Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary

No. 73 
Governance for Sustainability –  
Two Case Studies from Hungary 
Ilona PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS – Viktor VARJÚ (eds.) 

Series editor 
  Zoltán GÁL 


Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
The research was financed by the G-FORS (Governance for Sustainability) 
FP6th Framework Project 


Ilona PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, scientific adviser, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS  
Viktor VARJÚ, junior research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS 
László FARAGÓ, senior research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS 
István FINTA, research fellow, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS 
István FODOR, scientific adviser, Centre for Regional Studies of HAS 
Viktor GLIED, PhD Student, University of Pécs, Multidisciplinary Doctoral 
ISSN 0238–2008 
ISBN 978 963 9899 16 2 
© Ilona PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS – Viktor VARJÚ 
© Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
2009 by Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 
Technical editor: Ilona Csapó. 
Printed in Hungary by Sümegi Nyomdaipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Ltd., Pécs. 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
Introduction .................................................................................................................   5 
2  Theoretical Frameworks – Knowledge, Governance and Sustainability ......................   5 
2.1   Knowledge and Governance ................................................................................   6 
2.2. Sustainability .........................................................................................................    8 
3  Strategic Environmental Assessment of the South-Transdanubian ROP 
in Hungary ....................................................................................................................   9 
3.1  Hungarian Planning System and the Second National Development Plan 
(SNDP) .................................................................................................................   9 
3.2 The National Legislation on SEA .......................................................................   10 
3.2.1  The Actors of the Environment Assessment ...........................................   10 
3.2.2  The Process of SEA Making ...................................................................   11 
3.3  The Operative Programming of South-Transdanubia (STOP) ...........................   11 
3.4  The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) ...............................................   14 
3.5 The Action Arena ...............................................................................................   15 
3.5.1 Involved 
Actors .......................................................................................   15 
3.5.2  Absent Actors ..........................................................................................   18 
3.5.3  Observed Modes of Interactions ..............................................................   19 
3.6 Governance Arrangements – Predominant Hierarchy ........................................   21 
3.6.1 Rules 
in Use ............................................................................................   22 
3.7 The KnowledgeScape .........................................................................................   23 
3.7.1  The Dominant Steering, Institutional Knowledge and Holders ...............   23 
3.7.2 Social/Spatial 
Distribution of Knowledge ...............................................   24 
3.7.3 Excluded/Silent 
Everyday/Local Knowledge and Holders .....................   24 
3.7.4 Reflective 
Knowledge .............................................................................   25 
3.7.5 Synergies/Contradictions 
between Knowledge Forms ............................   25 
3.7.6 Knowledge 
Deficits .................................................................................   26 
3.8  Interaction Between Knowledge and Governance Arrangements ......................   26 
3.8.1  Relation of Knowledge and Governance Arrangements 
and the Learning Process ........................................................................... 26 
3.9  The conclusions: ‘Governance for Sustainability’ ..............................................   27 
3.9.1 Assessing 
Sustainable Development .......................................................   27 
Legitimacy ..............................................................................................   27 
3.9.3  Synergy of Governance and Knowledge for Sustainability .....................   28 
4  EU-ETS in Pannonpower Power Plant – Mobilising Knowledge for Efficient 
and Sustainable Solutions in the Shadow of Hierarchy and the Messiness of 
Networks ....................................................................................................................   29 
4.1 Case History .......................................................................................................   30 
4.1.1  The Relations of Market, Hierarchy and Networking .............................   32 
4.2  The Influence of Key Themes and the Respective Forms of Knowledge ...........   34 
4.3  Filtering Mechanisms – Knowledge and Governance ........................................   39 
4.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................................   42 
Acknowledgement ...........................................................................................................   44 
References ........................................................................................................................   45 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
List of figures 
Figure 1  KnowledgeFlower ............................................................................................   7 
Figure 2  Micro-regions, counties in South-Transdanubian Region ..............................   13 
Figure 3  Hungarian System of regional policy and the management of ESF ...............   16 
Figure 4  The South-Transdanubian regional planning network ...................................   17 
Figure 5  The Main Roles/Competences of the Actors ..................................................   18 
List of tables 
Table 1 
Conclusions ....................................................................................................   43 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
1 Introduction 
The EU 6th Framework Programme entitled Governance for Sustainability (G-
FORS – www.gfors.eu, Contract No.: 028501) was aimed at the analysis of 
different governance forms from the aspect of sustainability. The consortium in-
cluding ten partners1 was to investigate the following topics: how the environ-
mental regulations and rules fit in the decision making processes, who are the 
most important actors of the decisions and how intensive and in which quality are 
those involved, what type of knowledge or cognition is necessary to enforce envi-
ronmental interests?  
The task of the Hungarian team was to prepare two case studies within the 
theoretical and methodological frameworks elaborated by the consortium. The 
first case study’s topic was the process of preparing strategic environmental as-
sessment (SEA) on the example of the South Transdanubian Operational Pro-
gramme of the II. National Development Plan, while the topic of the second was 
the analysis of the EU’s emission trade scheme (EU-ETS) on the example of the 
Pécs Pannonpower Company from the aspect of the Hungarian participation. The 
current study is worth the attention not only due to its interesting theoretical and 
methodological dimensions, but it is also important in terms of the future shaping 
of domestic environment management system. 
2  Theoretical Frameworks – Knowledge, Governance 
and Sustainability 
Following the millennium the large mass of law approximation tasks was charac-
teristic for the Hungarian environmental legislation, resulting that by today there 
are occasionally to be found such community regulations, that would not have yet 
been implemented in the Hungarian legal system and that is also a transitional 
situation (Horváth et al. 2004). 
The measures, norms and assessments (environmental impact assessment, en-
vironmental examination, strategic environmental assessment, the EMAS system, 
ISO 14001, EU’s sixth Environmental Action Plan, etc.) serving the protection of 
nature are to protect in the natural, build and social environment from the conse-
quences of human activities. However, we have to build consciousness that it is 
1 University of the West of England, Bristol, Darmstadt University of Technology, University of 
Warsaw, University of Twente, Politecnico di Milano, University of Göteborg, Norwegian 
Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Panteion University, Centre for Regional Studies of 
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning, 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
not sufficient alone to regulate. But it is also necessary to call attention to the 
problems of governance in environmental policy.  
A necessary but satisfactory condition in environment policy is the existence 
of regulations and legislative frameworks. In order to achieve efficient environ-
ment policy it is necessary to establish a decision making mechanism bearing the 
adequate structure and conglomerate of knowledge, able of interest harmonisa-
2.1  Knowledge and Governance 
The professional starting points of the project were formulated on knowledge 
sociological and political scientific basis, therefore the approach was not focused 
on the outcomes of the different policies, respectively on professional features of 
environment assessment methods, but much more on the new connections of gov-
ernance-knowledge and in the action space formulated by the actors. The research 
investigated the added impact of governance and knowledge in the mirror of sus-
tainability. Beside the sociological approach the political scientific aspect was in 
special focus, presuming that the governance position and the scope of knowledge 
of actors would significantly influence the embedding of environmental aspects 
into the decisions. We endeavoured to detect the impacts of different governance 
modes, of the concrete institutionalisation process and the regulation itself on the 
efficiency and political legitimacy keeping track of sustainability as the main 
focus. Further we have investigated the knowledge types used and created during 
the above process.  
Therefore we will not just scrutinize the formal scientific infrastructure in en-
vironmental research but (local) governance arrangements which regulate or en-
able the production of various types of knowledge. 
Governance arrangements are made of bundles of rule systems which each 
have a distinct influence on the combination, application and the trading of 
knowledge (Heinelt et al. 2006). Our research is therefore guided by the following 
  What are the dominant knowledge forms within each case study area and 
who are the respective knowledge holders (what types of knowledge was 
applied by the actors of the process)? 
  How can governance arrangements help to organize the boundary-crossing 
of non-scientific everyday knowledge with scientific and/or high-tech and 
expert knowledge in an orderly manner?  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
  In which ways do certain governance modes/arrangements (for example 
arguing, bargaining, hierarchical) encourage and facilitate or obstruct and 
hinder the development and application of knowledge forms? 
According to the approach of the consortium the different knowledge “prod-
ucts” can be attached to different governance modes (market, hierarchical, and 
network). The research was to prove, how certain environmental policies can 
encourage the use of different knowledge types (expert knowledge, local knowl-
edge, economic knowledge, managerial knowledge, etc.) (Figure 1). Further, we 
wished to detect the special governance forms (hierarchical, non-hierarchical, 
market governance etc.) which can especially contribute to sustainability. The 
target of the research was the identification of the spaces of environmental policy 
games and to analyse the types of „KnowledgeScape” required to shift the differ-
ent environment policies towards sustainability (Heinelt et al. 2006).  
Figure 1 
Source: UM/IRS 2006 in: Heinelt et al. 2006. p. 42.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
2.2  Sustainability 
Our understanding of sustainability somewhat differs from the meaning of the 
term as explicated in the Brundtland Report and the related discussion. Ap-
proaches to measure sustainability are usually based on substantive criteria that 
relate to the substance of the policy programmes. Here one might focus on the 
ultimate effects and outcomes of the implemented policies. These effects are usu-
ally measured using a fixed catalogue of indicators. (Such as for instance the 
sustainability scale of values in the course of the preparation of Strategic Envi-
ronmental Assessment, or in Emission Trade the quality of allowances
). This ap-
proach leaves us with some doubts because of two reasons: 
1.  Sustainability is not an absolute, but a relative concept that cannot be fully 
analysed outside a certain governance context or dissociated from its politi-
cal, social, economic and wider socio-spatial context. In particular, sustain-
ability is highly dependent on local knowledge
2. Indicator-based approaches to sustainable development are not able to 
measure interdependence and fail to provide strategic guidance for policy 
integration. This is why we refer to the notion of reflective knowledge. Re-
flective knowledge develops out of the purposive interaction and perceived 
interdependence of various forms of knowledge, often in particular socio-
spatial contexts, and represents the creative interaction of and interdepen-
dency between these knowledge forms within a certain context (Heinelt et 
al. 2006). 
The research has examined in a retrospective way the environment policy ac-
tion arenas and besides – where ever it was possible – participating observations 
were included into the process of research. The documents prepared about the 
discursions about the action arenas, the media materials in connection with envi-
ronmental policy actions, and other documents, regulations, and legal materials 
were the vases of document analysis and discourse analysis. These were comple-
mented by interviews and questionnaires done with the most important actors. 
The first case in this paper focuses on knowledge and governance reviewing 
the entirely scale of governance arrangements while the second case study dis-
cusses the local level via local interactions.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3 Strategic Environmental Assessment of the South-
Transdanubian ROP in Hungary 
3.1  Hungarian Planning System and the Second National Development Plan 
We have selected as the subject of our case study the SEA for the operative pro-
gramme of the South-Transdanubian region in the framework of SNDP (2007–
2013). This planning has followed the regulation of European Structural Funds as 
a part of a massive Europeanization process taking place in the new member 
The making of the plan was based on a special regulation in many respects in-
compatible with the national order. The adaptation to the European Union’s re-
quirements was carried out in many respects through external, special solutions, 
since the government was unable to integrate the new values and mechanisms into 
its own national structures. Hungary received practically ready-made procedures, 
institutions and policy means required to access the resources in the ESF.  
The time pressure was characteristic during the entire process contributing to 
the separation of European and national planning. The SNDP was made under the 
control of the government commissioner responsible for development policy with 
separate office, the National Development Agency (NDA). The preparation of the 
SNDP was primarily influenced by the European Commission and the main ob-
jectives of the national plan were defined mostly externally. 
Similarily, the regional planning took place in a centralised scheme. The 
elaboration of regional operational programmes (ROP) strictly followed the con-
tinuously changing requirements by the EU and the central expectations. ROPs 
were made on the residual principle, (targets were often included which were not 
important enough for the sectoral ministries) and their content was determined in 
the NDA. The Government concentrated the planning and implementation in the 
NDA, and ROPs were prepared in a similar linear/vertical process.  
 The success of interest reconciliations was seriously limited by the general in-
sufficient density of civil networks, the low level of the citizens’ participation, and 
the general lack of the cooperative political culture (Arató, 1999). Societal actors 
participated in the preparation of the SNDP mostly in the early phases of plan-
ning. The social discussion of the National Development Policy Concept was a 
two-month procedure, involving almost four hundred organisations. Nevertheless 
the participants complained about the one-way communication: in the majority of 
the forums the intentions of the Government were introduced and the debate was 
restricted to why the recommendations could not be accepted. An argument fre-
quently used to conclude the debate was that the European Commission did not 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
allow something or that something had to be included on the recommendations of 
The draft of the SNDP was considerably amended after the elections of 2006 
so new discussions became necessary prior to the submission of the final version. 
For the reconciliations of the final versions of the operational programmes, the 
time was also far too short, making it impossible to have real discussions, the 
process was from the bottom not really understandable.  
3.2  The National Legislation on SEA  
In the course of the preparation of the governmental decree on SEA there was a 
significant debate basically among four ministries. Compared with the first draft 
the proposal was in many respects simplified and a number of provisions were 
eliminated, which originally were to ensure a larger space or more definite con-
sideration for environment protection and for the publicity as well. The modifica-
tions imply that in the course of the legislation the administrative organisational 
interest and knowledge could better succeed than the special professional/ envi-
ronmental aspects. 
3.2.1  The Actors of the Environment Assessment 
Planner (elaborator) 
The planner decides himself, whether in the process of the preparation of the plan 
it is necessary to carry out environmental assessment or not, the only exceptions 
are the obligatory cases listed by the legal regulation. The SEA must be fulfilled 
by a person with adequate expertise. The planner is the “master of the case”– 
apart from the final acceptance – it makes all the important decisions.  
Green authorities 
The authorities responsible for environment protection are present in every phase 
of the process and their involvement is made compulsory by law, but they only 
have the right of expressing their opinion. 
The concerned public is practically anyone, who is effected by the plan – espe-
cially due to its environmental impacts –, among others especially environmental 
or other civil organisations considered as concerned by the law or the planner.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
Decision makers  
Public organ, the government or the parliament to which the planner submits the 
plan, and as a part of the plan the environmental assessment for approval. 
3.2.2  The Process of SEA Making 
  As the first step the planner decides based on the opinion of the authorities 
responsible for environment protection about the necessity of environmental 
  The second step is defining the content of environmental assessment. Environ-
mental authorities have the right of opinion, and the planner is obliged to pro-
vide them with necessary information. The planner publishes the syllabus and 
the schedule of the SEA and defines the circle of concerned public based on 
these documents. 
  The third step is the elaboration of SEA and its submission for evaluation. The 
form of the evaluation is actually not mentioned in the legal regulation sepa-
rately. Also the procedural order between the planner and the expert elaborat-
ing the environmental assessment is not regulated. The planner publishes to-
gether with the SEA the target of the plan and also the information where and 
when the reconciliation documentation can be inspected. It is compulsory to 
give orientation on the plan and the environment assessment at least in one na-
tional or local press organ, and shall the planner have a website the information 
must be published there too. 30 days are available to the public to express 
opinions and comments concerning the information published. In the case of 
divergent opinions reconciliation must be held, and following that the remain-
ing divergences must be included in the documentation. 
  As the last step the planner has to submit the draft plan and programme to the 
decision making organ together with the environment assessment, as well as 
the summary of opinions and comments received during the environment as-
sessment. The decision maker must consider the both the environment assess-
ment and the opinions and comments received. 
3.3  The Operative Programming of South-Transdanubia (STOP) 
The number of the selection options was strongly limited by the fact that the SEA 
became first compulsory in the NDP and therefore there were no former adequate 
domestic plans available. We have to imply that the selected case is in many re-
spects not ideal from the aspects of our research due to the new requirements of 
European planning. The ROP and SEA process was fairly hard to understand, 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
bearing unforeseeable turning points, where the actors, roles, knowledge and 
processes are far not clear and settled not only due to the loose regulation but also 
due to the lack of routine and time. We can agree with those who call attention to 
the importance of the general decision-making and policy frameworks (Nilsson –
 2001; Nitz – Brown, 2001). Our case is a typical example of the phe-
nomenon that the dominant model of governance can hardly adapt, interiorize the 
philosophy of SEA.  
We reconstructed the process of ROP and SEA preparation fundamentally 
with empirical methods. We made interviews with the main actors and analysed 
all important documents (plans, minutes, websites, etc., altogether about 80 items) 
concerning the legislation, planning and SEA making process. We have reached 
almost all actors in the issue of SEA, made more than 40 interviews striving to 
represent the different types and levels of actors adequately. On the other hand in 
the case of this case study we could hardly rely on information by the media since 
there were scarcely any articles concerned with this topic.  
The region of South-Transdanubia is one of the seven NUTS 2 regions in 
Hungary belonging to the most underdeveloped ones. With regard to the fact that 
the traditional meso level unit of Hungary is the county (19 NUTS 3 units), this 
larger regional unit originally serving developmental-statistical and planning tar-
gets is constituted by counties (Figure 2).  
The planning process of the STOP has been launched at the end of the year 
2004. Following the decision on the main targets the planning team made decision 
on the so called strategic development programmes which are to break down and 
unfold the comprehensive overall targets.  
In the frameworks of the regional reconciliation facilitated by regional devel-
opment agency (STRDA) – in a written, electronic form – 469 comments were 
submitted concerning the STOP, and the agency answered these comments. From 
among these comments only few dealt with the aspects of sustainability  
The South-Transdanubian Regional Development Council (STRDC) passed at 
its 2006 November session the final version including the opinions formulated 
during the civil reconciliations. In December 2006 the Hungarian Government 
also accepted the STOP and subsequently the European Committee passed it in its 
resolution of 1 August 2007.  
The two years action plans were developed on the bases of the above priority 
axes in the first half of 2007. The reconciliation of the action plans was carried 
out involving mainly those groups, which were potentially expected to submit 
future proposals, tenders.  
According to the report on the national public internet based reconciliation of 
the action plans only 14 organisations considered it necessary join in the discus-
sion formulating altogether 45 proposals. One complaint is definitely to be 
stressed according to which “the documents published at the website of the NDA 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
and the web-portal of the regional agency often show even significant factual 
The public dispute was finished in the middle of June, the document was 
passed by the STRDC on the 29 June, by the Hungarian Government in July. The 
central reconciliations of the ROP practically could not be attached to concrete 
events or negotiations, since they meant nothing else in practice than the uninter-
rupted “guiding of the pencil” of local planners. The local decisions were always 
preceded and than followed by consultation with central planners.  
Figure 2 
 Micro-regions, counties in South-Transdanubian Region  
Source: Edited by the authors 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.4  The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) 
The SEA originally targeted the region to become the “model region of high envi-
ronmental quality”, therefore environmental aspects received special accent. The 
creators of SEA emphasised that in terms of interpretation of sustainable devel-
opment South-Transdanubia is one of the best prepared regions in the country.  
The NDA selected a consortium through open public procurement to carry out 
the SEA. This consortium was led by Respect Ltd., which was at that time the only 
organisation in Hungary having a reference in SEA preparation. The methodologi-
cal description of the SEA report was available to be viewed by official and social 
partners, and was discussed at a partnership forum.  
During SEA consultation, the NDA provided a multi-channel option for re-
ceiving partner’s comments: partly on the website of the NDA and partly through 
a web interface. The planner, in this case did not seek for a stronger cooperation 
with the SEA makers, but paid only attention to the proper ready made report. 
In case of the STOP, two SEA forums were held in Budapest together with 
other regional OPs and especially, for this region in Kaposvár. The consultation 
was made available to the general public on the NDA website and in national 
newspapers. However, if we take a look beyond the formal procedures we will see 
that the philosophy of SEA was injured. The SEA makers were not authorized to 
conduct direct negotiations with the different planner units just indirectly though 
the Department of Evaluation of the NDA. This indirect manner led to the point 
that the SEA was first prepared subsequent to finishing the social dispute on the 
OPs and therefore their dispute also followed after finishing the OPs. This was 
extremely significant mistake also criticized by the participants in the social dis-
Concerning the media publicity of SEA preparation the picture is depressing. 
Practically we could hardly find any press organ which would have dealt with the 
statements and conclusion of the SEA prepared for the NDP. One single article 
reporting on the social dispute of the NDP and the OPs mentions also environ-
mental aspects and the SEA. We can not report on a more intensive media interest 
concerning the preparation of the STOP either, and the SEA phase completely 
disappeared from the eyes of the wider society. As mentioned, the reason for that 
is especially that the language, content of the union plans and programmes is a 
fairly hard communication task towards the lay public, moreover often even for 
the politicians participating in the different decision-making organs. Furthermore 
the introverted attitude of the “planning experts” was explicitly apprehensible 
during the entire planning period. The fairly hectic and incalculable process of the 
bottom up and external (EU) reconciliation consumed all the energy of the plan-
ners, and acquiring the support of the local society was rather unimportant for 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.5  The Action Arena 
The topic of our study makes it necessary to highlight the weakness and the un-
settled character of the regional tier. The reform of the meso-level of governance 
has been a subject of political and professional debates since the systemic change, 
i.e. the question whether the traditional county system (19 counties plus the capital 
city, Budapest) should be replaced by administrative spatial units bigger than the 
counties. The decision has not yet been made, but the discussion contributed to 
the parallel and often competing operation of different institutions and functions at 
three spatial tiers of the meso-level of governance (174 micro-regions, 19 counties 
and the capital, and 7 macro-regions). South Transdanubia, is a so called NUTS 2 
unit created definitely for the absorption of the resources by the European Union. 
However, the so called development councils created at this level have weak com-
petencies compared to the central government level. Subsequent to the accession 
Hungary set up new managing authorities in a too centralised manner. For the 
programming period 2007–2013 the steering competencies of the SNDP and the 
OPs have been concentrated in one single mega organisation, namely in the NDA 
and the regions could play a secondary role in planning and implementation of the 
plan. In spite of the domestic development institutional system created 10 years 
ago the management of the ESF has been built up separated contributing to par-
allelism and overlaps (Figure 3). 
3.5.1  Involved Actors 
The creation of the SNDP, ROPs and the two-year action plans was fundamen-
tally carried out under the steering of the NDA, with the participation of a high 
number of actors of course. The NDA was responsible for the interaction with the 
competent authorities of the EU, the plan itself together with the OPs and action 
plans were finally accepted by the Government. 
Local/regional planners (South Transdanubian Regional Development Coun-
cil (STRDC), Regional Development Agency (STRDA) have/had several tasks in 
the process. The STRDA, founded and supervised by the STRDC, planned and 
submitted the draft of the STOP having no decision-making competencies. The 
ROP was approved by STRDC containing the representatives of the dominant 
self-governments and the delegates of certain ministries. Beside the Council, 
other actors are present as consulting partners (Figure 4).  
The so called Regional Working Group (RWG) was set up by Government 
Decree, with the aim to involve the social-economic, professional partners and the 
representatives of sectors and science in the planning. The RWG of the region had 
47 members, some of the representatives of science and the economic sphere got 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
Figure 3 
Hungarian System of regional policy and the management of ESF 
Management of Structural Funds
Managing Board 
of Development
National Council 
National Alliances
Minister responsible for 
National economic
National Council for
of Self Governments
regional development
Regional Development
Interest Reconciliation
y l

7 Regional

Deconcentrated organs
Development Councils 
Civil consultative 
s e
and Agencies
 self governments,
19 County
Civil consultative 
ons of
cities with county rank 
Development Councils
 174 Micro-regional



3200 Municipal
self governments

co-operation, consultation

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
a place in the organisation. There was no civil actor member in the working 
group. The further members represented the central government and the more 
significant urban self-governments and the STRDA, STRDC (see Figure 5).  
Civil actors and the general public have opportunities to express their opinion 
in a fairly formalised order. The environmental organisations belong to the rela-
tively well organised organisations within this sector, and therefore they were 
able to express their opinion more successfully.  
Experts have a predominant role in the ROP and the SEA as well. The plan-
ning was based on previous regional planning documents made by the Hungarian 
Academy of Sciences and the University of Pécs. Experts were also important 
actors in the regional planning working groups. The SEA makers are themselves 
experts of course. Sectoral experts appeared also in the planning working groups 
having a fairly good experience in regional planning due to mostly the previous 
PHARE programmes. 
Figure 4 
 The South-Transdanubian regional planning network 
Source: Based on National Development Agency (www.nfu.hu). 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
Figure 5 
The Main Roles/Competences of the Actors 
Source: Edited by the authors. 
3.5.2  Absent Actors 
Party politicians  
The leaders of larger self-governments seek to enforce their party affiliation in the 
course of their membership in the STRDC (generating conflicts), and also the 
persons representing the ministries are often not public servants but party politi-
cians. Despite of that the parties and their ideology were present only in a hidden 
Economic actors  
The economic chambers currently only bear the right of consultation in STRDC 
and in practice their activity is strongly regressing. Despite of that certain eco-

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
nomic actors exert mostly in an informal way significant influence on the prepa-
ration of the ROP. 
Independent experts 
The independent experts were absent who would have been able to reason with 
professional arguments with the creators of SEA or to assist the participation of 
other partners with their expert opinion. We are not convinced that the SEA 
creators were able to formulate a really independent opinion towards the planners. 
Environment protection authorities  
The role of the Ministry of Environment Protection (MEP), and its regional or-
gans responsible environmental issues were not very strong or accented. The in-
terviews with the green authorities implied that the reason of their fairly low in-
fluence on the process was actually their own interpretation of their role. Namely 
it is the duty of the green authorities to express their opinion on the SEA. They 
interpreted this as a kind of controlling or quality assurance. As the head of de-
partment of the green authority formulated: “We have no voice in the strategies, if 
we are invited to the reconciliation forums, we may at best sit down but we can 
not intervene in the discussion.” 
3.5.3  Observed Modes of Interactions 
The Vertical Dimension 
The planning process was for the first sight carried out in a very formalised sys-
tem based on a hierarchical, multilevel governance model supplemented by the 
element of networking (partnership). The National Development Agency coordi-
nated the planning organising official forums. One of the planners characterised 
the sessions “we were too many to go into details”. The written documents and 
correspondence were in general not used to confront different approaches but 
rather to provide for orientation, information and record the results of informal 
negotiations. Especially the relationship of the SEA creators and the NDA was 
indirect and formal. As one of the SEA creators formulated: “we have sent eve-
rything to the NDA and we have received everything from them”. However even 
in the hierarchical segment the informal moments were also present: The infor-
mal, lobbying types of interactions were less effective between the central and 
regional actors, but much more in the relationships between the sectors/ministries 
and between bureaucrats and politicians.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
The Horizontal Dimension 
A part of the civil organisations could participate in the central tier reconciliations 
through direct invitation, like green organisations with a more significant network 
and further the National Council of Environment Protection (NCEP) as advisory 
organ of the Government, in which professionals, civil organisations, the eco-
nomic sphere and the scientific life is represented. The leader of one of the civil 
organisations remarked that they have in vain requested to the minister to involve 
them but they have never received an answer. This observation actually implies 
that the planner had the chance of filtering
The regional level reconciliation is also regulated. The civil sector is compul-
sory consulting partner, in the form of the so called Civil Reconciliation Forum 
(CRF). Civil organisations could freely register into this forum. Civil actors were 
at the beginning fairly distrustful towards the regional planner. Since the autumn 
of 2006, the revitalisation of the CRF has been on the agenda. The first more seri-
ous task of the forum was the consultation on the ROP and SEA interpreted its 
participation as learning process.  
The company assigned with the elaboration of the SEA set very strict dead-
lines for the social dispute. Of course the invitation of the CRF was obvious. The 
Green Circle Association was the opinion leader among the environmental or-
ganisations. CRF did not participate in the discussion on the SEA organised in the 
city of Kaposvár. Their opinion was transferred to the SEA creators in written 
form and through the internet. One of the civil organisations attending the Kapos-
vár forum remarked that their representative addressed a question during the 
meeting, but the SEA makers instead of dealing with the question indicated that 
they will “forward the proposal to those responsible”. Partly for these kind of 
reasons the opinion evolved on behalf of the civil actors that the SEA is only a 
task to be tickled, without any real significance.  
During the joint work it became clear for those elaborating the SEA that sev-
eral of the recommendations of the civil partners are worthy to consider. Still the 
cooperation was not without any conflicts. The genuine character of the discus-
sion was defected by the fact that the civil actors were overwhelmed with a large 
amount of unprocessed information deriving directly from the Government, there-
fore the civil actors were not really able to treat the information adequately due to 
the lack of capacity and time.  
The discussions were strictly documented in the so called reconciliation dia-
ries, and besides that it was possible to formulate and submit opinions through a 
specific scheme on the internet and the feedback by the planner was transferred 
here too. Namely the planner had to report in the course of the presentation of the 
final plan on the results of the reconciliations.  
With respect to the civil dispute some improvements were to be detected due 
to the learning process of the civil actors, but the main feature of interactions was 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
the indirect character and the limitation of the direct discussions and often the 
mere formality of the feedback. One of the SEA creators reported: “The material 
was published on the website and anyone who felt to want to say something, had 
the opportunity to do so” The representative of one of the civil organs said the 
following: “The website of the STRDA is chaotic, I can not find anything and 
sometimes I think that it was designed this way on purpose…”. These problems 
appeared of course in the officially presented documents only partially.  
The argumentation of the “dispute” implies very well that it was carried out on 
a quite theoretical level. The preliminary reason of which is that the specification 
of ROP at that time did not allow participants to state the case more concretely. 
SEA was very hypothetic and could not be based on concrete calculations, the 
venues of the planned developments were not known and therefore the SEAs 
were rather appropriate for shaping of attitudes than for establishing concrete 
preventive steps.  
3.6  Governance Arrangements – Predominant Hierarchy 
Hierarchy was strongly enforced towards the regional decision-makers, although 
mainly not in the form of formalised, official decisions but much more through 
direct planners-officials personal “consultations”.  
The hierarchical element was enforced also in the process of SEA preparation. 
The SEA creators were practically excluded from the territorial and sectoral 
reconciliations concerning the ROPs. The integration of the SEA into the process 
is practically unregulated.  As the department leader of the RDA responsible for 
the SEA formulated: “the SEA maker and planner arranged the schedule any-
Mainly Hidden Networking 
The “hidden” sphere of the politicians maintained mainly informal relationships 
to the NDA, but there were also some formalised elements in this system:  
  The minister supervising the NDA, as a politician was the most important 
contact point between the planners and the politicians. 
  Formalized party consultations were held also involving the opposition par-
ties. However the forum was not able to conduct real dialogue.  
We felt the signs of networking governance in the circle of civil organisations 
participating in the social reconciliation of the SEA. The necessity of cooperation 
was by virtue of the character and volume of the task obvious, since the civil or-

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
ganisations were only this way able to comment the very diverse topics in a pro-
fessionally competent way and to handle the large quantities of information at all.  
Almost Absent Market Mode of Governance 
Economic actors were almost completely absent in the planning process of the 
ROP but to some extent traceable. One of the interviewees reported that his pro-
fessionally better tender was beaten in the SEA tendering of the action plan be-
cause of his the higher price and the price weighted with 50% among the selection 
criteria. One of the SEA makers reported that “NDA pays so they can order as 
well”. A part of the experts involved in local planning also received their assign-
ments though application or public procurement. The major part of the knowledge 
was therefore “purchased”. 
3.6.1  Rules in Use 
The regulation of the planning process was rigidly formalised and chaotic at the 
same time: 
  Resulting from the hierarchical governance the role of the position, bound-
ary and authority rules has succeeded regulating the issue of who and what. 
  However regulations were very soft concerning the question of how 
(aggregation rules), for instance how far the planner is bound by the SEA or 
up to what extent the planner is obliged to consider proposals raised by the 
participants of social reconciliations. 
  Concerning the civil actors it is hard to clarify whom they represent because 
there are no legal, procedural or legitimacy rules existing. 
  The scope rules are also liquid, the borders of the regions are rather artificial 
and the actors can hardly decide in the course of regional planning whether 
the given objective will really serve the entire region or will have a smaller 
scale impact. The SEAs of the seven ROPs were created by the same expert 
team, not only using the same scheme, pattern but also often making the 
content elements uniform as well. 
  The planner decides about the way of informational flows. The processing 
of the information arriving with big delays and lacking expert assistance 
often did not happen at all, generating only formal opinions or even “silent 
  We could often find in the planning and also concerning SEA report too 
general addressing of stakeholders (like though the internet or newspaper), 
which actually was unable to reach to those really concerned. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.7  The KnowledgeScape 
3.7.1  The Dominant Steering, Institutional Knowledge and Holders 
In the planning process of the ROP, interestingly we identified the dominance of 
the steering, institutional knowledge. We have found that planners of the NDA 
and the regional development agency could acquire the dominant role because 
they were familiar with the procedural, organisational and institutional require-
ment system, the specific terminology of the European planning with the logic of 
reconciliation mechanisms and the competencies of the different tiers
. Often 
stated phrases were “Brussels expects that…” The SEA creator said to the ques-
tion, whether it was a disadvantage that they had no experience in the field of 
SEA: “It was not a disadvantage, since this type of knowledge was not necessary. 
Only knowledge on the legal background and the pervious SEA’s was necessary 
and we also reviewed some international projects”. The “European knowledge” 
namely “how the Union functions” is in Hungary currently the privilege of a nar-
row expert elite.  

A peculiar paradox is that the staff of the NDA had a relatively poor institu-
tional and steering knowledge on its own institution. The instable organisational 
context concerning its new, fairly complicated internal regulation reduced the 
performance of the staff working there. The employees were new and young 
technocrats with relatively poor knowledge on public administration and the or-
ganisation itself.  
The makers of the ROP SEA were conscious about their own “rights” in the 
course of the reconciliations, but these “rights” could not succeed against the 
planners. The SEA makers were in a “vacuum”, and could not integrate in the 
planning process. According to the SEA makers the personality is an important 
element in the process, e.g. to what extent the expert as a person is able to insist 
upon his/her arguments or he/she is able to formulate proposals in a context sym-
pathetic, desirable also for the planner. 
Secondary Role of the Expert, Scientific Knowledge (Bundle1) and Holders 
The SEA as a completely new policy tool is the privilege of a few experts in 
Hungary who are members in international professional organisations and have 
scientific and institutional background. Although Hungary now has many good 
environmental experts, the SEA as a method and a value system is still not wide-
spread, this is knowledge of a very narrow professional circle. The Central and 
East European Regional Environmental Centre (REC) was the organisation pro-

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
viding the institutional background for the first SEA pilot project in Hungary car-
ried out in 2003.  
But the SEA of ROP action plan was not any more created by this team, 
bit based on its lower price a consortium having actually no experience in 
SEA creation. Since the NDA had no SEA knowledge at all, and consid-
ered this work as strongly formal, was rather interested in the simply crea-
tion of the SEA report.  
3.7.2  Social/Spatial Distribution of Knowledge 
ROP and the SEA require strongly intellectual capacities. It is not accidentally 
that none of the planning documents could approach the general public (referring 
just to the fairly artificial language of European planning). SEA preparation was 
limited to state offices, academic sphere or the professional circles at local gov-
ernments. Even the English language knowledge was a filtering factor since a part 
of the documents was not or with delays translated into Hungarian. Certain social 
layers or groups were prominently absent in the ROP (e.g. gipsies, women, 
homeless or elderly), and the interest representation were unable to enforce their 
own aspects in the disputes.  
A further important element is the strongly centralised character of planning. 
The NDA’s staff characteristically missed to “come down” to the region, in oppo-
site rather the local actors had to “go up” to the offices, and this attitude was char-
acteristic for the SEA makers too, the local actors and their knowledge therefore 
was not so influential. 
3.7.3  Excluded/Silent Everyday/Local Knowledge and Holders 
The lack of local knowledge can be explained by multi-fold system of reasons:  
  The abstractness of the ROP and the SEA did not allow a consideration of 
local aspects. Mayors and the civil organisations often expressed their 
opinions according to local features and aspects but these opinions could 
unfortunately succeed with a very low efficiency.  
  For SEA experts living in the capital city the region was an “unknown 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.7.4  Reflective Knowledge 
In the first national development plan (2004–2006) the preparation of SEA was 
not yet compulsory. Despite of that a SEA was prepared for the only ROP, and 
this rather pilot type of project provided the opportunity for an expert team to 
evolve which learned the philosophy of SEA. They had direct contact with the 
planners and consequently a tight cooperation developed and the planner could 
utilise from the SEA process as much as he wanted.  
In the framework of the second national development plan, in our case study 
the SEA was created under completely different circumstances. Namely the inte-
gration of the SEA into the process was compulsory as well as the cooperation of 
the planner, the SEA makers and the civil partners. Despite of that the experiences 
of the former SEA creation and the learning process were not adequately utilised, 
reversely SEA makers were kept as far as possible from the operative planning.  
We could detect some kind of learning process in the civil sector. The knowl-
edge applied by them is rather an empirical, than expert knowledge. As one of the 
civil experts of a green organisation formulated: “we did not receive too much 
new information from these documents which were unable to answer the prob-
lems of the region.”  
3.7.5  Synergies/Contradictions between Knowledge Forms  
The low transparency of the decision-making process, the novelty of the institu-
tional system and inflexible treatment of the requirements of the European Union 
as “ultima ratio” upgraded the institutional and steering knowledge and hindered 
the enforcement of expert knowledge and the local knowledge forms. Referring to 
the typology by Davoudi (2006) the Hungarian case study is much closer to the 
instrumental model than to the reflective model of scientific knowledge transfer.  
Beside the above we have detected some synergy and some elements of the re-
flective model. The preparation of the ROP and SEA significantly contributed to 
the evolvement of a more intensive cooperation between the civil organisations of 
the region thanks to which the lacking local knowledge of the SEA makers could 
be supplemented – with some regional elements.  
The relative professional success was promoted by the fact that the RDA has 
in advance possessed an environment protection strategy and such an expert col-
league who could be the real partner of the SEA makers. The “green” fellow 
worker maintained contact with the SEA team, and could contribute to the quality 
of the report. In this respect the synergy was assured by the fact that there was an 
actor within the planning organisation, whose main task was the enforcement of 
environmental aspects and on the other hand participated himself as a planner in 
the process. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.7.6  Knowledge Deficits 
We can state in general that both, the ROP planning and the SEA were unable to 
treat social aspects. The laic politicians and the civil society not concerned with 
environment protection, the ordinary citizens, as everyday knowledge holders 
were practically completely excluded from the discourse. The strong filtering of 
the local and regional aspects and knowledge within the centralised decision-
making mechanism actually had a negative effect even on the quality of the SEA 
hardly able to formulate locally specific recommendations. To realisation of 
negative consequences will be possible much later perhaps by an “ex post SEA” 
or the ex-ante evaluation. 
3.8 Interaction Between Knowledge and Governance Arrangements 
3.8.1  Relation of Knowledge and Governance Arrangements 
and the Learning Process 
The hierarchical governance mode was the main obstacle in the process. The 
dominant authoritarian position and aggregation rules, institutional knowledge 
based on attributes and low level of public communication have been supported 
by the governance arrangements which were able to filter largely the local, milieu 
and everyday knowledge forms.  
The consortium creating the SEA was practically in possession of the scientific 
knowledge, what it (could have) used for playing the role of knowledge translator 
too. Most of the experts were also teaching at universities and the leading expert 
also published a book on SEA (Szilvácsku, 2003). However, the planner and its 
governmental context did not allow this translator function. The extremely loose 
banter of the staff did basically not interest the planner in the integration of SEA 
knowledge which remained stuck outside the government. The high fluctuation, 
contra-selection of the staff has hardly encouraged the inclusive attitude of plan-
ning bureaucracy against the external environment and import knowledge. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.9  The conclusions: ‘Governance for Sustainability’ 
3.9.1  Assessing Sustainable Development 
We tend to share the opinion formulated by Fernandez (2004) on the Spanish 
politics that similarly to Spain, in Hungary the sustainability is exogenous, unable 
to interpenetrate the everyday practices.  
The entire governance is interpenetrated by some elements limiting the com-
prehensive enforcement of sustainability: 
  Poor dialogue between public power and the civil society.  
  The environment protection is institutionalised within the government in a 
“sectoral”, isolated way. 
It is not accidentally that the social consideration (social and special cohesion) 
could not succeed in planning, or similarly that according to the general opinion 
in the second national development plan competitiveness conquered sustainabil-
As concerns the aggregation dimension of the governance policy the model of 
governance is also not optimal. The sectoral ministries concerned defiantly en-
deavoured to narrow the scope of the application of SEA. The environmental 
aspects were therefore external and posterior within the process of governmental 
policy making.  
3.9.2  Legitimacy 
The polarized political situation, the unstable position of civil servants and the 
weak social partnership, further the weak cohesion and the lack of confidence 
forming the context, as well as the loosely established character of the regional 
tier all imply the weak legitimacy of the ROP and the SEA. 
The actors may not be excluded from the reconciliations, but this is very far 
from the real participation as the requirement of input legitimacy. The transpar-
ency of the decision making process was not adequate either, and therefore 
throughput-legitimacy is originally absent. The union planning and especially its 
regional tier suffer under serious malfunctions in terms of both the legitimacy and 
social embedding of institutions, and the transparency of the processes.  
It is still a question, what level of output legitimacy the quality of the ROP and 
its acceptation by the actors can guarantee? The public consensus in relation to 
the ROP means practically a very narrow local political and civil acceptation.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
3.9.3  Synergy of Governance and Knowledge for Sustainability 
The given national case can not be understood of course without the concrete 
physical, social, cultural environment (attributes of community) and the general 
model of governance as we could learn from the IAD framework (Ostrom, 2005). 
The Hungarian case study supported that the general frameworks of governance 
are the most crucial factors from the aspect of the concrete action arena they may 
even overwrite the special regulation and institutional environment.  
The ROP and the SEA are novelties for the Hungarian public administration 
  decentralised governance, 
  partnership of non public actors, 
  networks for arguing and bargaining, 
  measurement the quality and efficiency of decisions, and 
  respecting the normative value of sustainability. 
Since in Hungarian planning the SEA was placed “externally”, even the advo-
cacy coalition could give a chance to a more efficient enforcement of sustainabil-
ity. The top down, closed planning model did actually not allow this, the interac-
tion mechanism was missing. The Hungarian regional planning and within that 
the SEA has not yet produced a „mature policy subsystem” (Sabatier, 1999, pp. 
We tend to believe that in Hungary the SEA can achieve adequate level of ef-
ficiency only if it is an integrated, internal part of the planning institution and 
procedure. Our conclusion is far from the concept of the G-FORS project. While 
the open character of the action arena, the penetrability of organisational borders, 
the dominance of network elements and the expansion of learning opportunities 
could serve the sustainability, in our case the rigid/strict top down regulation, the 
knowledge integrated in the organisation seem to be the practicable paths. The 
opinion of Nitz and Brown does not seem to be applicable in our case, according 
to which: „Environmental Assessment practitioners have the potential to contrib-
ute significantly to ensuring that environmental dimensions are considered in 
policy making and that policy making outcomes shift us in more sustainable di-
rections.” (Nitz – Brown, 2001, p. 339) since the chance of “external” actors rep-
resenting sustainability for the partnership is practically zero.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
4  EU-ETS in Pannonpower Power Plant – Mobilising 
Knowledge for Efficient and Sustainable Solutions in 
the Shadow of Hierarchy and the Messiness of Networks 

To assess the emergence of sustainable development and the result of policy 
processes is not so easy. The Kyoto Protocol and one of its European implemen-
tation mechanisms the EU-Emission Trade Scheme (EU-ETS) deals with reduce 
the carbon-dioxide emission in the member states. Reacting to the challenge of 
climate change (and the regulation provided by the ETS) affected local actors 
have to attend in the carbon-dioxide quota exchange system. The question is how 
they can be involved, using what forms of interests and KnowledgeScape 
(Matthiesen, 2005). What kind of strategies and actions can lead the sustainabil-
ity? What the situation is in the field of Emission Trade Scheme (ETS)? 
In the framework of the G-FORS project Pannonpower Power Plant Company 
as an “emitter” was selected. The firm is situated in Pécs (the seat of the South-
Transdanubain Region). Concerning the EU-ETS guideline and its instructions to 
the Hungarian legislation the power plant – as a company obliged to involve in 
ETS – participated in the procedure of the second Hungarian National Allocation 
Plan (NAP) and National Allocation List (NAL) standing for their interests. These 
are to meet the demand of the local community (clean air and climate friendly 
operation) and the claim of economic efficiency as well. The response of the cho-
sen company to the CO2 reduction (clean air and profit maximisation) was the 
change from black coal to gas and biomass as a ‘green’ energy. The research – 
touching upon the challenges rose by climate change – also sought after the reac-
tions of the local administrative level to the new regulative, legislative back-
ground and was to identify the role of the local governance in these processes.  
As regards the research methodology  the first step was to select and analyse 
the concerning regulations identifying the key actors and the main procedures. 
Parallel with it we started to collect data, articles from local and national daily 
presses, different periodicals and reviews and other written materials looking for 
the local situation and mapping the whole arena and its processes. Interviews also 
have been done with the key actors on national and on local level as well. The 
task was hard with the interviews since the research touched sensitive economic 
interests on both levels. Actors usually abstain from giving interviews therefore 
sometimes we needed personal acquaintance to the appropriate person. The diffi-
culty was to go through the desks of secretariat. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
4.1. Case History 
Pannonpower is the second biggest power plant in the South-Transdanubian Re-
gion (following the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, which is the largest in Hungary). 
The company has continuously improved and modernised its technology in order 
to achieve a better dust emission rate but also due to the pressure by the local 
society and by the city council. The main argument was the unhealthy air. In 2004 
Pannonpower introduced gas and biomass (with 50 MW built-in capacity) as its 
new combustible. This change resulted in lower sulphur and nitrogen-oxides pol-
lution and in reduced gross carbon-dioxide emission. These mitigations are meas-
urable in the air quality of Pécs and also appear in the competitiveness of the Pan-
nonpower.2 Further, due to this change-over from fossil to renewable fuel the 
company successfully transacted the so called Joint Implementation procedure in 
Thus the first key theme/moment in the story line was the decision on the 
project, in the spirit of which the company changed from coal to gas, then to bio-
mass. The targets of the change-over to biomass were the following3:  
  profit maximization A: The new biomass block was built based on and 
utilizing the Joint Implementation (JI) Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol 
  performing the obligation set by the EU-ETS; 
  where the company reduced the CO2 emission; 
  where the company can gain profit with the Best Available Technology; 
  where the company can gain profit with selling the remained quotas; 
  profit maximization B: The electricity won from renewable sources (“green 
electricity”) is marketable on a higher price (guaranteed by the government) 
than conventional (fossil) energy. 
We could find other spin-off goals which could help the fuel change. As we 
could realise during the research, these were very good promotional/marketing 
tools which shows the public that the investment is an environmental friendly 
sustainable development. These spin-off reasons/goals: 
  environmental interest: clean air in the city; rehabilitated former dumping 
(of flying ashes of coal) areas 
2 Pannonpower is recently owned by ‘Dalkia Group’. The case company, Pannonpower itself is a 
holding with several Ltds (companies) – one dealing with the district-heating, another with elec-
tricity providing and another operating the blocks of the power plant. The managers are the same 
persons holding various positions in the different companies (e.g. the same person is deputy man-
ager in one member-company and director general in the other one.) The business strategy is built 
up in a common way which is a direct outcome of the teamwork based on the common managerial 
3 Sources: Interviews with the leaders of the Pannonpower; new articles; www.pannonpower.hu. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
  stimulations of the new local, regional and national energy policy (e.g. 
higher rate of renewable energy). 
Concerning the new strategy of the Pannonpower until 2010, the company will 
build two other biomass blocks with 35 MW and 50 MW built-in capacities.4 
The local government of the city of Pécs also plays an important role, but in 
another way. Since the built and the planned biomass blocks are located within 
the territory of the city, the local government has to permit the construction (con-
cerning the legislation and the local development plan).  
On the other hand, since the local government fall in financial trouble in 2000, 
the body of representatives decided to sell the 49% stakes of the local government 
in the local district heating company (PÉTÁV Ltd.) to Pannonpower, and there-
fore the Pannonpower became a stakeholder in PÉTÁV Ltd. Further the 
deal/contract also included that PÉTÁV (where the owner of 51% of the stakes is 
still the city of Pécs) is obliged to purchase100% of its heating energy from Pan-
nonpower until 2014. Therefore in this share holding situation local government 
is affected by the strategies, the actions and the decisions of Pannonpower so the 
city and Pannonpower must cooperate as shared interest holders. 
Pécs has also a very important role in the field of emission trading and sustain-
able development. In 2004 the development concept/strategy entitled “Pécs ECO-
CITY Mecsek Dráva ECOLOGICAL REGION” was prepared in which the key 
actor is the city. The main aim was to achieve sustainable and sufficient regional 
development, and to be supplied by the surrounding rural areas especially with 
eco raw materials for energy production. The idea is accompanied by the devel-
opment of the rural areas, (based on public-private partnership or private invest-
ments with public support). A concrete example in the concept was the fuel 
change of the Pannonpower Power Plant, based on future biomass cultivation and 
production in backward agricultural areas (Kiss – Girán, 2004). (At the moment 
the biomass is coming from the nearby forests.) 
Concerning the common concept we could distinguish three main steps (sub-
arenas) within the Hungarian case history. The first is the decision on the project 
where the Pannonpower (and its owner holding) made decision on what and how 
to answer the challenge by the EU-ETS (climate change). We analysed both deci-
sions. The first decision resulting the first biomass block in 2004, created the pos-
sibility of Joint Implementation, while the second decision in 2006–2007 on the 
construction of two further blocks by 2010 reply the challenge of EU-ETS II. The 
second sub arena is the relationship of Pannonpower to the local government, 
where different interests meet at the same time raising several questions, like: 
How can Pannonpower work in the sub-arena where the other key actor is the 
local government? How will these decisions and the relationship with (the claims 
4 http://www.pannonpower.hu 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
of the) local government react to the aspect of profitability? The third element is 
the relationship with the local community (NGOs, media, residents). How will the 
reactions by the local community affect further investments? 
4.1.1  The Relations of Market, Hierarchy and Networking 
Despite of the peculiarities of the EU-ETS we can state that the most important 
element/structure/governance mode of the action arena is the market. The idea of 
the market mode of governing says that the attempts to coordinate societal inter-
actions by binding decisions intentionally, societies (like private company and a 
local government) are also governed by the “hidden hand” of market (Heinelt et 
al, 2006). In order to mach the requirements set by the ETS – next turning to 
green investments – Pannonpower must use BAT (Best Available Technology) to 
maximise its profit. But the other segment of the action arena is that the power 
plant also has to sell the electricity. Besides the higher price of the “green elec-
tricity” the Hungarian electricity market was regulated until the end 2007 (the 
price of the electricity was maximized) by the state.  
The third market element in the action arena is the market of the district-heat-
ing. The price of district heating always depends on the negotiation of common 
owners; Pannonpower and the local government. (Here, the local government 
realises “virtual profit” during the next election. Cutting down the price and im-
proving the quality of district-heating by the efforts of the local government may 
result in the contentment of the residents which again may result a better position 
in the course of the next local elections.)  
Therefore it is clear that market modes of governance are important elements 
but several other modes are involved, pluralized by the network of the governance 
modes in the arena.  
In terms of market model of the ETS a number of external factors influenced 
the decisions not only by the company itself. As mentioned before Pannonpower 
is part of a holding (a group of companies, called DALKIA group). Therefore the 
management is well-informed on distribution matters, and knows the quota dis-
tributed to different companies located in various countries but belonging to the 
same mother company. The amount of quota distributed to different sectors varies 
by countries, so that sectors and companies lobby at their own government for 
more advantageous distribution of quotas by referring to the practices in foreign 
countries. The holding’s governance arrangement in connection with ETS is well 
illustrated by the words of the former general director of Pannonpower: ‘they are 
grouped into a holding, therefore they are well-informed on distribution matters, 
they know how much quota is distributed to the companies located in different 
countries but belonging to the same Holding from their native country. The 


Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
amount of quota distributed to different sectors varies by countries. Therefore 
sectors and companies may lobby at their own government in connection of the 
distribution of quotas by referring to the practice of the foreign country.’
Besides the cooperation with group members, the decision-making of Pannon-
power is hierarchical and the leaders of DALKIA group (the mother company) 
can intervene. However the governance mode of hierarchy can be identified much 
easier by the investigation of the governing structure within Pannonpower. The 
steering mode of the company is very strict based on command and control inter-
action.  According to the director of the company this topic may affect serious 
business interests and confidential business information therefore he maintained 
reservations in connection with the research. This hierarchical, controlled method 
of steering helps maintaining the rigid business procedure and it is also acquiring 
and preserving competitive advantages not only in the domestic but also in the 
international markets of electricity and emission trading.  
The hierarchical mode of decision-making is based on command where the de-
cision is politicized based on the profit maximisation policy of the private com-
pany (and its group). 
The key factor for the company is to be successful in the market, to reply to 
the challenges of EU-ETS. The steering or governing mode within the company is 
based on a strict, hierarchical mode where every actor inside the company has is 
fixed position, and tasks, available information, resources are defined and limited 
by the position: ‘The experts are always responsible for the information of their 
own field (trading, technical etc.) and they are involved in the preparatory work 
of decisions. But it is always the management who makes the final decision
The previous example well illustrates that hierarchical and market based gov-
ernance modes may appear parallel and coexist. The well designed mixture of 
them can lead to successful operation both in the economic sense6 and from the 
aspect of the strategy of emission trading participation. 
As regards the relationship between Pannonpower and the local government, 
which was previously based on networking and partly market and hierarchy gov-
ernance modes we found that this type of networking relationship has changed 
during the research period (2006–2007). The reason for this transformation is that 
during the past year not only the person of the mayor changed (the previous major 
according to media archives and other documents maintained good personal con-
tacts with the former director general) but also of the power station’s director 
general. The old personal relations of the city and the power station (based the 
former good financial negotiations) have changed and until the formation of new 
5 Interview with Pannonpower 
6 Pannonpower was among the top 500 (No. 492) firms in Hungary in 2006 in terms of the gross 
income. Concerning profit its member firm (Pannongreen Ltd. which is technically different, but is 
a member of the Power Plant) is on the 294th position. (HVG, 2008/1, 2008/2) 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
relations the local government chooses the strictly formal, procedural way of 
communication with the power station (i.e. regarding the change of circumstances 
nearby forest degradation; Pannonpower’s too long monopoly position in the 
sector of district heating and its impact on the price).  
The relationship was analysed during the reconciliation period where the Pan-
nonpower wished to obtain permission for the next two biomass blocks in order to 
get benefit in the ETS market. As the other side of the coin the local government 
wanted to benefit but in the “market of residents”: so it sought to reduce the price 
of the district heating, arguing that green energy was cheaper. A further problem 
during the bargaining was that Pannonpower was in monopole situation selling 
heating to the city but the city wanted to rearrange this situation.  
Regarding – the “attributes of the physical world” (Ostrom – Gardner – 
Walker, 1994) – the market segment of district-heating, the liveability of the city 
with sustainable development (ECO-CITY, ECO-REGION concept), and the 
reaction to the challenges of EU-ETS resulted in another governance form. While 
in the first period – in the sub-arena – the networking and good cooperation were 
the characteristic, nowadays rather the competitive one (sometimes command and 
control behaviour, mainly on behalf of the city council) is dominant. The local 
government realising that the “PÉTÁV” contract (running until 2014) is not defi-
nitely advantageous for the city (although it functioned as a kind of life-belt as 
serious financial problems appeared), the representative tried to bargain for a 
better position by using the “weapon” of permission, concretely by delaying the 
issuing of the permission. One of the tools for it was changing the communication 
channel: the former, personal/informal communication between the two leaders 
(director and mayor) was replaced by official/formal interactions and governance 
(i.e. instead of personal meetings the city tried to communicate with the Pannon-
power via the authorities delaying the planning process of the new biomass 
blocks). The former friendly relationship with well flowing negotiations changed 
to heavy “games”, consents based on negotiated agreements changed to individual 
contentment based adjustments.  
4.2  The Influence of Key Themes and the Respective Forms of Knowledge 
Every actor is a knowledge holder in a certain way. In order to analyse the knowl-
edge forms of holders selected we collected the relevant documents (minutes, 
interviews, consultation documents etc.) and conducted content analysis to reveal 
the most significant knowledge forms. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
As Pannonpower – and its sub-arena regarding the EU-ETS – is concerned 
bundle 17 could be identified as a knowledge form, which is obvious since in the 
lack of expert or professional knowledge the company would be unable to obtain 
good market positions. The reconciliatory documents and their ‘terminus techni-
cus’ support the above statements. As the interviewee said: ‘Economists, engi-
neers, environmental experts and a commissioned external expert participat in the 
decisions on quota-trading. Experts bear responsibility for their relevant field of 
expertise knowledge (trading, technical information, etc.) and they are engaged in 
the preparatory phase of decision’
. Therefore, knowledge holders within the col-
lective actor are different and they complement each other. Besides professional 
knowledge  economic/market knowledge are also present. As mentioned earlier8, 
the first investment was targeted at acquiring the financial benefits deriving from 
the Joint Implementation Mechanism both for Pannonpower and its mother com-
pany, while the second investment with its Best Available Technology (BAT) was 
aimed at profit maximization within the frame of EU-ETS. 
Beside economic knowledge the remaining part of knowledge bundle 2 
(steering/institutional knowledge) can be detected in the interviews. Actors within 
the Power Plant (external or internal experts, managers) know the preparatory 
procedures of decision making and in case of problems are aware of the appropri-
ate solutions (they know the organisation and the institutional settings of the 
In the sub-arena as Pannonpower has decided what to do with the allowances 
and permits deriving from the EU-ETS, synergies/contradictions between knowl-
edge forms and reflective knowledge had significant important role. As the inter-
viewee declared, at the beginning of the process the management of Pannonpower 
had to learn not only the method and the procedures of the Kyoto Protocol 
(mechanisms) and ETS, but also the ‘what to do’ strategy in this special situation. 
The members within the DALKIA group exchanged knowledge on the ways of 
interacting with the governmental level, on the available and useful arguments, 
etc. This learning process includes besides information and professional knowl-
 in the field of ETS, learning institutional settings and the varying institu-
tional systems (in different countries within the energetic group/holding) and as 
well as the ability of adapting to the local, cultural specialities/context. The 
learning process took place within the frameworks of the Holding, and the hold-
ing members operating in different countries frequently consult each other. On 
one hand they are learning what kind of arguments they can efficiently use against 
7 From the G-FORS aspect we distinguished 3 types of knowledge bundles regarding the dynamics 
of knowledge forms (knowledge bundle 1: scientific/expert/professional/product; bundle2: steer-
ing/institutional/economic; bundle3 everyday/milieu/local (Amendment of Conceptual Frame, 
8 Based on the interviews. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
their government and also the way how the saleable quotas can successfully be 
entered into the market. On the other hand during the preparation of NAP, com-
panies can lobby at their own government around the distribution of their quotas 
referring to the other country’s practice. 
The research discovered some communication problems between the case of 
the city council and the Power Plant. Possessing economic/market knowledge 
Pannonpower has to get the permission for the new biomass plans in order to 
build the biomass blocks – replacing gas fuel and reducing the emission of car-
bon-dioxide which will result in releasing and saleable carbon-dioxide quota, 
which may end up in profit maximization as a final target. Thus time factor was 
crucial point. Reacting this economic knowledge based market oriented thinking 
Pannonpower would have liked to shorten the known institutional process, and 
get the permissions from every actors as soon as possible. From the other side the 
interest was similar with other point of view: ‘there were times when formalized 
negotiation meetings were held place between the Power Station of Pécs and the 
local municipality on a regular, bi-monthly basis. The city considers the power 
station as a strategic partner…The power station is a partner of the city, there-
fore (the representative of) Pannonpower thinks that the normal way (acceptable 
for both parties) of exchanging critical remarks would be face to face communi-
cation and meetings between the city and the power station’s management instead 
of using the Authority as a mediator.
Pannopower’s interest was to receive the support of the local government for 
its new investments, while the city’s interest was to reduce the price of heating. In 
the background of these divergent interests is an economic/market oriented cog-
nition: the good and fruitful interaction with the business partner (as they are 
common owner of the PÉTÁV Ltd), (and an added reason is, the economic effi-
ciency of the enterprise resulting in a higher income from the ‘local trade and 
industry tax10’ to the local government). During the reconciliation process the 
problem was that Pannonpower was not ready to reduce its prices, so that the 
local government was eager to find the appropriate tool to force Pannonpower to 
do so. One tool applied was temporization. The city tried to elongate the negotia-
tion process by using the most formal and official way, requiring all relevant au-
thorities to submit expert’s reports (maximizing the potential of its institutional 
9 Minutes No.3–1/2007/4 item No.15. on the agenda – available for the public on  http://logoweb. 
10 According to the Hungarian legislation every firm has to pay tax after their yearly income to the 
local government where their activities are carried out. The rate is maximised by the law but the 
local government has the right to set/to change/to delay the exact rate in every year.  

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
A further tool applied was influencing local inhabitants by emphasising that 
the fuel for the biomass block will come from the nearby forests, which again 
would destroy those forests11. 
In terms of interaction of Pannonpower with the city council both partners 
were aware of when and how (formal or informal) to communicate, and of the 
nature of procedures (milieu knowledge). According to the statements by several 
local media organs the (former)12 general director was deeply embedded into 
local politics, that is, he had very good personal relationships to the leading offi-
cials of the local government. But the new situation enforced new types of inter-
actions. These cognitions resulted in an outplace event of the Urban Development 
Board into the power station, with the participation of the local press for intro-
ducing the new biomass block and the advantages of biomass-based operation for 
the city and its local community. 
Analysing the sub-arena, the key actors are the company and the local com-
munity. In this context Pannonpower has to respond to the demands and chal-
lenges raised by scientists, experts, NGOs and inhabitants. (In this respect the 
most recent problem is that the planned energy-tree [biomass] plantation has a 
fairly intensive and large territory demand.)13 Therefore it is necessary for the 
given actor to select and apply the appropriate knowledge in a given situation.  
Pannonpower is a holder of the knowledge bundle 3. It is manifested in the 
newspaper articles and in the reports broadcasted by the local television. Pannon-
power has to convince the public through these channels about the benefits of the 
new investment to the public and to propagate that this green investment would 
serve the common welfare, that is: the new biomass block saves the climate and 
also helps to reduce the price of the heating. These propagandas have to be clear 
and understandable for “people of everyday life”, but it is only possible if Pan-
nonpower knows the peculiarities and rules of this ‘world’. To achieve a better 
communication strategy Pannonpower must have information of the specialities 
of the local community. The mitigation of carbon-dioxide emission – as the mani-
festation of the EU-ETS – is also present in the communication. Certainly, while 
the environmental benefit is highlighted (in an explicit way), the aspect of profit 
maximization remains hidden.  
11 Minutes of the local governments meeting: http://varoslako.pecs.hu/onkormanyzat/kepviseloi_ 
12 A Case Study interview was made with the former general director who left the company during 
the summer of 2007 and his post was taken over by a French director. The former general director 
became the director of the Hungarian branch of Dalkia group which Pannonpower is also a part 
13 Biomass now is made of the trees of the nearby forests but later on it will originate from the city’s 
surrounding lands (wheat and corn crop fields) grown on plantations which will require large 
territories for land use. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
So the Power Plant normally uses expressions of everyday knowledge in the 
interaction with residents (via media), and strong expert, professional, (scientific) 
in the ‘battlefield’ of science. 
Reflectivity and reflective knowledge can be indentified in this sub-arena on 
behalf of Pannonpower. The task was double: firstly, the adaptation to the envi-
ronmental challenge and secondly profit maximisation. Behind these two re-
quirements the expert/environmental and the economic knowledge were interact-
ing and reacting to the challenges of EU-ETS.  
In terms of the community we focused on NGOs (and later on the media) – as 
a channel between the decision makers (in the local government and the com-
pany) and the residents. Analysing the activity of the NGOs in general, knowledge 
of everyday life
 is to be detected. NGOs on their websites try to access the aver-
age people and to call their attention to climate change. NGOs try to generalize 
and simplify their professional expert knowledge to allow a better understanding 
for the public. They use expressions of everyday life, instead of scientific or pro-
fessional language, that is they use terms and metaphors like ‘the government is 
going to provide further support for the biggest pollutants...
’14, etc. This meta-
phor may suggests that the NGO is aware of the institutional settings, however the 
phrase is literally not true and NGO also knows it. But these overstatements have 
greater mobilization force on people in everyday life. (These phenomena are indi-
cating a knowledge of everyday and milieu knowledge possessed by these actors.) 
The phrases used are certainly not untrue; include the real state of the word but in 
an implicit way, and for us they suggest that actors using those phrases are well 
aware of economic and macroeconomic processes (economic/market knowledge) 
and also of processes of everyday life. 
The investigation of local NGOs was fairly hard from the aspect of the topic 
due to the lack of their activity in this field. As described before, the new biomass 
plants generated several problems (trying to meet the requirements set by the EU-
ETS). Although the new biomass plant would decrease the CO2 emission, it 
would on the other hand utilise “healthy” trees from nearby forests, and later en-
ergy plants from biomass cultivations, which again will occupy large agricultural 
areas and therefore increase the price of agricultural products. However this 
means that implementing the requirements set by the EU-ETS results another 
environmental problem locally. Despite of the new environmental risks, local 
NGOs remained silent, according to our research outcomes, mainly due to the 
lack of knowledge and capacity. So we have found15 that none of the “green 
NGOs” dealt with the described problem. As the president of a selected NGO 
declared: “in order  to deal with this particular problem at least one expert is 
14 http://www.levego.hu/letoltes/kapcsolodo_anyagok/nkt2008–12_lmcs%20velemeny2007jan.pdf. 
15 Interviews and newspaper article: Mecsek: halványzöld civilek [Mecsek: “lightgreen” NGOs] 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
needed who has months to study this special problem, in order to learn the spe-
cialties of it”;  to obtain expert knowledge in the field. Further NGOs do not 
have sufficient resources to “buy” knowledge, or to employ an expert to deal with 
this issue. Therefore in this case the missing resources are the filter of knowledge. 
4.3  Filtering Mechanisms – Knowledge and Governance 
Analysing the filtering processes we have overview the three mentioned sub-are-
nas. The different constellations of knowledge and governance modes predict and 
filter different knowledge and governance modes. The varying interests (long or 
short term perspectives) accompanied by various knowledge and governing mix. 
Focusing on the sub-arena of the Pannonpower the first investment into bio-
mass block implies market behaviour on behalf of the Power Plant. As the inter-
viewee said ‘they (Pannonpower) were the first to sell one part of quota decrease 
to the World Bank which they were lobbying for in Hungary. They have done it 
within the framework of Joint Implementation.
’ In reply to the question how a 
quota is given to a firm the interviewee expressed that above all great expert 
knowledge and intensive lobby power are necessary. “The whole story is nothing 
but purchasing and selling.”
 The long term perspective is the profit maximization 
requiring a strict hierarchical institutional setting (with relevant institutional 
knowledge). This filtering phenomenon predicts the necessity of the dominant 
role of institutional knowledge in the hierarchy (everybody knows what, how, 
when to do). The expert knowledge has a secondary (but important) role. Since all 
actors within the system have to know when, and how to use expert knowledge in 
the hierarchy in order to achieve the target of profit maximisation (but the whole 
process is determined by the “commander” – director general – and due to the 
networking, by the relationship of Pannonpower and the “mother” company). 
Market knowledge, which is not within the company, but is used by the company 
managers, is also important. 
The communication between Pannonpower and the city council is not free of 
ambiguities and is continuously changing. Both parties try to bargain and focus on 
their individual contentment (the price of district heating)16 with egoistic action 
using their market knowledge. 
In terms of the discourse practice the decision-makers of the city prefer the 
formal, institutional way. But as the minutes of the general assembly show17 there 
16 Olcsóbb lenne a távhő, ha… [District-heating could be cheaper, if...]. Dunántúli Napló, 25.01. 
2008. p. 2. 
17 Minutes No. 3–1/2007/4 item No.15. on the agenda and also other minutes – available for the 
public on www.pecs.hu 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
is an internal debate on the manner of communication. The opposition prefers 
face to face meetings and negotiations and considers them very important but the 
majority of the city’s officials decided maintain the strictly formal way of com-
munication and interactions through the mayors office. As a response to this man-
ner Power Station invited the City Development Committee – and local press 
organs – for a public meeting into the premises of the power station trying in this 
way to accelerate the decision-making process by the city and get into a more 
advantageous position through personal convincement and practical experiences.  
One of the most crucial points was the common ownership of the local heating 
company. The example of this property and the decision making process on the 
new biomass blocks show that traditional professions (and expert/professional 
knowledge) must come to a role in the act of the local government. Concretely, 
the decision preparatory experts (lawyers, environmental engineers) are well 
aware of the professional part but as their positions are determined by hierarchical 
governance mode, they are excluded from decision-making processes therefore 
this knowledge should be applied by policy makers and local decision-makers. 
The knowledge filters are the decision-makers themselves, defined by the posi-
tion. The actual interests determine which knowledge is relevant in a certain 
situation (like in the arguing situation – as the example shows – the ex-
pert/professional knowledge is involved). 
Another argument for it is that the power station’s former director general 
maintained excellent personal contacts with the city and its head officials and 
their relationship was so strong that on the 21st of January, 2007 the former di-
rector general was awarded the so called “Tüke” Prize.18 (This was to communi-
cate to the general public that the matters between the firm and the city were 
based on political sympathy and close personal relations.)  
The manners of actions are culturally determined. The strict formal and partly 
avoiding behaviour was a traditional entity of the earlier institutional settings. On 
the other hand the management intends to communicate for the public by this 
strictly regulated formal procedure that business is done in an open and transpar-
ent way without any corruption and no events may serve as a reason for suspect-
ing corruption.  
Consequently personal relationships and their transformation are the filtering 
mechanisms at this point. 
At the first level governance arrangement due to the above (and earlier) men-
tioned reasons (interest conflicts originating from common property, the indirect 
presence of expert knowledge) politicians are trying to enforce their professional 
arguments by communicating through local authorities. The mayor and his deputy 
18 Prize for citizens making huge efforts for the city of Pécs – http://pecs.index.hu/index. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
are in permanent contact with the Power Station but the previously cited minutes 
prove that the representatives do not receive relevant information in due time 
which would enable them to make competent decisions. (However here some di-
chotomy exists: as government party politicians are better informed than the op-
position.) As a response to this challenge Pannonpower tried to bridge this infor-
mation gap by manifesting the ‘power’ of its own expertise knowledge and to 
vindicate its own economic interests at the mentioned public meeting. Thus, al-
though both parties had expert/professional knowledge for the preparation of de-
cisions, the presence of economic/market knowledge was manifested on the deci-
sion-making level. 
As far as the sub-arena of Pannonpower vs. local community is concerned we 
can discover another motive for the open and transparent ways of doing business. 
The business world uses this openness and the media for enforcing its own inter-
ests and for PR purposes (as the press not always treats firms in a gentle manner, 
especially those ones involved in environmental problems.) Naturally the firm 
makes it clear which pieces of information are public and for whom. These items 
are not selected randomly much more fairly consciously. This policy also defines 
which pieces of information should be kept in secret for the other party. Such 
behaviour is stemming partly from internationalization, the firms’ grouping into 
holdings or merging into multinational firms, and this integration process further 
increases the confidential nature of business information and the number of firms 
In order to manage public affairs Pannonpower has a well organised commu-
nication strategy. First Pannonpower had to learn the “public” manner or the 
‘public language’ of interaction and communication. Pannonpower had to learn 
how to show and how to convince the public that the new investment is environ-
ment friendly, and that serves besides their economic interest public welfare as 
In this field the media and the use of the media has an important role (on local 
level) from the aspect of Pannonpower, as a form of marketing and transparency. 
Highlighting the word/ metaphor of ‘green energy’ is very important19 from the 
aspect of source of the fuel (forests) and PR. Therefore the power station’s com-
munication policy is fairly environmental friendly concealing at the same time the 
real (but well-known) business interests. 
Thus, two types of time perspective can act here as filtering mechanisms. The 
long term perspective of the company is profitability and the environmental 
friendly functioning. The latter is more important for the local community. The 
short term perspective for the company is the contentment of the local community 
(which means that the company functioning is environmentally sustainable) ac-
19 Concerning the content analyses of the media. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
quiring the permissions for the construction of the new biomass blocks as soon as 
possible. So the two parallel types of time perspectives filter the public use of the 
market/economic knowledge (on behalf of the company) but allow the use of 
everyday life knowledge (aimed at residents and citizens) in order to convince 
them about the green energy policy. The benefit of this marketing policy is dou-
ble: it emphasises the environment-friendly character of production and the as-
pects of environment protection and hides the profit maximization target in the 
Having regarded the local NGOs – as it was described before – the lack of the 
money acts as a filter of knowledge. 
4.4 Conclusions 
Summing up the outcomes of the emission trading process in the Hungarian case 
we can state that the policy was successful. On the local level the outcomes are 
‘actions taken by the target groups because they are faced with the outputs’.20 In 
our case the action is the newly constructed (and planned) biomass blocks which 
are to match the allocated quotas.  
In their ideal forms the described governance modes mobilized a broad variety 
of knowledge forms. In order to realize profit, market participants have to con-
sider different knowledge forms, but these are filtered by different mechanisms as 
short/long term perspective, predictability, institutionalization, personal skills and 
relations. (Certainly there are other environmental aspects which we should take 
into account as well, when we speak about environmental policy or sustainable 
developments like biomass plantations, but from the side of carbon-dioxide re-
duction the above mentioned resources lead to a success policy.)  
’One thinks that such a strict distribution system is working against economic 
interests. All the industrial and sectoral actors say so. They think, to the hell with 
it, I have new extra costs. This is their basic attitude. It was said during the dis-
cussion that if we get the quota we should not bargain with it but return it next 
year. But I say this is for trading. This is such a thing which should be sold and 
purchased on a daily basis. Therefore this is not a static thing which you get and 
then return. So this way of thinking is wrong.” 21 As our case study showed 
Pannonpower has made a very rational decision when following this example it 
has replaced its fuel and applied the Best Available Technology. The new built 
(and planned) biomass blocks fulfilled the requirement to match the allocated 
quotas, and allowed the company to maximise profit. As we could see mar-
20 Intervention Theory (Mickwitz, 2006). 
21 Interview in the Ministry of Economic and Transport. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
ket/economic knowledge was very important in the decision making process. 
Within the company it was accompanied by a dominant hierarchical governance 
mode, while in the communication with the local government networking was 
dominant. Although in both situations interests were identical (profit maximiza-
tion) the ways of communication was different. The reason is that a company can 
only be successful if every action and knowledge is commanded and controlled in 
a hierarchical order. (If not, the company may be bankrupted.) On the other hand 
a local government has several different ways and manners leading to success and 
local governments as such will always exist, even if representatives and political 
parties are changing.  
The relationship with the local community was based on networking in a cer-
tain way using generalization and the dominance of everyday-life knowledge. 
Other knowledge forms in the communication are usually hidden. 
Summing up we can conclude the following at the local level. The hard eco-
nomic interest (economic knowledge), and an expert knowledge (which amplitude 
depends on the process of learning) on behalf of the selected company is accom-
panied by a strict hierarchical governing mode within the company, with a net-
working behaviour within the company group and a discursive mode of interac-
tion with the local government (Table 1).  
Table 1 
Knowledge Themes 
Filtering Mechanisms 
Pannonpower: Deci-
Economic way of 
Economic logic with 
sions on the project 
thinking – long term 
high expert knowledge 
(biomass blocks) – 
in a strict hierarchical 
challenge of ETS 
(climate change) 
Relationship between 
Partly profitability, 
Personal relationship 
Good relations – argu-
Pannonpower and 
clean air, dilemma 
(actors’ intentions) 
ing (mutual interests),<-
local government 
-> bad relations – 
bargain (individual 
Relationship between 
Hidden profitability, 
Long/short term per-
Successful outcome in 
Pannonpower and 
manifested environ-
spective; actors’ inten- green energy policy 
local community 
mental cogitation, di-
lemma solving 
Source: Edited by the authors. 

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
The case study shows that coupling networked management mechanisms with 
expert/professional knowledge and economic/market knowledge at the back-
ground have a very important role in the decision-making process of the national 
sustainability policy. For rationalizing harmonisation (e.g. timely coordination) 
procedures the hierarchical system and institutional knowledge are essential. 
Summarizing the statements made: a strictly hierarchical steering mode (with 
institutional and expert knowledge) within the company; consultative, discursive 
behaviour towards the local government (mainly characteristic in the “first pe-
riod”), high expert (and economic/market) knowledge are necessary for a success-
ful emission trading as a green energy policy. 
We would like to thank our colleagues in the institute and at the University of 
Pécs, and especially László Sutus and József Góman students of Department of 
Political Studies who helped in the collection of media sources. We also would 
like to express our sincere to our interviewee, especially to the planners, fellows 
and leaders of the regional and national development agencies who gave us nec-
essary information in order to disclose the analysed processes as deeply as possi-

Pálné Kovács, Ilona - Varjú, Viktor (eds.): 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 45. p. Discussion Papers, No. 73. 
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Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
The Discussion Papers series of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian 
Academy of Sciences was launched in 1986 to publish summaries of research findings on 
regional and urban development. 
The series has 5 or 6 issues a year. It will be of interest to geographers, economists, so-
ciologists, experts of law and political sciences, historians and everybody else who is, in 
one way or another, engaged in the research of spatial aspects of socio-economic develop-
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Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
Papers published in the Discussion Papers series 
Discussion Papers / Specials 

BENKŐNÉ LODNER, Dorottya (ed.) (1988): Environmental Control and Policy: Proceedings of 
the Hungarian–Polish Seminar in the Theoretical Problems of Environmental Control 
and Policy 
OROSZ, Éva (ed.) (1988): Spatial Organisation and Regional Development Papers of the 6th Polish–
Hungarian geographical Seminar 
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1993): Spatial Research and the Social–Political Changes: Papers of the 
7th Polish–Hungarian Seminar 
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1999): Spatial Research in Support of the European Integration. 
Proceedings of the 11th Polish–Hungarian Geographical Seminar (Mátraháza, Hungary 
17–22 September, 1998) 
GÁL, Zoltán (ed.) (2001): Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (ed.) (2002): Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary 
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2004): New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-
Rural Relationship 
BARANYI, Béla (ed.) (2005):  Hungarian–Romanian and Hungarian–Ukrainian border regions as 
areas of co-operation along the external borders of Europe 
ENYEDI, György – KOVÁCS, Zoltán (eds.) (2006): Social Changes and Social Sustainability in 
Historical Urban Centres. The Case of Central Europe 
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2007): Regionality and/or locality 
SZIRMAI, Viktória (ed.) (2007): Social Inequalities in Urban Areas and Globalization. The Case of 
Central Europe 
ILLÉS, Iván (2008): Visions and Strategies in the Carpathian Area (VASICA) 
GÁL, Zoltán – RÁCZ, Szilárd (eds.) (2008): Socio-Economic Analysis of the Carpathian Area 
Discussion Papers 
No. 1 
OROSZ, Éva (1986): Critical Issues in the Development of Hungarian Public Health with 
Special Regard to Spatial Differences 
No. 2 
ENYEDI, György – ZENTAI, Viola (1986): Environmental Policy in Hungary 
No. 3 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1987): Administrative Division and Administrative Geography in 
No. 4 
SIKOS T., Tamás (1987): Investigations of Social Infrastructure in Rural Settlements of 
Borsod County 
No. 5 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1987): Development of the Regional Management of the Economy in 
East-Central Europe 
No. 6 
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1988): Chance of Local Independence in Hungary 
No. 7 
FARAGÓ, László – HRUBI, László (1988): Development Possibilities of Backward 
Areas in Hungary 
No. 8 
SZÖRÉNYINÉ KUKORELLI, Irén (1990): Role of the Accessibility in Development and 
Functioning of Settlements 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
No. 9 
ENYEDI, György (1990): New Basis for Regional and Urban Policies in East-Central 
No. 10 
RECHNITZER, János (1990): Regional Spread of Computer Technology in Hungary  
No. 11 
SIKOS T., Tamás (1992): Types of Social Infrastructure in Hungary (to be not published) 
No. 12 
HORVÁTH, Gyula – HRUBI, László (1992): Restructuring and Regional Policy in 
No. 13 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (1992): Transportation Effects on Spatial Structure of Hungary 
No. 14 
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1992): The Basic Political and Structural Problems in the 
Workings of Local Governments in Hungary 
No. 15 
PFEIL, Edit (1992): Local Governments and System Change. The Case of a Regional 
No. 16 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1992): Culture and Urban Development (The Case of  Pécs) 
No. 17 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1993): Settlement Network Development Policy in Hungary in the 
Period of State Socialism (1949–1985) 
No. 18 
KOVÁCS, Teréz (1993): Borderland Situation as It Is Seen by a Sociologist 
No. 19 
HRUBI, L. – KRAFTNÉ SOMOGYI, Gabriella (eds.) (1994): Small and medium-sized 
firms and the role of private industry in Hungary 
No. 20 
BENKŐNÉ Lodner, Dorottya (1995): The Legal-Administrative Questions of 
Environmental Protection in the Republic of Hungary 
No. 21   ENYEDI, György (1998): Transformation in Central European Postsocialist Cities 
No. 22   HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1998): Changes in the Politico-Geographical Position of Hungary in the 
20th Century 
No. 23 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1998): Regional and Cohesion Policy in Hungary 
No. 24 
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (1998): Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Region 
of the Lake Balaton 
No. 25 
LADOS, Mihály (1998): Future Perspective for Local Government Finance in Hungary 
No. 26 
NAGY, Erika (1999): Fall and Revival of City Centre Retailing: Planning an Urban 
Function in Leicester, Britain 
No. 27 
BELUSZKY, Pál (1999): The Hungarian Urban Network at the End of the Second 
No. 28 
RÁCZ, Lajos (1999): Climate History of Hungary Since the 16th Century: Past, Present 
and Future 
No. 29 
RAVE, Simone (1999): Regional Development in Hungary and Its Preparation for the 
Structural Funds  
No. 30 
BARTA, Györgyi (1999): Industrial Restructuring in the Budapest Agglomeration 
No. 31 
BARANYI, Béla–BALCSÓK, István–DANCS, László–MEZŐ, Barna (1999): 
Borderland Situation and Peripherality in the North-Eastern Part of the Great Hungarian 
No. 32 
RECHNITZER, János (2000): The Features of the Transition of Hungary’s Regional 
No. 33 
MURÁNYI, István–PÉTER, Judit–SZARVÁK, Tibor–SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2000): 
Civil Organisations and Regional Identity in the South Hungarian Great Plain 
No. 34 
KOVÁCS, Teréz (2001): Rural Development in Hungary 
No. 35 
PÁLNÉ, Kovács Ilona (2001): Regional Development and Governance in Hungary 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
No. 36 
NAGY, Imre (2001): Cross-Border Co-operation in the Border Region of the Southern 
Great Plain of Hungary 
No. 37 
BELUSZKY, Pál (2002): The Spatial Differences of Modernisation in Hungary at the 
Beginning of the 20th Century 
No. 38 
BARANYI, Béla (2002): Before Schengen – Ready for Schengen. Euroregional 
Organisations and New Interregional Formations at the Eastern Borders of Hungary 
No. 39 
KERESZTÉLY, Krisztina (2002): The Role of the State in the Urban Development of 
No. 40 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2002): Report on the Research Results of the Centre for Regional  
Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
No. 41 
SZIRMAI, Viktoria – A. GERGELY, András – BARÁTH, Gabriella–MOLNÁR, Balázs 
– SZÉPVÖLGYI, Ákos (2003): The City and its Environment: Competition and/or Co-
operation? (A Hungarian Case Study) 
No. 42 
CSATÁRI, Bálint–KANALAS, Imre–NAGY, Gábor –SZARVÁK, Tibor (2004): Regions 
in Information Society – a Hungarian Case-Study 
No. 43 
FARAGÓ, László (2004): The General Theory of Public (Spatial) Planning (The Social 
Technique for Creating the Future) 
No. 44 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (2004): Carpathian Basin and the Development of the Hungarian 
Landscape Theory Until 1948 
No. 45 
GÁL, Zoltán (2004): Spatial Development and the Expanding European Integration of the 
Hungarian Banking System 
No. 46 
BELUSZKY, Pál – GYŐRI, Róbert (2005): The Hungarian Urban Network in the 
Beginning of the 20th Century 
No. 47 
G. FEKETE, Éva (2005): Long-term Unemployment and Its Alleviation in Rural Areas 
No. 48 
SOMLYÓDYNÉ PFEIL, Edit (2006): Changes in The Organisational Framework of 
Cooperation Within Urban Areas in Hungary 
No. 49 
MEZEI, István (2006): Chances of Hungarian–Slovak Cross-Border Relations 
No. 50  RECHNITZER, János – SMAHÓ, Melinda (2006): Regional Characteristics of Human 
Resources in Hungary During the Transition 
No. 51 
BARTA, Györgyi – BELUSZKY, Pál – CZIRFUSZ, Márton – GYŐRI, Róbert – 
KUKELY, György (2006): Rehabilitating the Brownfield Zones of Budapest 
No. 52 
GROSZ, András (2006): Clusterisation Processes in the Hungarian Automotive Industry 
No. 53 
FEKETE, G. Éva – HARGITAI, Judit – JÁSZ, Krisztina – SZARVÁK, Tibor – 
SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2006): Idealistic Vision or Reality? Life-long learning among 
Romany ethnic groups 
No. 54 
BARTA, Györgyi (ed.) (2006): Hungary – the New Border of the European Union 
No. 55 
GÁL, Zoltán (2006): Banking Functions of the Hungarian Urban Network in the Early 
20th Century. 
No. 56 
SZÖRÉNYINÉ, Kukorelli Irén (2006): Relation Analysis in Rural Space – A Research 
Method for Exploring the Spatial Structure in Hungary 
No. 57 
MAUREL, Marie-Claude – PÓLA, Péter (2007): Local System and Spatial Change – The 
Case of Bóly in South Transdanubia 
No. 58 
SZIRMAI, Viktória (2007): The Social Characteristics of Hungarian Historic City Centres 
No. 59 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc – GÁL, Zoltán – GIPP, Christoph – VARJÚ, Viktor (2007): Path 
Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of 
TWIST project 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 73. 
Governance for Sustainability – Two Case Studies from Hungary
No. 60 
PÓLA, Péter (2007): The Economic Chambers and the Enforcement of  Local Economic 
No. 61 
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (2007): Development Issues of the Balaton Region 
No. 62 
LUX, Gábor (2008): Industrial Development, Public Policy and Spatial Differentiation in 
Central Europe: Continuities and Change 
No. 63 
MEZEI, Cecília (2008): The Role of Hungarian Local Governments in Local Economic 
No. 64 
NAGY, Gábor (2008): The State of the Info-communication Markets in Dél-Alföld 
Region – Hungary 
No. 65 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2008): Regional Transformation in Russia 
No. 66 
BELUSZKY, Pál – SIKOS T., Tamás (2008): Changing Village-Typology of  Rural 
Settlements in Hungary at the Beginning of the Third Millennium 
No. 67 
CSIZMADIA, Zoltán – GROSZ, András (2008): Regional Innovation System in West 
No. 68 
HARDI, Tamás (ed.) (2008): Transborder Movements and Relations in the Slovakian–
Hungarian Border Regions 
No. 69 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (2008): Global and Regional Roles of the Russian Transport 
No. 70 
CSIZMADIA, Zoltán (2009): Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of 
the Regional System of Innovation 
No. 71 
Edit (2009): Local Dimensions of a Wider European Neighbourhood: Crossborder 
Relations and Civil Society in the Hungarian–Ukrainian Border Arean 
No. 72 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2009): Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – 
Inequalities of Regional Research Area