
make no harms for public health, global climate and essential ecologic proc-
esses. On the other hand — as ecological footprint theory says — there is an area 
belonging to energy and material consumptions as well as the waste emission 
which can either produce or absorb them. Using buses with alternative fuel —
either in Marche region or in Oberhavel — TWIST project is going on this way. 
Definition of the general guidelines and transmission of the project outputs 
to the Authorities in charge to plan the transport services it can be established 
that TWIST project carry a good practice as a solution for elderly people and 
people who live in sparsely area either in mountainous or in plain territories. 
6.3.2 The most Important Aspects of Transferability 
As it has been mentioned before, the model of TWIST project is a special DRT 
system, because it has been realised in rural, disadvantaged mostly mountainous 
Flexible transport appeared in 1980's in Europe. This phone centred system 
was Dial-a-bus or Rufbus systems. Parallel with the development of technolo-
gies this kind of flexible facilities developed as well. In 2000's telemetric based 
DRT experimentations appeared. 
Compared with other experimentation (as SAMPO, SAMPLUS etc) the goal 
of the TWIST focused around the highlighted social aspects that harmonize 
with several EU priorities and guidelines (e.g. accessibility, sustainability). 
Using the process of learn-adapt/convert-transfer/disseminate the main result 
of the TWIST project is that it can show appropriate way low demand, diver-
gent zones and new member states — on their national, regional and local levels 
— providing model which allow elderly and other disadvantaged people to reach 
"normal" mobility. 
In order to collect experience, to formulate considerations toward transfer-
ability of TWIST, we have to mention the aspects below: 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
—Legal aspects; 
—Ideal service model(s); 
—High variation of provision; 
—Actors involved; 
—Estimation of service parameters. 
Concerning the legal aspects there are few common thesis on national level. 
Like in Greece as well as in Germany there are no clear definitions of DRT 
services on national level. But in Germany on regional level the claim for provi-
sion in low demand periods appears. In Italy in Abruzzo — which is a flagship in 
this filed — the regional legislation focuses on mountain communities as disad-
vantaged areas. 
The worst example is Hungary (which example makes us pay attention to-
wards the new member states) where there are no possibilities for the participa-
tion of private sector in transportation. Also in Hungary big bus transport 
companies (Public Transport Providers) have monopoly rights for services until 
2012. The alternative private transport participation is allowed within 35% 
which is not an attractive perspective because there isn't profit possibilities 
therefore in this sector there are not free market but regulated market. 
Concluded the legal aspects the following transferability can be drowned for 
other experiments: 
—The introduction of DRT definition and classification into legislation (on 
regional level) is very important. It promotes the experimentation 
(Abruzzo, Oberhavel) but probably a more chiselled way is needed. 
—New EU member states have legislation problems in the experimentation 
of DRT system. It also means that in these states EU priorities in connec-
tion with mobility, accessibility and sustainability do not emerge. 
—In order to transferability if the variation of provision (like school, medi-
cal visits, tourism services, work, Sunday services) it is necessary to col-
lect all the reasons of transportation. In this case examples help to other 
experimentation areas in the fields of planning, efficiency and transfer-
—In a DRT system it is very important question that the actors should be in-
volved in facilities. It is because DRT system can not operate with one 
stakeholder. Of course circumstances depend on legal background. 
—Concerning TWIST (and other) DRT experience, a DRT system is not 
suitable for profit activities. At least the next DRT provider (who can be 
for instance a volunteer) local government is needed (e.g. Abruzzo). On 
the other hand cooperation with other/main Public Transport Provider is 
unavoidable (KTEL). Other organizations as actors or participants can be: 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
employers, other transport providers (railway) (Germany, Hungary), taxi 
— The whole procedure is based on Public Private Partnership. 
6.3.3 The transfer of numbers 
Drawing the consequences we estimated and established a lot of transferable 
things. But guidance on the most appropriate service and system design is 
lacking. On the other hand there is little coherence which can be good practices. 
During the ex ante evaluation of the project the most important thing is the 
number of potential clients. Therefore surveys are needed (questionnaire, inter-
view, focus group). 
A kind of estimation of users according to the previous transport mode 
(based on SAMPLUS and calculation) is available. Using the questions and 
transfer the result of the graph presented by the previous DRT project the fol-
lowing validity index can be calculated  (Table 8).  The survey question was: 
Would you change the means of transportation when DRT will be available? 
As it can be seen in the table on one side taxi users in reality prefer flexible 
transportation, on the other side private car users do not want to change. Com-
fort (using own cars) is a stronger link to mobility than environmental or sus-
tainability awareness. 
Analysing data achieved throughout the experimentation we have to estimate 
that there is no strong stochastic connection between the use of DRT and the 
type of needs which means that different needs call for DRT in different areas. 
Table 8 
Validity index for estimating the further use of  DRT transportation 
Before, % 
Realisation, % 
Validity index 

LPT user 
Train user 

Taxi user 

Private car user 

Source:  Edited by Varki using the survey of SAMPLUS presented by Prileszky-
Horvath—T6th (2007a). 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
But there is a reciprocal ratio which shows that low population density does 
not go hand in hand with low use of DRT which means in number that disad-
vantaged area with population density of 30 resident/km2 has minimum of 4 
flexible passenger/day during higher population area (Oberhavel) has 4 passen-
ger/day as well. 
There is cohesion in the Italian implementing area. Next equal population 
density when the rate of aging above 200% the use of DRT system at least dou-
bles (8) than in normal rate areas. 
The know how is not shown either by regular mobility index or by the rating 
of preference of the LPT. 
All aspects mentioned above support that especially elderly people require 
DRT solutions  (Table 9). 
7 Conclusion 
Experience from the TWIST project suggest that for financial and scheduling 
reasons DRT services do not aim to be dominant public transport providers in a 
market, but are regarded as vital suppliers of services where conventional solu-
tions are untenable, for example low demand areas, special transport services 
and where social exclusion is evident with low number of potential subsidy. 
Old-aged people, disabled social groups and individuals without cars may have 
extreme significance in servicing transport demands within the framework of 
DRT systems and as the goal of TWIST showed us. 
Also TWIST experience has shown (on one side Abruzzo region on the other 
side South-Transdanubian region) that the more regulated the legal environ-
ment, the less conflict there is between DRT and other public transport modes. 
It seems in terms of technologies for DRT services, the level of telematics 
support available at the local level too. The Best Available Technology is very 
important for a success experimentation. Regarding mobile phone and other 
ICT technologies, the telematics solutions for DRT are highly transferable to 
rural and to disadvantaged areas making the access to telecommunication ser-
vices easier and cheaper. 
Intermodality needs an adequate environment. Some fixed stops are needed 
by all means for interconnections. Services need fixed starting time and a defi-
nite starting point for departure. Completely circular schemed flexible routes 
very rarely prove to be viable in the long run. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
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Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
The integration of DRT service into existing conventional (scheduled, fixed 
route) services (as it has been realised by Greek partner) may yield the follow-
ing advantages: 
—A greater flexibility in the servicing of travel demands with a maximum 
adjustment to them in time and space; 
—Flexible routing of services allows access throughout an area rather than 
on specific corridors; 
—Improved mobility allows citizens of sparsely populated areas for a 
greater mobility and helps to retain people in areas of declining popula-
—It can also encourage inter-settlement tourism without cars. 
For the adequate and functional operation of DRT systems it seems indis-
—To involve local communities into the planning of local systems and into 
decisions on solution alternatives. 
—Great emphasis should be laid on the selection on emphatic drivers who 
sympathise with passengers paralysed from transport disadvantages 
(which could be a problem in Hungary). 
—A number of additional and legal barriers should be tackled. Conflicts can 
be expected between other potential service providers (e.g. bus and taxi) 
and with other public transport modes (railway or shipping). Building co-
operation with these other actors is a real necessity. 
One of the most serious problems is the unclear juridical status and regula-
tion of the governance of DRT systems. Their financial system with the charg-
ing mechanism is rather chaotic and hectic (too many subjective elements are 
built into the system) and the degree and efficiency of their subsidization system 
also leaves several question marks. 
Drawing the consequences we estimated and established a lot of transferable 
things. But guidance on the most appropriate service and system design is 
lacking. For this, the objectives of the service must be clear and placed in the 
context of external constraints, such as political, legal, geographical and com-
municational restrictions. It is only then that the most efficient route design for 
the predicted demand levels can be considered. 

Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
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Erdősi, Ferenc - Gál, Zoltán - Gipp, Christoph - Varjú, Viktor: Path Dependency or Route Flexibility 
in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of TWIST Project. Pécs: Centre for Regional 
Studies of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2007. 68 p. Discussion Papers, No. 59.
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Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
The  Discussion Papers series of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian 
Academy of Sciences was launched in 1986 to publish summaries of research findings 
on regional and urban development. 
The series has 5 or 6 issues a year. It will be of interest to geographers, economists, 
sociologists, experts of law and political sciences, historians and everybody else who is, 
in one way or another, engaged in the research of spatial aspects of socio-economic 
development and planning. 
The series is published by the Centre for Regional Studies. 
Individual copies are available on request at the Centre. 
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Zoltan GAL 
galz @.rkk.hu 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
Papers published in the Discussion Papers series 
Discussion Papers /Specials 
BENKONE LODNER, Dorottya (ed.) (1988): Environmental Control and Policy: Proceedings of 
the Hungarian—Polish Seminar in the Theoretical Problems of Environmental Control 
and Policy 
OROSZ, Eva (ed.) (1988): Spatial Organisation and Regional Development Papers of the 6 th 
 Polish—Hungarian geographical Seminar 
DURO, Annamaria (ed.) (1993): Spatial Research and the Social—Political Changes: Papers of the 
7th  Polish—Hungarian Seminar 
DURO, Annamaria (ed.) (1999): Spatial Research in Support of the European Integration. 
Proceedings of the 11 th  Polish—Hungarian Geographical Seminar (Matrahaza, 
Hungary 17-22 September, 1998) 
GAL, Zoltan (ed.) (2001): Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union 
HORVATH, Gyula (ed.) (2002): Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary 
KOVACS, Andras Don& (ed.) (2004): New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-
Rural Relationship 
BARANYI, Bela (ed.) (2005): Hungarian—Romanian and Hungarian—Ukrainian border regions as 
areas of co-operation along the external borders of Europe 
Discussion Papers 
No. 1 
OROSZ, Eva (1986): Critical Issues in the Development of Hungarian Public Health 
with Special Regard to Spatial Differences 
No. 2 
ENYEDI, Gyorgy — ZENTAI, Viola (1986): Environmental Policy in Hungary 
No. 3 
HAJDU, Zoltan (1987): Administrative Division and Administrative Geography in 
No. 4 
SIKOS T., Minas (1987): Investigations of Social Infrastructure in Rural Settlements of 
Borsod County 
No. 5 
HORVATH, Gyula (1987): Development of the Regional Management of the Economy 
in East-Central Europe 
No. 6 
PALNE KOVACS, Ilona (1988): Chance of Local Independence in Hungary 
No. 7 
FARAGO, Laszlo — HRUBI, Laszlo (1988): Development Possibilities of Backward 
Areas in Hungary 
No. 8 
SZORENYINE KUKORELLI, ken (1990): Role of the Accessibility in Development 
and Functioning of Settlements 
No. 9 
ENYEDI, Gyorgy (1990): New Basis for Regional and Urban Policies in East-Central 
No. 10 RECHNITZER, Janos (1990): Regional Spread of Computer Technology in Hungary 
No. 11 SIKOS T., Tamas (1992): Types of Social Infrastructure in Hungary (to be not 
No. 12 HORVATH, Gyula — HRUBI, Laszlo (1992): Restructuring and Regional Policy in 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
No. 13 ERDOSI, Ferenc (1992): Transportation Effects on Spatial Structure of Hungary 
No. 14 PALNE KOVACS, Ilona (1992): The Basic Political and Structural Problems in the 
Workings of Local Governments in Hungary 
No. 15 PFEIL, Edit (1992): Local Governments and System Change. The Case of a Regional 
No. 16 HORVATH, Gyula (1992): Culture and Urban Development (The Case of Pecs) 
No. 17 HAJDU, Zoltan (1993): Settlement Network Development Policy in Hungary in the 
Period of State Socialism (1949-1985) 
No. 18 KOVACS, Ter& (1993): Borderland Situation as It Is Seen by a Sociologist 
No. 19 HRUBI, L. — KRAFTNE SOMOGYI, Gabriella (eds.) (1994): Small and medium-sized 
firms and the role of private industry in Hungary 
No. 20 BENKONE Lodner, Dorottya (1995): The Legal-Administrative Questions of 
Environmental Protection in the Republic of Hungary 
No. 21 ENYEDI, Gyorgy (1998): Transformation in Central European Postsocialist Cities 
No. 22 HAJDU, Zoltan (1998): Changes in the Politico-Geographical Position of Hungary in 
the 20th  Century 
No. 23 HORVATH, Gyula (1998): Regional and Cohesion Policy in Hungary 
No. 24 BUDAY-SANTHA, Attila (1998): Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Region 
of the Lake Balaton 
No. 25 LADOS, Mihaly (1998): Future Perspective for Local Government Finance in Hungary 
No. 26 NAGY, Erika (1999): Fall and Revival of City Centre Retailing: Planning an Urban 
Function in Leicester, Britain 
No. 27 BELUSZKY, Pal (1999): The Hungarian Urban Network at the End of the Second 
No. 28 RACZ, Lajos (1999): Climate History of Hungary Since the 16 th  Century: Past, Present 
and Future 
No. 29 RAVE, Simone (1999): Regional Development in Hungary and Its Preparation for the 
Structural Funds 
No. 30 BARTA, GyOrgyi (1999): Industrial Restructuring in the Budapest Agglomeration 
No. 31 BARANYI, Bela—BALCSOK, Istvan—DANCS, Lasz16—MEZO, Bama (1999): 
Borderland Situation and Peripherality in the North-Eastern Part of the Great Hungarian 
No. 32 RECHNITZER, Janos (2000): The Features of the Transition of Hungary's Regional 
No. 33 MURANYI, Istvan—PETER, Judit—SZARVAK, Tibor—SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2000): 
Civil Organisations and Regional Identity in the South Hungarian Great Plain 
No. 34 KOVACS, Ter& (2001): Rural Development in Hungary 
No. 35 PALNE, Kovacs Ilona (2001): Regional Development and Governance in Hungary 
No. 36 NAGY, Imre (2001): Cross-Border Co-operation in the Border Region of the Southern 
Great Plain of Hungary 
No. 37 BELUSZKY, Pal (2002): The Spatial Differences of Modernisation in Hungary at the 
Beginning of the 20 th  Century 
No. 38 BARANYI, Bela (2002): Before Schengen — Ready for Schengen. Euroregional 
Organisations and New Interregional Formations at the Eastern Borders of Hungary 

Discussion Papers 2007. No. 59. 
Path Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? 
The Case Study of TWIST project
No. 39 KERESZTELY, Krisztina (2002): The Role of the State in the Urban Development of 
No. 40 HORVATH, Gyula (2002): Report on the Research Results of the Centre for Regional 
Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
No. 41 SZIRMAI, Viktoria — A. GERGELY, Andras — BARATH, Gabriella—MOLNAR, 
Balks — SZEPVOLGYI, Akos (2003): The City and its Environment: Competition 
and/or Co-operation? (A Hungarian Case Study) 

No. 42 CSATARI, Balint—ICANALAS, Imre—NAGY, Gabor—SZARVAK, Tibor (2004): 
Regions in Information Society — a Hungarian Case-Study 
No. 43 FARAGO, Laszlo (2004): The General Theory of Public (Spatial) Planning (The Social 
Technique for Creating the Future) 
No. 44 HAJDU, Zoltan (2004): Carpathian Basin and the Development of the Hungarian 
Landscape Theory Until 1948 
No. 45 GAL, Zoltan (2004): Spatial Development and the Expanding European Integration of 
the Hungarian Banking System 
No. 46 BELUSZKY, Pal — GYORI, R6bert (2005): The Hungarian Urban Network in the 
Beginning of the 20 th  Century 
No. 47 G. FEKETE, Eva (2005): Long-term Unemployment and Its Alleviation in Rural Areas 
No. 48 SOMLYODYNE PFEIL, Edit (2006): Changes in The Organisational Framework of 
Cooperation Within Urban Areas in Hungary 
No. 49 MEZEI, Istvan (2006): Chances of Hungarian—Slovak Cross-Border Relations 
No. 50 RECHNITZER, Janos — SMAHO, Melinda (2006): Regional Characteristics of Human 
Resources in Hungary During the Transition 
No. 51 BARTA, Gyorgyi — BELUSZKY, Pal — CZIRFUSZ, Marton — GYORI, Robert — 
KUKELY, GyOrgy (2006): Rehabilitating the Brownfield Zones of Budapest 
No. 52 GROSZ, Andras (2006): Clusterisation Processes in the Hungarian Automotive 
No. 53 FEKETE, G. Eva — HARGITAI, Judit — JASZ, Krisztina — SZARVAK, Tibor — 
SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2006): Idealistic Vision or Reality? Life-long learning among 
Romany ethnic groups 

No. 54 BARTA, Gyorgyi (ed.) (2006): Hungary — the New Border of the European Union 
No. 55 GAL, Zoltan (2006): Banking Functions of the Hungarian Urban Network in the Early 
20th  Century. 
No. 56 SZORENYINE, Kukorelli ken (2006): Relation Analysis in Rural Space — A Research 
Method for Exploring the Spatial Structure in Hungary 
No. 57 MAUREL, Marie-Claude — POLA, Peter (2007): Local System and Spatial Change —
The Case of Boly  in South Transdanubia 
No. 58 SZIRMAI, Viktoria (2007): The Social Characteristics of Hungarian Historic 
City Centres