Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area

No. 72 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of 
Regional Research Area 

Series editor 
Zoltán GÁL 


Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
ISSN 0238–2008 
ISBN 978 963 9899 14 8 
© Gyula Horváth 
© Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
2009 by Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 
Technical editor: Ilona Csapó. 
Printed in Hungary by Sümegi Nyomdaipari, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Ltd., Pécs. 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
Introduction ........................................................................................................................   5 
1 Disparities 
between regions ..........................................................................................   6 
1.1 Losers and winners ...............................................................................................   7 
1.2 Regional inequalities by countries ......................................................................   12 
1.3 Differentiated urban networks ............................................................................   17 
2  Regional inequalities in Eastern and Central European research area ........................   23 
2.1  Intellectual potential and regional development .................................................   23 
2.2  The organisation of scientific institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, 
1950–1990 ..........................................................................................................   26 
2.3  The impact of the change of régime on the regional structure of Eastern 
and Central European R&D ................................................................................   28 
3 Conclusions ................................................................................................................   35 
References ........................................................................................................................   38 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
List of figures 
Figure 1  GDP per capita by region and sector in Central and Eastern Europe, 
2005 .................................................................................................................   8 
Figure 2  GDP per capita by region in Central and Eastern Europe, 2005 ......................   9 
Figure 3  Large urban centres in Central and Eastern Europe .......................................   19 
Figure 4  Number of towns or cities with over 100,000 inhabitants in Eastern and 
Central European countries (excluding the capital) and their proportion 
of national population, 2006 ..........................................................................   22 
Figure 5  Share of the core areas in GERD, 1994–2005, per cent .................................   31 
Figure 6  GERD as per cent of GDP in CEE regions, 2005 ..........................................   32 
Figure 7  Employers of institutes of Academies of sciences outside capital city in 
specific European countries, 2007 .................................................................   33 
List of tables 
Table 1 
Regional differences in GDP per capita in Central and Eastern European 
countries, 2005 .................................................................................................   7 
Table 2 
Level of development of NUTS 2 regions, 20000 .........................................   10 
Table 3 
GDP per capita in the ten richest and the ten poorest regions in Central 
and Eastern Europe, 2005 ..............................................................................   10 
Table 4 
Characteristics of territorial inequalities in the countries of systemic 
change ............................................................................................................   11 
Table 5 
The weight of capital cities in some activities, in per cent, 2005 ...................   18 
Table 6 
Population of the largest urban centres, 2001 ................................................   21 
Table 7 
Changes in R&D main indicators in Eastern and Central Europe, 
1980–2005......................................................................................................   29 
Table 8 
Distribution of GERD by sectors, 2005 .........................................................   30 
Table 9   Weight of capital regions in national R&D ....................................................   31 
Table 10  The distribution of students in HE in central areas, 2006 ..............................   34 
Table 11  Students in HE by field, 2006 .......................................................................    34 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Regional diversity in the European Union increased sharply with the enlargement. 
The present EU regions are already characterized by substantial income, employ-
ment and productivity disparities reflecting differing resource endowments and 
innovation performance. These features include physical and social infrastructure, 
the skills of the work force, an institutional framework and culture conducting to 
innovation and the efficiency of public institutions (especially managerial capac-
ity) at the regional level. In every fourth region of the enlarged EU, GDP per cap-
ita is below 75 per cent of the EU average, which makes these regions eligible for 
the Convergence objective of the EU Structural Funds. These “Convergence re-
gions” are characterized by low levels of GDP and employment; their share in the 
EU’s total GDP is only 12.5 per cent, compared with a 35 per cent share in the 
EU’s total population. The same can be observed within certain EU countries. In 
some regions, economic welfare is lower than on average in the country. This 
applies especially to the “new” EU member states. In recent years, because the 
disparities among regions prove significantly greater than those among countries, 
analysis of the causes of the socio-economic differences among the European 
regions has attracted increasing interest. 
One reason for Europe’s declining role in the world economy is the fact that 
the development of research capacity and of the human factor lags behind that of 
their US counterparts. A programme aiming to correct these deficiencies was 
formulated in the European Union’s Lisbon Strategy. 
Europe’s further development depends on the way in which growth factors are 
spread across its regions, and one reason for the lower level of competitiveness is 
major regional differences in R&D. Weak regional cohesion and an exaggerated 
spatial concentration of modern regional development factors have a clearly nega-
tive effect on European competitiveness today. Activities with high value added 
are concentrated within the London–Paris–Milan–Berlin–Amsterdam pentagon, 
but the distribution of innovative industries differs even in the developed coun-
tries. The role of national core areas is vital to R&D capacity, high-technology 
industries and to developed services – but, again, the situation is very similar in 
the Eastern and Central European countries, where the level of concentration, in 
fact, increased after the change of régime. 
This paper introduces the Central and Eastern European situation of regional 
disparities. Besides the analyses of the transformation processes in the regions it 
draws a picture of urban systems influencing improvement of the regions and 
localities in six medium-sized Central and Eastern European countries.  
The second aim of this paper is to identify regional differences in the R&D 
structure of EU member states in Eastern and Central Europe. The basic hypothe-
sis is that exaggerated intellectual polarisation hampers the strengthening of re-

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
gional cohesion and that R&D must be given a priority role in economic develop-
ment strategies. 
This notion has not yet been realised in the operative programmes of National 
Development Plans. The strengthening of R&D featured prominently in the Lis-
bon criteria, but only a few words were devoted to the regional dissemination of 
intellectual potential, R&D capacity and knowledge-intensive fields of activity. 
Conditions suitable for innovative development are simply not yet available in 
most European regions.  
1 Disparities between regions 
In the countries of systemic change, depending on their level of urbanisation, the 
territorial expansion of rural areas and their level of backwardness display signifi-
cant inequalities. With the exception of Poland, where urban population is grow-
ing, outward migration from rural areas has stopped.  Moreover, in some coun-
tries, due to reverse migration from the towns and cities, rural population is grow-
ing These recent demographic trends cannot be considered as unequivocally posi-
tive, since the economic bases of these rural areas are weak and most of those 
who returned there were forced to seek livelihood in agricultural production. The 
rate of working-age population is the highest in these rural areas and in the tradi-
tional industrial areas. In metropolitan areas quite the opposite process is wit-
nessed. In the age structure of the capitals, the weight of the older age groups is 
growing. In regions of dynamic development (like in Western and Central 
Transdanubia in Hungary, in the north-western regions of Poland, or in Southern 
Moravia of the Czech Republic) as well as in the northern and eastern Romanian 
and eastern Slovakian regions where birth rates are high, a favourable age struc-
ture is emerging, although in the latter regions a strong outward migration has 
negative impact on the rate of working-age population. 
The territorial differences of the labour markets are the result of the previous 
economic structure and the structural transformations that have taken place in the 
emerging market economies. The economic activity rate is high in regions where 
the structural transformations have not started yet. Several heavy industrial re-
gions in the Czech Republic and in Poland have not been set on a new develop-
ment track, and there are also many rural areas in Eastern Europe where the high 
rate of agricultural employees (reaching 42 per cent in Moldavia, Romania) is 
expected to cause sharp tensions. There are regions where the rapid growth of the 
previously neglected tertiary sector has counter-balanced the shrinking size of 
other sectors of the economy. A peculiar paradox of the Central and Eastern Euro-
pean transformation is that, with the exception of Hungary and the Czech Repub-
lic, the activity rates are the lowest in the more successful regions. Among the 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
new CEE member states Hungary has the lowest economic activity rate (50.9 per 
cent in 2007), while the rates of more developed regions are a few points higher  
than the national average. 
1.1 Losers and winners 
The development of the diverse economic potentials of the CEE countries is hin-
dered by cohesion problems. At low levels of economic development, however, 
the performance gap among the regions within the same country are not greater 
than in Western Europe (Table 1). Yet, the gap between the worst performing 
region and the best one (Prague and the Romanian and Bulgarian regions) is not 
greater (5.5-fold) than in Western Europe. On the whole, disregarding national 
inequalities, the Central and Eastern European economic space is relatively 
homogenous, with the majority of the regions performing below the European 
average; in Romania and Bulgaria even the capitals are quite under-developed 
(Figures 1–2). 
Summing up, the radical transformation of the economic structure affected the 
different regions in different ways. The losers of transition, like in the most other 
European countries, where the areas were dominated by heavy industry and min-
ing and, as a special Eastern European feature, the extensive agricultural areas. 
The emerging market economy brought about the strengthening of regional 
inequalities. Comparing the regional data of the member states and the candidate 
countries we find that the Central and Eastern regions are at the bottom of the 
European ranking, while the Czech and two Hungarian regions are above the EU 
average, and one (West Transdanubia) is near at that level (Tables 2–3).  
Table 1 
Regional differences in GDP per capita in Central and Eastern European 
countries, 2005 
Country Least 
Most developed region 
Region’s GDP per capita in PPS, EU27 = 100 
Bulgaria South-Tsentral 
Czech Republic 
Poland Lubelskie  35 
Mazowieckie 81 
North Great Plain 
41 Central 
105  2.56 
Romania North-east  24 
Slovakia Eastern 
43 Bratislava 
148  3.44 
Anatoliki Makedonia
Inner London 
Source: The author’s calculations on the basis of the Regions: Statistical Yearbook, 2007.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 1 
GDP per capita by region and sector in Central and Eastern Europe, 2005 
Source: The author’s calculations on the basis of the Regions: Statistical Yearbook, 2003.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 2 
GDP per capita by region in Central and Eastern Europe, 2005, EU27=100 
Source: The author’s calculations on the basis of the Regions: Statistical Yearbook, 2007.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Table 2 
Level of development of NUTS 2 regions, 2000 
Level of GDP as a 
Number of development region 
percentage of EU27 
Hungary Poland Romania Slovakia 
average, in PPP 
– 1 1 – – 1 
75  – 
– – – 1 – – 
50  – 
– 7 2 4 1 1 
36  – 
– – 4 9 2 2 
26  – 
6 – – 2 4 – 
– – – – 1 – 
Source: The author’s calculations on the basis of the Regions: Statistical Yearbook, 2007.  
Table 3 
GDP per capita in the ten richest and the ten poorest regions  
in Central and Eastern Europe, 2005 
The richest 
The poorest 
Rank Region  Coun- GDP per  As a per- Rank
Coun- GDP per  As a per-
try  capita in  centage
try  capita in  centage 
of EU27
of EU27 
11 North-east  RO  5,430 
12 Bratislava  SK  33,124
148  12 South 
Central BG  6,026 
HU 23,489
105  13 North-west  BG  6,023 
14 Mazowieckie PL  18,184
81  14 North 
Central BG  6,205 
RO 16,760
75  15 South-west  RO  6,293 
CZ 15,792
71  16 South-east  RO  6,527 
17 South-west  CZ  15,672
70  17 North-east  BG  6,874 
18 South-east  CZ  15,252
68  18 Southeast 
RO  6,921 
CZ 14,633
65  19 South-east  BG  7,405 
HU 14,275
64  10 North-west  RO  7,542 
Source: The author’s calculations on the basis of the Regions: Statistical Yearbook, 2007.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Obviously, economic differences among the smaller territorial units are 
stronger than those among the regions; interestingly, at the county (NUTS 3) level 
the development gap is the widest in every country. The GDP per capita figure for 
Budapest exceeds that of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county more than threefold, or 
the GDP gap between Bucharest and Vaslui county in Romania is fourfold.  
The impacts of market economy and the economic crisis of recent years are 
expected to bring about the further strengthening of territorial inequalities. During 
the territorial restructuring of Eastern and Central European countries, the leading 
and backward areas have been developing at quite different paces, which indi-
cates that the spatial structuring forces are now more differentiated than they were 
in the planned economy period. Back then, planned industrialisation was to shape 
the economic potentials of the various regions; today, their economic develop-
ment is influenced by the competitive sectors of industry and by adjoining ser-
vices (Table 4). 
Table 4 
Characteristics of territorial inequalities in the countries of systemic change 
Before 1990 
After 1990 
The dimension of spatial 
Between urban and rural areas 
Within settlements  
Within settlements 
Between regions 
The tendency of disparities 
Decreasing inequalities between  Increasing difference within 
urban and rural areas  
Decreasing inequalities between  Increasing difference between 
Stabile inequalities between 
Stable difference between urban 
and rural areas 
The driving force behind the 
Industrialisation Structural 
development of disparities 
Foreign direct investment 
Decision determining dispari-
National level 
Local level 
Transnational level 
Indicators expressing disparities Demographic composition  
Unemployment rate  
Communal and social 
Wage level 
Social incomes connected to the 
use of communal and social 
Source: Vision Planet. p. 48. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
1.2 Regional inequalities by countries 
The disparities between the individual development regions within Bulgaria  are 
relatively small except for the more pronounced lagging of the North-west region 
in its social-economic development. Considerably more significant, however, are 
the intra-regional disparities, i.e. those between the municipalities and districts 
within the same planning region, representing a specific issue that the regional 
development policy has so far failed to adequately address. Almost all of the 
country’s regions and districts exhibit the typical contrasts of the core–periphery 
kind. Particularly affected in this respect are the border territories, many of the 
rural territories, several areas in industrial decline, as well as those with high 
concentration of ethnic minorities. These are typically Bulgarian disparities that 
necessitate special attention since they put a lot of territories in critical condition, 
provoking also many negative social and socio-demographic developments whose 
long-term effect is still uncertain. 
In terms of per capita GDP, however, the differences among the individual 
statistical regions have not been significant. This indicator was relatively higher 
in the South-west region (including Sofia), whereas in the rest of the regions were 
rather evenly distributed. It should be noted that the indicator’s value in certain 
regions (notably the North-west region as well as parts of the North-east and the 
South-west regions) has been highly dependent on the actual state of the local 
large enterprises and the population migration.  
The structure of the economy in all of the country’s regions showed that ser-
vices had the largest share in overall output, while agriculture and forestry jointly 
had the lowest relative weight among economic activities. This trend appeared to 
be the most notable in the region exhibiting the highest GDP figure – the South-
west region, – where the service sector accounted for 67.5 per cent of the value 
added in contrast to the modest 5.7 per cent share of agriculture and forestry. The 
share of manufacturing in GDP turned to be the highest in the North-west region, 
reflecting the location of several large enterprises on its territory, whereas the 
service sector was relatively less developed there, accounting for only 45.1 cent 
of overall output. Agriculture had the largest share in the North-east region. In 
nominal terms, the manufacturing sector exhibited the highest GVA figure in the 
South-west region, while value added in agriculture was most significant in the 
South-central region. 
In the Czech Republic economically the Prague region is the most efficient 
one. It has been creating a quarter of the Czech Republic’s gross domestic product 
for a long time. The other seven NUTS 2 regions account for the remaining 75 per 
cent of GDP. 
With 160 per cent of the EU per capita GDP average, Prague represents a 
unique region, as compared not only to the other cohesion regions within the 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Czech Republic, but also to any other NUTS 2 region in any other new member 
states. The amount of Prague’s per capita GDP is even much higher than that of 
an overwhelming majority of the current EU regions, or higher than the value of 
this indicator in thirteen out of the fifteen EU member states. Thus, Prague is the 
only cohesion region in the Czech Republic that will not ask for support under 
Objective 1 within the framework of the EU economic and social cohesion policy. 
In terms of the interpretation of the aggregate per capita GDP indicator, the 
other regions represent a relatively homogenous group, fluctuating within a rela-
tively narrow interval of 60 to 71 per cent of the EU per capita GDP average. So 
they meet the Objective 1 level. From this viewpoint, 99.4 per cent of the area of 
the Czech Republic and 88.5 per cent of the population represent the regions of 
which the development is lagging behind. As compared to the other candidate 
countries, the per capita GDP values in the Czech NUTS 2 regions can be consid-
ered relatively high and even close to those of a number of regions in the so-
called EU cohesion countries. 
Using other indicators, however, it is possible to mark some more problematic 
regions in the Czech Republic. The cohesion regions that are sensitive in this re-
spect include primarily the North-West and Moravian-Silesia, which show above-
average rate of unemployment not only in national terms, but also in relation to 
the EU. Moreover, these regions are also most affected by structural unemploy-
ment, or employability, for the share of the long-term unemployed here ap-
proaches 50 per cent of the total number of the unemployed. 
The Czech economy as a whole has undergone a sharp structural change in the 
past ten years. The shares of agriculture and industry in GDP generation have 
decreased (from 7.7 to 3.4 per cent and from 34.5 to 31.8 per cent, respectively) 
in favour of the share of the services sector (which increased from 41.8 to 
49.7 per cent). A similar process took place at the level of the cohesion regions 
without exception; however, the intensity was different in particular cases. There 
has been a considerable decline in the weight of industry within the overall eco-
nomic activity (a major fall of the share of industry in the individual region’s 
GDP) and simultaneously a sharp increase in the weight of services, or the tertiary 
sector within the overall economic activity (a growing share of services, or the 
tertiary sector in the individual region’s GDP) in the past ten years. 
Structural changes in the individual regions were affected especially by the 
following factors: 
  down-scaling of fuel mining, metallurgy and heavy chemistry in the North-
west and Moravian-Silesia regions (nevertheless, the above-mentioned 
industries still remain dominant in these regions with respect to economic 
activity and employment); 
  the process of restructuring the heavy machinery industry in the South-west 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
  high weight of the leather, textile and food industries in the North-east, Cen-
tral Moravia and South-east regions; 
  declining share of agriculture in the economic activity of the South-east re-
gion (mountain and sub-mountain areas). 
Hungary can be characterised by significant economic, social and infrastruc-
ture differences. These are more noticeable between the capital city and the rest of 
the country, between individual regions, and also among micro-regions and towns 
and villages. Compared with the rest of the country, the development of Budapest 
is striking. 17 per cent of the Hungarian population lives in Budapest, while it 
contributes 35 per cent to the GDP of the country. Its advantages result from high 
population density, its function as a centre for business and financial services and 
as an innovation transfer centre. It has large high value added sectors, mainly 
business services, research and development and tourism. 28 per cent of the com-
panies are operating in Budapest: over half of the firms with foreign direct invest-
ment and 54 per cent of subscribed capital are concentrated here. The significant 
role of Budapest is further increased by its central geographical location and the 
hub role in the transport network. However, the large economic and social poten-
tial of Budapest has effect only in the agglomeration, but not in the more remote 
regions of the country. 
Considering the level of economic development, household incomes and 
unemployment in the regions, apart from the favourable indicators of Budapest, 
the gap between the east and the west is large. The restructuring of the north-
western and central parts of the country has been successful when compared to 
the slowly catching up of the remainder of the country. 
The current dynamics of the north-western regions comes primarily from the 
geographical position of these regions, and from the proximity to western mar-
kets. Particularly, with neighbouring Austrian provinces, this has been the domi-
nant factor in economic restructuring. In Central Hungary, Western and Central 
Transdanubia the well-trained labour force, its low cost compared with the aver-
age of European Union, and the favourable transport network helped the influx of 
foreign capital and innovative, export-oriented industries. As a consequence, 
unemployment rate is the lowest in these areas, and income conditions are also 
better than the national average. 
Economic performance of the rest of the regions lags far behind the three most 
advanced regions. The reasons for that were the inherited industrial structure with 
low efficiency and the low income generating capacity. These areas were domi-
nated by mining, heavy industries, the agro-business, and the loss of the collapsed 
eastern market had a dramatic impact on them. The industrial restructuring of the 
1990’s had the most adverse effect in North Hungary, turning the region into a 
depressed area. Agriculture and food industry concentrated in the regions of Great 
Hungarian Plain and South Transdanubia. Due to the low income generating 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
capacity of agriculture, the share of areas lagging behind is significant. In this 
regions the relatively low level of human resources and the high rate of the inac-
tive limit the economic restructuring. 
Diversity of the economic potential of regions in Poland is similar to the one 
occurring in the majority of the EU member states. The principal indicator – GDP 
per capita – becomes different in the proportion of 1:2.3. In the context of Po-
land’s accession to the EU, the most important problem became not the diversity, 
but the low economic potential of all regions. Even the best of them does not 
reach the level of the EU27 average GDP per capita. The weakest Polish regions 
are classified among the last twenty European regions. 
Participation of people employed in the agriculture decides on the average 
value of the labour efficiency in the region’s scale. The highest position in this 
respect is occupied by voivodships with structures dominated by non-agricultural 
activities, such as: Mazowieckie, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie, and 
Pomorskie, and the lowest – Lubelskie (50 per cent of labour resources in 
agriculture), Podlaskie, Podkarpackie, Warmińsko-mazurskie and Świętokrzyskie. 
Interregional diversity of the unemployment rate (according to BAEL) 
oscillates between the 15.6 per cent index in Małopolskie voivodship and 27.3 per 
cent in Warmińsko-mazurskie voivodship. These differences do not overlap fully 
with differences in the GDP per capita level, since in many voivodships 
agriculture serves as a kind of “storehouse” for hidden unemployment in the 
situation of agrarian overpopulation. Despite this, in the eastern part of the coun-
try, the participation of rural population in the total number of unemployed people 
was the highest and varied in the 55-65 per cent limits with the country’s average 
of 44 per cent. 
The highest unemployment rate was registered in 2006 in the following 
voivodships: Warminsko-mazurskie (17.3 per cent), Zachodniopomorskie (17.2 
per cent), Kujawsko-pomorskie (16.2), Warmińsko-mazurskie (16.0). Such 
situation has existed for many years as a result of decline in the economic base in 
small cities and in the state owned farms in this part of the country.  
Regions with the highest competitiveness and development level include the 
following voivodships: Małopolskie, Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, Sląskie and 
Wielkopolskie. Their competitive advantage results from: high efficiency of the 
production sector, big human resources potential (including research centres, well 
prepared cadres), relatively well developed infrastructure. They have the biggest 
chance to participate in the European development processes (globalisation, 
construction of information society). Their trump cards are their capitals – big 
agglomerations with diverse economic structure and high participation of services 
in the employment sector.   
In  Romania there still are major differences within statistical regions where 
heavily agricultural counties coexist with more developed areas. The phenomenon 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
has been even made worse by the concentrated impact of economic restructuring 
in given areas with mono-industrial towns typically being affected by labour mar-
ket shocks due to the shutting down unprofitable state enterprises. Other factors 
with an impact on regional development traditionally include border regions and 
the Danube with regions bordering Moldova and Ukraine and regions along the 
Danube more under developed than the others. 
One of the most striking features of Romania’s economic growth over the last 
ten years has been the growing importance of the Bucharest area in development 
terms. This is in line with a well-known trend affecting all transition economies, 
but it is even more evident here due to the large size of the country in both 
population and territory terms. With some of 9.0 per cent of the population 
Bucharest accounts 21 per cent of the country’s GDP. 20 per cent of all SMEs are 
registered there and the capital has attracted 47 per cent of total foreign invest-
ment. The quite significant development of Bucharest not had any significant 
spill-over in neighbouring counties. Some of Romania’s most underdeveloped 
counties are still to be found in the immediate surroundings of the capital city. 
The second peculiarity of regional development of Romania is the mosaic-like 
structure of economic development at the sub-national level. In practically all the 
regions’ fairly developed counties co-exist with rather underdeveloped ones.  
The main problems of regional development in Romania are as follows: 
  The growing importance of Bucharest, 
  Unbalanced growth between west and east of the country, 
  Economic growth has followed a broad west–east direction with proximity 
to western markets acting as a growth spurring factor, 
  Underdevelopment concentrates in the north-east and in southern regions 
along the Danube, 
  The urban decline of small and medium towns, 
  Strong negative impact of industrial restructuring in mono-industrial locali-
In Slovakia conditions that were created in the process of the transformation of 
the economy from a completely planned economy to a market economy have 
further deepened the territorial imbalance. The actual disparities are shown 
particularly in: 
  the share of regions in formation of GDP, 
  unemployment rate, 
  level of entry of foreign capital in the individual regions, 
  level of income of population, 
  establishment of new firms in the regions etc. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
The evaluation of the level of regional development shows that only the region 
of Bratislava differs significantly. Among the other regions there are no large 
differences, in GDP/capita. Most significant differences exist obviously only at 
the level of counties. The region of Bratislava has a special position in compari-
son with EU average, too. With the level of around 100 per cent of the EU aver-
age it can be classified to the most developed regions of CEE countries. The other 
regions of Slovakia attained 36 to 44 per cent of EU average. 
Districts classified to the category of developed areas include 31.6 per cent of 
the population of Slovakia. Economically stabilised areas availing of conditions 
for the future development comprises 25.5 per cent of population. The percentage 
share of population living in stagnating districts is 17.3 and the share of economi-
cally depressed region’s population is 25.6 per cent. 
1.3. Differentiated urban networks  
One of the key issues which influence the regional economic performance is the 
urban hierarchy of the country. Changes in the settlement structure in every coun-
tries during the state socialism were primarily quantitative. By the late ‘90s, the 
rate of urban population reached 69 per cent in Bulgaria, 70 per cent in the Czech 
Republic, and 63 per cent in Hungary. The less urbanized country is Romania, 
where 55 per cent of the population lives in towns and cities.  
The weight of capitals, at the peak of the town hierarchies, is remarkable in 
Bulgaria and in Hungary. Sofia accounts for 14 per cent, Budapest for 18 per cent 
of the population of the country. Prague, Bratislava and Bucharest have more 
moderate share (6–10 per cent) in population of respective countries. The role 
they play in the economy and in cultural life is more dominant than their share in 
the population. The important elements of the market economy are concentrated 
in the capitals (Table 5). Several elements of a decentralised development policy 
could be designed to decrease this unfavourable, decades-long territorial 
Since the early 1990s, processes related to the changes that affected the whole 
society have influenced the settlement structure. One of these processes is sub-
urbanisation, i.e. urban population moving to the countryside, especially into the 
outskirts of large cities. This trend has emerged gradually, as it is observable in 
the slight decrease in the population of urban settlements and in the increase in 
the share of inhabitants living in smaller and/or rural settlements. 
In the shaping of a decentralised development policy, the large and medium 
sized towns of the second level of the town hierarchy play an important role. The 
endowments of the countries are different in this respect. Bulgaria has three towns 
with populations over 200,000 (Plovdiv, Varna and Bourgas), and three towns 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
(Rousse, Stara Zagora and Pleven) between 130,000 and 170,000. Hungary has 
one town over the population of 200,000 (Debrecen), while three regional centres 
(Miskolc, Szeged and Pécs) have populations of around 160,000. In Bulgaria’s 
two towns (Sliven and Dobrich) the populations are between 100,000 and 
130,000, while in Hungary there are three such towns (Győr, Nyíregyháza and 
Székesfehérvár). The urban network of Poland and Romania shows a relatively 
balanced hierarchy and regional pattern (Figure 3).  
Table 5 
The weight of capital cities in some activities, in per cent, 2005 
Activity Sofia2000 
Prague Budapest Warsaw Bucharest 
GDP 24.6 
16.51998 24.2 
Industrial output 
13.0 17.6 11.8 17.0  37.3 
Foreign direct investment 
49.9 25.7 56.5 33.0 
46.7 71.2 
Tertiary education students 
43.3 31.4 49.2 16.7 
32.4 83.0 
Employees in R&D 
48.0 55.8 30.0 39.0  40.2 
Source: Own calculations based on national statistical yearbooks. 
The second level includes 2–8 cities with over 300,000 inhabitants (e.g. Lódz, 
Krakow, Poznan, Katowice, Gdansk in Poland, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara, Craiova, 
Iasi, Conştanca in Romania, Brno, Ostrava in the Czech Republic). This figure 
has to be compared with more than 20–30 similar towns in western European 
countries. These towns exert significant influence over wide area, this is why they 
are called effective or potential regional centres. They have relatively good 
amenities to prevent their inhabitants from going to capital cities. They have aca-
demic tradition and cultural history. But they are often too weak, from an interna-
tional point of view, to compete successfully with other large European cities.  
The settlement structure of the Czech Republic is characterised by high density 
and disintegrated nature of settlements. A large portion of the population lives in 
urban settlements. Towns with over 50,000 inhabitants were among those most 
severely affected by the process of urbanisation; between 1993 and 2000 they 
posted a migration decrease of over 25,000 inhabitants. To the contrary, in terms 
of migration the largest increases were posted by settlements with over 10,000 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 3 
Large urban centres in Central and Eastern Europe 
Source: Designed by the author. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
The settlement structure in Poland is characterised by: 
  Moderate, polycentric concentration of population and economic activity in 
less than twenty medium size centres, relatively homogeneously localized 
over the country’s territory, 
  Relatively low share of the capital metropolis in the total of the country’s 
population (Warsaw – 4.2 per cent), 
  Low position of Polish metropolis type cities in European rankings (Warsaw 
– in groups V and VI in 8-group classifications), 
  Low urbanization degree, below 62 per cent, that has been remaining at the 
same level for the last 12 years, 
  Highly dispersed settlements in rural areas, where as much as 38 per cent of 
the Poland’s population lives. 
The medium town network, with populations between 50,000 and 100,000, in-
cludes 15 towns in Bulgaria and 12 in Hungary. The small town network, with 
towns of less than 20,000 inhabitants is dense in both countries: it includes 152 
towns in Bulgaria and 160 in Hungary. The spatial organising functions of most 
of the small towns are weak. They can only provide low quality services to the 
rural settlements in their sphere of gravity, and they do not play an important role 
in the employment of the inhabitants of these settlements. In most of these towns, 
the majority of jobs were terminated with the closing down the former industrial 
sites after the change of regime. 
The rural settlement structure is also rather differentiated. Bulgaria has a large 
number of villages (5100), whereas in Hungary there are much fewer of them 
(2,900). Although in European comparison both countries have a high proportion 
of villages, this type of settlement is far more typical of Bulgaria. There, 83 per 
cent of all villages have fewer than 1,000 inhabitants; this figure in Hungary is 59 
per cent. While in Bulgaria villages of over 5,000 inhabitants are rare (there were 
only 8 such settlements at the mid 1990s), in Hungary 38 settlements belonged to 
this category in 2001. 
In countries having several economic centres, like most Western European 
countries, the difference between the population of the primary city and that of 
the regional centres is at most five-fold; in the case of countries dominated by the 
capital, this difference is ten to twelve-fold. In Poland and Romania, for instance, 
the capitals are followed by six to eight major cities with populations between 300 
and 700 thousand, which have an impact on the spatial structure of the entire re-
gions. Contrary to this, in Hungary, there are only four regional centres, whose 
population exceeds 150 thousand (Table 6).  
At the same time, a particular Central and Eastern European characteristic is 
that the medium cities play important role in the organisation of the settlement 
structure. Many such cities function as territorial administrative centres, and the 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
structure and scope of their institutional system and administrative organisations 
do not differ significantly from those of major cities. The unitary administrative 
and political system of the planned economies has worked towards homogeneity: 
the major cities could not assert their natural and traditional power in organising 
the spatial structure. It is not surprising therefore that after the first steps towards 
regionalisation and a decentralised development policy, sharp competition 
emerged among the territorial centres, different in size but of similar institution 
structure, to control the new functions of regional organisation. 
Table 6 
Population of the largest urban centres, 2001 
Capital city 
The seven largest regional centres 
Per cent,  
Per cent,  
country = 100 
country = 100 
1,190 14.4 1,154 16.7 
Republic  1,193 11.7 1,288 12.5 
1,812 18.0 1,036 10.3 
Poland 1,615 
2,027 9.0 
2,156 9.6 
Slovakia 449 
Source: National statistical yearbooks. Calculations by the author. 
The large city network in Eastern and Central Europe – except for Romania 
and Poland – is thin (Figure 4). In the whole area, 97 towns or cities are above 
100,000 in population terms, and two-thirds of these are found in Poland and 
Romania. Slovakia has, apart from the capital, a total of one major city. In these 
two countries the number of regions is much lower than the number of cities but 
the largest of the latter are evenly distributed over the whole area and can be be-
come potential regional centres.  
For this reason, therefore, designating a regional centre could be much more 
convenient. In most of the Eastern and Central European countries the debates 
over the designation of regional centres became more intensive as the EU Acces-
sion process progressed. In Poland, after the introduction of the new voivodship 
public administration, the leading major cities became the centres of the new re-
gions. The only exception is the Kujawsko-pomorske voivodship where the re-
gional centre is not Bydgoszcz, the industrial centre with 368,000 inhabitants, but 
Torun, with its historical traditions and a population of 208,000. In the other 
countries the competition among towns or cities goes on almost exclusively in 
respect of the setting-up of the labour organisations of the development agencies 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
and of changing the number of the NUTS 2 regions. The latter is especially at the 
centre of debate in Romania. Several cities with traditionally strong regional 
organising functions in the country, such as Arad, Oradea, Sibiu, and Targu-
Mures lost their potential regional centre role. These demand a change of the na-
tional regional system. The dissatisfaction in the counties belonging to the plan-
ning-statistical regions is shown by the fact that the headquarters of the regional 
development councils in several cases in Romania were set up in smaller county 
centres. There were also examples of neglect of the role of the leading cities in 
Bulgaria. As a result of the public administration reform undertaken in the ‘70s, in 
which, instead of small spatial units, six large “oblasts” were created, the leading 
major city was replaced, and a smaller-sized town in the geographical centre of 
the region became the regional centre. 
Figure 4 
Number of towns or cities with over 100,000 inhabitants in Eastern and Central 
European countries (excluding the capital) and their proportion of national 
population, 2006 
Source: Author’s own construction based on data from national statistical yearbooks. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
2  Regional inequalities in Eastern and Central European 
research area 
2.1  Intellectual potential and regional development 
The establishment and distribution of institutions of economic and social innova-
tion have played an important role in European development since mediaeval 
times, and the first universities on the continent had close contact with the actors 
in both their nearer and more distant regions. The “universities” in the early 
Christian Irish monasteries were the innovation centres of their time. They gath-
ered and codified cultural, technological and professional information from all 
over Europe and disseminated this through their networks to what was tantamount 
to the production level. Due to this, Ireland was Europe’s most important innova-
tion centre in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, in spite of its peripheral position (Joyce
1907; Ó Drisceoil, 1993; Pounds, 1990). 
The geographical deconcentration of the development of universities was typi-
cal of the Middle Ages. The central areas of the Italian Peninsula became the 
principal development centre in the 12–14th centuries, and, by the 1400’s, 13 of 
Europe’s 30 universities were based there. At that time universities were quite 
common in Western Europe, and, at the beginning of the 16th century, Europe’s 
total of 70 universities were spread evenly across Spain, Germany, France and 
Italy. The regional contacts of these universities were limited to financial matters, 
and one prominent responsibility of these institutions, maintained as they were, by 
urban capital was the spread of humanist culture across the regions. Economic 
contacts were of less importance, although the hugely significant role of German 
universities in the development of the printing industry is unquestionable. 
In the 18–19th centuries the centralised states deliberately – through financing 
and by exercising foundation and endowment rights – attempted to draw universi-
ties away from regional influences. The Prussian and French education systems 
were able to achieve this, but Switzerland has, even today, still not managed to 
establish a federally operated university. Moreover, in (both unitary and central-
ised) Great Britain, regional influence remained strong due to the traditional state-
university conflict. Only in extreme cases did some universities manage to extri-
cate themselves from centralisation, and, following the French annexation of the 
Netherlands in 1802, the University of Groningen was able to survive, but only 
because the northern region was geographically isolated. Meanwhile, most Dutch 
universities had either been closed or reorganised into a lower level institution 
(Florax, 1992). 
With the passage of some 150 years, the growing importance of geographical 
decentralisation and of regional stimuli had become a major motivation force in 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
European academic development, and, in the meantime, the social role of the 
university and of the economic and political environment had also changed. The 
demand for innovation in economic development was growing fast and this in-
spired the development of new institutions which focused only on research and 
development. The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute – established in Germany in 1911 – 
was the name given to 29 institutes between WWI and WWII – mainly in the 
German provinces, Berlin being home to 12 (Macrakis, 1993). 
After WWII, institutions of higher education (HE) were characterised by 
strong centralisation. In the first place, education and research were concentrated 
in relatively few institutions, with central government having direct control over 
universities, whilst,  in the second place, in almost every country the universities 
were located in the most developed cities, some of these, especially the capitals, 
having an overwhelming position.  
The 1950s, however, were a period of extensive development in HE, in that its 
higher levels were largely replaced by forms of mass education – which met the 
needs of society and the economy as a whole. Between 1960 and 1970 the number 
of university students rose from 1.8m to 4.8m. For example, the number of 
Norwegian students quintupled, whilst those of British, Italian and Swedish stu-
dents quadrupled. In the European ranking the order of the leading countries also 
Around the beginning of the 1960s, institutions of higher education diversified 
as a result of decentralisation and the monopoly of the universities ended in many 
countries. Specialised colleges were founded, the independence of individual 
institutions grew and education became much broader.  
Functional decentralisation not only meant the establishment of new institu-
tions (comprehensive universities in Germany, polytechnics in the UK, high 
schools in the Netherlands and regional institutes of technology in Ireland), but 
also the reorganisation of the fragmented HE structure targeting economies of 
scale. In Sweden 100 smaller colleges were reorganised into 33 new units and the 
385 (newly established) colleges in the Netherlands were consolidated into 85 
institutions (Neave, 1979). 
The academic network broadened and regional economic development came to 
play a decisive role in the funding of new universities. In the UK the development 
concept had been elaborated by the British Higher Education Commission, which 
was founded in 1961. This gave priority to enlarging student numbers and 
eradicating regional differences. In the UK the 1960s saw the founding of 22 new 
universities, mainly by combining existing colleges, in the northern parts of the 
country and in rural regions. Nowadays one third of British university students 
study at newly established universities (Commonwealth Universities Yearbook, 
2005). This was to mention simply that in 1992–95 in the UK a total of 41 new 
universities were created – almost all in 92 with 2 or 3 stragglers in ’93, ’94 and 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
’95,  38 were built around polytechnics.  The previous total was 47, although this 
did include London University as a single entity even though this federal institu-
tion comprises around 10 or more “colleges” which are universities in their own 
right both in terms of quality and size.  
In 1970 the West German Federal Parliament (the Bundestag) enacted a law to 
improve the structure of higher education in West Germany. The law specified 
new areas for university improvement but did not initiate any significant expan-
sion in the traditional historical university centres. Regional development issues 
featured prominently in relation to location, with the Ruhr Area (in a state of 
structural crisis) and the rural areas of Bavaria being allocated more new institu-
tions in the field (Lömker, 1986). Regional considerations also prevailed in the 
operation of the Max Planck Society – which had been built on the institutional 
base of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society but which had been compromised during the 
National Socialist era. Today, there are 12,000 researchers and 9,000 PhD stu-
dents and research fellows working in no fewer than 80 institutions. Berlin and 
Bonn (the former capital) do not feature very strongly. The similar multidiscipli-
nary Fraunhofer Society is research organization with 58 institutes spread 
throughout Germany, each focusing on different fields of applied science. It em-
ploys over 12,500 researchers, with an annual research budget of about €1.2 bil-
In Sweden, universities in the 1960s were concentrated in five southern cities. 
The regional concept, drawn up to develop the northern regions, brought about 
the founding of Uppsala and Umeå universities at the end of the 1960s, with the 
first northern university being established in 1971 in Luleå. Regional concerns 
also had priority in the expansion of the Swedish HE system. The training struc-
ture of the new universities and colleges were geared to the needs of regional 
economies, and so faculties of technology, economics and administration were 
given priority. Faculties and colleges of technology became regional innovation 
centres and developed strong connections with regional authorities and local 
economies. The increasing international competitiveness of Swedish industry was 
due (among other factors) to the new regional HE system (Hjern, 1990).  Similar 
regional structural anomalies were eliminated by the Finnish government in 
roughly the same way as the Swedish. 14 new universities were established in the 
‘60s, consistent with the country’s regional development policy principles, along-
side the traditional university cities of Helsinki, Turku and Tampere. 
As a result of geographical decentralisation, the importance of the central re-
gions and capitals of countries declined. Even though these were still able to pre-
serve their leading position in many places, the general tendency was for some of 
the larger regional centres of HE and research to strengthen gradually. 
Higher education has an effect on internal regional development – not only 
due to its role in the R&D sector, but also because of its dominant position in the 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
training of specialists who organise, produce and sell technologically developed 
products and competitive services. In parallel with technological change, indus-
tries and companies who produce competitive products choose their location 
according to quality criteria. HE has an important role among these, its power to 
attract capital being influenced not only by any advantages of the labour market 
generated by itself, but also by the innovation capacity concentrated there. 
Throughout Europe, influence on major technological systems was primarily in 
the hands of the R&D organisations of metropolitan or agglomeration-based 
companies. However, HE institutions were dominant in the technological renewal 
of SMEs and in organising local and regional technological clusters. The driving 
force of such regional institutions can be shown by the growth of industrial areas 
in Central and Northeast Italy and the regional development of Bavaria, Northeast 
France, the Netherlands etc. (Bennett – Krebs, 1991; Ciciotti, 1993). 
A higher education network must meet at least four criteria in order to fulfil its 
function and to be able to carry out integration tasks as part of the innovation 
1.  Research has to be qualified as a core function of HE, and this has to be 
taken into account financially and in the operation of universities and col-
2.  National technology policy and regional institutions must support organised 
cooperation between HE and the economy with appropriate stimuli; 
3.  The structure of HE must be able to generate technological and economic 
4. HE must be geographically decentralised, and its institutional measures 
must reach the critical mass needed to fulfil these functions. This produces 
equality with the institutions of the central region concerning research 
funding and distribution of international research and development. 
2.2  The organisation of scientific institutions in Central and Eastern Europe, 
The different levels of development of the two sides of Europe are particularly 
evident in relation to science, and the roots of this reach back several centuries. 
The university foundation period of the Middle Ages, in fact, had its influence on 
only a very small part of Eastern Europe. In this region were founded four 
universities (which play a prominent role until today). These are the universities 
of Prague (1347), Krakow (1364), Vienna (1365) and Pécs (1367). Higher educa-
tion appeared in other parts of Europe only several centuries later. For example, 
Bulgaria’s first university was founded in Sofia in 1888 (after many years of 
Turkish rule) but newer universities in the country appeared only after 1970. The 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
first universities of Romania were founded in Bucharest in the 1850s and in Iaşi 
(Moldavia) in the 1860s. In some major cities a university network – primarily in 
Transylvania – developed between the two World Wars, and in the communist era 
many new universities were founded in major cities or industrial centres, includ-
ing the underdeveloped parts of the country. 
Developments in many Eastern European countries were relatively uniform. 
The basis of higher education and research appeared only after the Great War and 
the number of institutions was very small. Only four universities were operating 
in Hungary between the two World Wars, the number of students being 14,000 
out of a population of 9 million in 1938 
Due to regional development issues, and from the viewpoint of sectoral educa-
tion, few adjustments were made after the Second World War. The University of 
Heavy Industry in Miskolc and the University of the Chemical Industry in Vesz-
prém were founded in 1949, at the beginning of the communist era. 
The foundation of national academies of sciences was crucial for the scientific 
systems of the countries of Eastern Europe, and all had organised their academies 
by the beginning of the 1950s. The academies were not only the coordinating 
institutions for science in their respective country, but had an extensive research 
network, typically embracing some 40–70 institutions. The consequence of 
centralised government was that these academic research institutions were, with 
few exceptions, organised in the capital cities. 
The modest changes in over-centralisation introduced in some countries have 
some influence in the deconcentration of the institutions. For example, the 
government in Hungary issued a decree reforming science policy within the eco-
nomic reform programme started in 1968, and the communist party document 
issued in 1969 also asserted the need for science to be decentralised. The decree 
declared the negative sides of the excessive concentration of research in Budapest 
and proposed to decrease the differences between the disciplines and to develop 
the social sciences. The enactment of the decree, however, was only partially 
successful. At the beginning of the 1970s science developed noticeably in the re-
gional centres, and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences organised a Biological 
Research Centre in Szeged, which was the most highly developed in Central 
Europe. The Faculty of Business and Economics began to operate at the Univer-
sity of Pécs – only the second institution of education in economics in the country 
– and the academic research institutions of Pécs acquired a new profile – that of 
regional science. However, the resettlement of research institutions or HE institu-
tion from Budapest was not successful. A decision had been made to move the 
Faculty of Veterinary Science from Budapest to Debrecen in the east of Hungary 
– the centre of Hungarian agriculture, but, due to obdurate opposition (for per-
sonal interests) by the leaders of the university, the plan failed.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Although the Communist Party’s policy for science had different characteris-
tics in individual countries – as in other spheres of the economy and society, we 
can detect some characteristics common to all: 
1.  Science enjoyed a privileged position in the socialist era – a typical feature 
of the Soviet model. The favoured groups of people in the sciences 
(academicians, principal researchers) received higher incomes and enjoyed 
a variety of social benefits; 
2.  Intensive state intervention and government control were accompanied by 
continuous and adequate budgetary resources, although these varied in the 
different branches of science. Of the national income, 2– per cent was spent 
on R&D in the Eastern European countries in the 1970–80s. This high rate 
was due in part to research in the armaments industry, and a further 
explanation is that many industrial products (in telecommunications and 
computer technology) were produced on the basis of domestic research be-
cause of the boycott on exports of Western European technology; 
3.  The state established research institutes in technology and the natural sci-
ences in the 1950s, a period of extensive development and promotion of 
science, but the social sciences remained in an inferior position for decades, 
due to the dominance of Marxist ideology. The new branches of science 
(sociology, political and regional sciences) developed relatively late, and 
they were only embedded in the HE system with difficulty. The ratio of re-
searchers employed in the social sciences amounted to less than one-fifth of 
that in several countries; 
4.  Academic research networks, sectoral research institutes controlled by the 
ministries and corporate  research units were dominant in the institutional 
structure of research. For example, in Hungary in 1985, corporate research 
units absorbed 48 per cent of all R&D expenditure. Universities were 
primarily institutions of education and research expenditure within 
universities was marginal. In Hungary, in 1985, HE institutions accounted 
for no more than 12 per cent. 
2.3  The impact of the change of régime on the regional structure of Eastern 
and Central European R&D 
The change of régime at the beginning of the 1990s produced a significant 
restructuring of the scientific potential of Eastern and Central European countries. 
One characteristic common to all was a considerable reduction in scientific capac-
ity. Two fields of research capacity shrank dramatically, one of these being the 
sectoral research institute network. The majority of research institutes funded by 
national bodies (such as ministries) were closed and the number of employees in 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
academic research institutes declined equally dramatically. As a direct conse-
quence, the percentage of GDP allocated to R&D was greatly reduced – to one-
third or even one-fifth. In Table 7 we show this in terms of GERD/GDP (Gross 
expenditure on research and development as a percentage of Gross domestic prod-
After the change of régime R&D underwent a substantial restructuring. The 
reorganisation of the HE system was the starting-point of a range of positive 
changes. In East European countries the number of undergraduates doubled or 
tripled, new colleges and universities were established and R&D was given an 
important role. One part of the major, state-owned research institutes closed (apart 
from the academic networks) and the other part was privatised. Certain groups of 
companies started to increase their R&D activity, including several multinational 
companies settled in Eastern Europe. The structure of expenditure changed 
perceptibly, with spending on state- or community-financed research continuously 
decreasing and that on corporate research rising. 
Table 7 
Changes in R&D main indicators in Eastern and Central Europe, 1980–2005 
Name Bulgaria 
1980 2005 1980 2005 1980 2005 1980 2005 1980 2005 
2.2 0.6 3.2 1.0 n.d. 0.4 
Number of 
31.6 21.6 39.6 37.51
96.3 55.0 31.4 23.0 71.1 33.4 
Note: 1 Czech Republic, 2 Slovakia. 
Source: Author’s compilation based on national statistical database 1980, and Europe in Figures. 
Eurostat Yearbook 2008. 
There are, however, considerable differences between the countries of Eastern 
Europe. In the Czech Republic, expenditure in business research locations ac-
counts for nearly two third of all GERD – data similar to the EU-27 average. The 
ratio of company-financed research is the lowest in Bulgaria where government 
finance is still of great importance. In two countries, Hungary and Poland, the 
influence of HE institutions in financing research exceeds the EU average, and in 
all countries government-supported research institutes have a notably higher share 
of GERD than the EU average due to the maintenance of a network of Academies 
of Sciences (Table 8). 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Table 8 
                                Distribution of GERD by sectors, 2005, per cent 
Business sector 
Budgetary institutions
Higher education 
Bulgaria 22.2 
Czech Republic 
Hungary 45.0 
Poland 31.6 
48.0 34.1 17.9 
Slovakia 50.0 
EU-27 64.0 
Sources:  Europe in Figures. Eurostat Yearbook, 2008; Statistical Yearbook Romania, 2007. 
The sectoral transformation of research institutions was followed in none of 
the countries by a positive change in regional structure, and it remained typical of 
the spatial structure of research centres that they were still mainly concentrated in 
the capitals. In the 1990s, however, the spatial structure of R&D changed in sev-
eral countries.  The central or core areas declined in importance, and the major 
results of decentralisation are evident in the regionalised and federalised coun-
tries. The relative weight in Austria of Vienna decreased by 15 percentage points 
and, in Spain, that of Madrid by 12. There was a slight decrease – or even no 
movement at all – in the unitary states of Hungary and Greece. In the latter, the 
Attica region even increased its share in the GERD of the country (Figure 5).  
In Eastern and Central Europe the capitals and metropolitan regions are the 
bastions of research and science, the weight of the metropolitan region being 
greatest in Bulgaria. Four-fifths of the country’s research potential is concentrated 
in Sofia and its vicinity, and two-thirds of Hungary’s GERD is found in the Cen-
tral Hungary (NUTS2) region which consists of Budapest and Pest county). The 
research capacities of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia reveal a slightly 
more balanced picture – the metropolitan proportion in these countries being un-
der 50 per cent (Table 9). 
Most of the important R&D indicators in the core areas of CEE countries are 
below the EU average, and in no more than 2 (Czech) regions of the 49 NUTS2 
regions of the 6 do CEE countries exceed the EU average for the GERD/GDP 
ratio. In 8 regions the GERD/GDP level is between 1.0 and 1.9 per cent, and in 39 
the level does not reach 1 per cent. In 20 regions it is even below 0.3 per cent 
(Figure 6). 
If we look at the regional spread of R&D activity, we would draw a similar 
conclusion. In most countries the most highly concentrated R&D activity is 
corporate-financed, and foreign joint ventures’ target locations for establishing 
R&D units in CEECs were almost solely capital cities.  

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 5 
Share of the core areas in GERD, 1994–2005, per cent 
Source: Author, based on Europe in Figures. Eurostat Yearbook, 2003, 2008. 
Table 9 
Weight of capital regions in national R&D 
Country Region 
Percentage share in 
Percentage share in 
R&D expenditure 
R&D employees 
Bulgaria South-west 
Czech Republic 
Hungary Central 
Hungary  68.8 
Poland Mazowieckie 
Bucureşti–Ilfov 59.3 
Slovakia Bratislavský 
kraj  47.6 
Source: Compiled by the author on the basis of http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 6 
GERD as per cent of GDP in CEE regions, 2005 
Source: Compiled and edited by the author based on http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu. 
The location of the academic institutions, the leading basic researchers, is no 
more positive. Most of the institutes of academies of sciences are located in na-
tional capitals and no more than 7 (19 per cent) of the 37 research institutes of the 
Hungarian Academy of Sciences operate outside Budapest. This means that only 
15 per cent of the Academy’s employees, some 4,000 in number, work in these 
institutes. By contrast, thirty-eight percent of the Polish Academy’s employees 
work in institutes outside Warsaw. It is important to emphasise that, in federal 
states, the spread of Academy institutions is very different from the above. There 
are a remarkable number of research centres in the federal states of Austria and 
Germany (Figure 7). 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Figure 7 
Employers of institutes of Academies of sciences outside capital city in specific 
European countries, 2007 
Source: Compiled and edited by the author. 
Great expectations followed the change of régime in terms of the modernisa-
tion of the regional structure of higher education. In almost every country the total 
number of students tripled or quadrupled, although this increase was spatially 
unbalanced. The dynamic of HE in the capital is as strong as the increase in the 
number of students outside the capital. The developments were discursive in that 
no regional policy concepts were applied and, moreover, spatial development 
planning was undeveloped. The unfavourable spatial structure of HE was pre-
served, with some 30–40 per cent of students still concentrated in the capital 
(Table 10). A further characteristic of rapid change was the significant increase in 
the incidence of the social sciences in the HE system of most countries – 
important in terms of establishing the economic bases of regional development. 
The weight of social sciences in HE is higher in CEE countries than in other 
member states of the EU, but at the same time the importance of natural sciences 
and technology in HE is lower (Table 11). 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Table 10 
The distribution of students in HE in central areas, 2006 
Number of students, ‘000s 
As national  per cent 
Bulgaria 114 
Czech Republic 
Poland 445 
Hungary 187 
Romania 294 
Slovakia 65 
Source: Compiled by the author based on http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu data. 
Table 11 
Students in HE by field, 2006, per cent 
Students – ‘000s 
Social sciences1 
Technology and 
Other fields 3 
natural sciences2 
243  43.5 35.2 21.3 
337  27.6 38.7 33.7 
2,145  40.9 30.1 29.0 
439  41.5 28.6 29.9 
835  50.0 31.5 18.5 
198  28.3 43.9 28.3 
253  34.9 35.1 30.0 
309  22.4 52.8 24.8 
Netherlands 572  38.0 32.1 29.9 
186  23.1 36.0 40.9 
Note:  1 Business, behaviour, law and other social sciences; 2 Biological and physical natural sci-
ences; 3 Teacher training, liberal arts, personal and security services, environmental protection. 
Source:  Compiled by the author based on http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu data. 
At the beginning of the 1990s a faculty of social sciences was founded in 
many cities by the former political élite. The establishment of university faculties 
or colleges in regional public administration centres was a result of political 
change, and the, now unused, official buildings and education centres of the 
Communist Party offered an adequate infrastructure for HE. The Ministry of 
Education accepted implicitly the relatively cheap and extensive developments in 
social science education. As a result of the demand for specialists required to 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
work in the market economy, the growth in numbers in economics education can 
be understood. 
The slight decrease in the regional distribution of R&D was generated by the 
fact that research and development was given an important role in university 
functions. In the analysis of the R&D investment structure, we have already men-
tioned the different distribution of HE in different CEE countries, and we saw that 
in Poland and Hungary HE represents a higher weight than the EU average in 
terms of R&D expenditure, There is no other type of research organisation outside 
higher education to be seen in any CEE country: the role of corporate research is 
well-nigh invisible and the number of regional development planning institutions 
and research centres of many West European countries can rarely be found. 
3 Conclusions 
In this paper the relationship between within-country regional disparities has been 
examined. Disparities are lower in the early stages of development, peak in the 
middle-income stages, but diminish again as a country becomes wealthy. Among 
country-specific factors, the date of EU accession plays an outstanding role, being 
responsible for more than one-half of the differences in regional disparities be-
tween the EU member states. It is  argued that four main factors connected to EU 
membership are possible driving forces behind the disparities. The transition 
process  in the new member states completely changed their economic structure, 
and some regions recovered faster than others. The radical transformation of the 
economic structure affected the different regions in different ways. The losers of 
transition, like in the most other European countries, where the areas were domi-
nated by heavy industry and mining and, as a special Eastern European feature, 
the extensive agricultural areas. The emerging market economy brought about the 
strengthening of regional inequalities. 
What is more important, they have learned how to use these funds efficiently 
and how to build effective institutions which might also allow for more decentral-
ized regional development policy and planning. For the new EU member states, 
the above implies that disparities will not decrease just because a country is catch-
ing up to the more developed EU countries. Development policies must not focus 
extensively on the country as a whole, but have to take into account the prefer-
ences and possibilities of their peripheral regions as well.  
Reducing backwardness and the development of regions are among the most 
important strategic objectives of the Community, receiving almost forty percent 
of its budget. Member states and their regions, depending on their level of 
development, receive substantial support for cohesion. But we must also recog-
nise that despite the high payouts, changes in regional development rankings 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
within individual member states only occur when consistent structural policy is 
followed for multiple decades in the use of EU subsidies. These regions did not 
concentrate on the creation of traditional infrastructure, but rather on the modern 
impulses of regional development: innovation, business services, modern indus-
trial organisation solutions and human resource development. Those regions 
which expected to get along simply on the basis of the European Union’s support 
policies, were unable to improve their relative positions. 
If we examine the spatial location of R&D activity, which should be one of the 
factors supporting the dynamic of European regional development, we can see 
that the change of régime and the transition have had the effect of preserving the 
status quo ante” in the new member-states in Central and Eastern Europe. Major 
regional inequalities are still evident in the regional structure of developed 
innovation institutions, and the core areas and capital cities still have their privi-
leged position. The regional and structural policies based on EU norms have not 
stimulated the development of R&D in the new member states, as the operational 
programmes for 2007–2013 demonstrate. There is no Central or Eastern European 
country with a regional or competitiveness-related operational programme target-
ing a comprehensive transformation of human resource development in respect of 
Changes in the factors influencing regional development require the regional 
policy system of objectives, together with the related instruments and institutions, 
to be transformed.  The long-term trends of European spatial development require 
the widest range of institutionalised forms of decentralisation to be established in 
the countries of Europe in the face of their different traditions. The new, Central 
and Eastern European member states can only meet EU cohesion requirements 
with the help of decentralised institutions. This is not only a public administration 
issue, but also a prerequisite for the success of R&D in helping to improve 
competitiveness. If regionalism progresses, it can bring about the modernisation 
of regional structures and the need for multi-polar regional development may 
change the hierarchies of power in those countries still in transition quite pro-
foundly. The sub-national level of the power structure, the region, is a territorial 
entity which supports the sustainable development of the economy and the 
modernisation of the spatial structure – with its own financial resources and hav-
ing at its disposal an autonomous development policy based upon local 
governmental rights. The regions are becoming the stage for innovative develop-
ment, and the degree of embeddedness at regional level of the fundamental 
institutions of innovation output is becoming stronger.  
The decentralisation of science and R&D has a number of positive effects on 
the improvement of the regions. The formation of research-intensive sectors in-
creases the number of quality jobs and the business development effects of the 
setting up of spin-off companies are clearly evident. Innovative business develops 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
the region’s export capacity and helps the region to integrate into the European 
and international research area. Companies which demand or rely on research 
contribute to the re-industrialisation of the region and to the spread of modern 
services. All of these improve the income-generating ability of the regions and 
contribute to the enhancement of regional cohesion. The Lisbon criteria cannot be 
met without decentralisation. 

Horváth, Gyula : 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area. 
Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
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Pécs : Centre for Regional Studies, 2009. 40. p. Discussion Papers, No. 72. 
Horváth, Gyula (Ed.) 2002a: Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and 
Hungary. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, HAS. 
Horváth, Gyula 2002b: Regional Policy and Development in East Central Europe
Firenze, European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 
Working Paper 21. 
Horváth, Gyula 2004: The role of R&D in Hungary. In: Collins, Peter (Ed.): Towards 3 
per cent: Attainment of the Barcelona Target. London, European Academies Science 
Advisory Council. pp. 31–36.  
Horváth, Gyula 2005: Regional disparities and competitiveness in Central and Eastern 
Europe, In: Komornicki, Tomasz – Czapiewski, Konrad (Eds.): New Spatial Relations 
in New Europe. 
Polish Academy of Sciences Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of 
Geography and Spatial Organization, Centre for European Studies Polish Geographi-
cal Society. pp. 9–25. 
Ilieva, Margerita 2002: Transformations in the territorial structure of Bulgarian economy 
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Bulgaria and Hungary.
 Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, HAS. pp. 49–61.  
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Juritsch, Erhard – Schönegger, Hans (Eds.) 2008: Interregional Innovation policy. 
Opportunities and Challenges in the Alps–Adriatic Region. Klagenfurt, Wieser Verlag. 
Kobal, Edvard – Radosević, Slavo (Eds.) 2005: Modernisation of Science Policy and 
Management Approaches in Central and South East Europe. White Cross Hills, IOS 

Kolev, Boris 2002: Legal framework of regional development in Bulgaria. In: Horváth, 
Gy. (Ed.): Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary. Pécs, 
Centre for Regional Studies, HAS. pp. 78–85.  
Korcelli, Pjotr 2005: The urban system in Poland. – Built Environment. 2. pp. 133–142.  
Lömker, Klaus 1986: Regionalization in the sector of tertiary education institutions devel-
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Macrakis, Kristie 1993: Surviving the Swastika: Scientific Research in Nazi Germany. 
New York, Oxford University Press. 
Meske, Werner (Ed.) 2000: Changes in the innovation system in economies in transition: 
basic patterns, sectoral and national particularities. – Science and Public Policy. 4. pp. 
Mladenov, Chavdar: Population distribution in Bulgaria. In: Horváth, Gy. (Ed.): Regional 
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Studies, HAS. pp. 201–26.  
Müller, Karel 1995: Transformation of national research system in the countries of Cen-
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Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
The Discussion Papers series of the Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian 
Academy of Sciences was launched in 1986 to publish summaries of research findings on 
regional and urban development. 
The series has 5 or 6 issues a year. It will be of interest to geographers, economists, so-
ciologists, experts of law and political sciences, historians and everybody else who is, in 
one way or another, engaged in the research of spatial aspects of socio-economic develop-
ment and planning. 
The series is published by the Centre for Regional Studies. 
Individual copies are available on request at the Centre. 
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Centre for Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
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Zoltán GÁL 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
Papers published in the Discussion Papers series 
Discussion Papers / Specials 

BENKŐNÉ LODNER, Dorottya (ed.) (1988): Environmental Control and Policy: Proceedings of 
the Hungarian–Polish Seminar in the Theoretical Problems of Environmental Control 
and Policy 
OROSZ, Éva (ed.) (1988): Spatial Organisation and Regional Development Papers of the 6th Polish–
Hungarian geographical Seminar 
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1993): Spatial Research and the Social–Political Changes: Papers of the 
7th Polish–Hungarian Seminar 
DURÓ, Annamária (ed.) (1999): Spatial Research in Support of the European Integration. 
Proceedings of the 11th Polish–Hungarian Geographical Seminar (Mátraháza, Hungary 
17–22 September, 1998) 
GÁL, Zoltán (ed.) (2001): Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (ed.) (2002): Regional Challenges of the Transition in Bulgaria and Hungary 
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2004): New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-
Rural Relationship 
BARANYI, Béla (ed.) (2005):  Hungarian–Romanian and Hungarian–Ukrainian border regions as 
areas of co-operation along the external borders of Europe 
ENYEDI, György – KOVÁCS, Zoltán (eds.) (2006): Social Changes and Social Sustainability in 
Historical Urban Centres. The Case of Central Europe 
KOVÁCS, András Donát (ed.) (2007): Regionality and/or locality 
SZIRMAI, Viktória (ed.) (2007): Social Inequalities in Urban Areas and Globalization. The Case of 
Central Europe 
ILLÉS, Iván (2008): Visions and Strategies in the Carpathian Area (VASICA) 
Discussion Papers 
No. 1 
OROSZ, Éva (1986): Critical Issues in the Development of Hungarian Public Health with 
Special Regard to Spatial Differences 
No. 2 
ENYEDI, György – ZENTAI, Viola (1986): Environmental Policy in Hungary 
No. 3 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1987): Administrative Division and Administrative Geography in 
No. 4 
SIKOS T., Tamás (1987): Investigations of Social Infrastructure in Rural Settlements of 
Borsod County 
No. 5 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1987): Development of the Regional Management of the Economy in 
East-Central Europe 
No. 6 
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1988): Chance of Local Independence in Hungary 
No. 7 
FARAGÓ, László – HRUBI, László (1988): Development Possibilities of Backward 
Areas in Hungary 
No. 8 
SZÖRÉNYINÉ KUKORELLI, Irén (1990): Role of the Accessibility in Development and 
Functioning of Settlements 
No. 9 
ENYEDI, György (1990): New Basis for Regional and Urban Policies in East-Central 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
No. 10 
RECHNITZER, János (1990): Regional Spread of Computer Technology in Hungary  
No. 11 
SIKOS T., Tamás (1992): Types of Social Infrastructure in Hungary (to be not published) 
No. 12 
HORVÁTH, Gyula – HRUBI, László (1992): Restructuring and Regional Policy in 
No. 13 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (1992): Transportation Effects on Spatial Structure of Hungary 
No. 14 
PÁLNÉ KOVÁCS, Ilona (1992): The Basic Political and Structural Problems in the 
Workings of Local Governments in Hungary 
No. 15 
PFEIL, Edit (1992): Local Governments and System Change. The Case of a Regional 
No. 16 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1992): Culture and Urban Development (The Case of  Pécs) 
No. 17 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1993): Settlement Network Development Policy in Hungary in the 
Period of State Socialism (1949–1985) 
No. 18 
KOVÁCS, Teréz (1993): Borderland Situation as It Is Seen by a Sociologist 
No. 19 
HRUBI, L. – KRAFTNÉ SOMOGYI, Gabriella (eds.) (1994): Small and medium-sized 
firms and the role of private industry in Hungary 
No. 20 
BENKŐNÉ Lodner, Dorottya (1995): The Legal-Administrative Questions of 
Environmental Protection in the Republic of Hungary 
No. 21   ENYEDI, György (1998): Transformation in Central European Postsocialist Cities 
No. 22   HAJDÚ, Zoltán (1998): Changes in the Politico-Geographical Position of Hungary in the 
20th Century 
No. 23 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (1998): Regional and Cohesion Policy in Hungary 
No. 24 
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (1998): Sustainable Agricultural Development in the Region 
of the Lake Balaton 
No. 25 
LADOS, Mihály (1998): Future Perspective for Local Government Finance in Hungary 
No. 26 
NAGY, Erika (1999): Fall and Revival of City Centre Retailing: Planning an Urban 
Function in Leicester, Britain 
No. 27 
BELUSZKY, Pál (1999): The Hungarian Urban Network at the End of the Second 
No. 28 
RÁCZ, Lajos (1999): Climate History of Hungary Since the 16th Century: Past, Present 
and Future 
No. 29 
RAVE, Simone (1999): Regional Development in Hungary and Its Preparation for the 
Structural Funds  
No. 30 
BARTA, Györgyi (1999): Industrial Restructuring in the Budapest Agglomeration 
No. 31 
BARANYI, Béla–BALCSÓK, István–DANCS, László–MEZŐ, Barna (1999): Borderland 
Situation and Peripherality in the North-Eastern Part of the Great Hungarian Plain 
No. 32 
RECHNITZER, János (2000): The Features of the Transition of Hungary’s Regional 
No. 33 
MURÁNYI, István–PÉTER, Judit–SZARVÁK, Tibor–SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2000): 
Civil Organisations and Regional Identity in the South Hungarian Great Plain 
No. 34 
KOVÁCS, Teréz (2001): Rural Development in Hungary 
No. 35 
PÁLNÉ, Kovács Ilona (2001): Regional Development and Governance in Hungary 
No. 36 
NAGY, Imre (2001): Cross-Border Co-operation in the Border Region of the Southern 
Great Plain of Hungary 
No. 37 
BELUSZKY, Pál (2002): The Spatial Differences of Modernisation in Hungary at the 
Beginning of the 20th Century 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
No. 38 
BARANYI, Béla (2002): Before Schengen – Ready for Schengen. Euroregional 
Organisations and New Interregional Formations at the Eastern Borders of Hungary 
No. 39 
KERESZTÉLY, Krisztina (2002): The Role of the State in the Urban Development of 
No. 40 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2002): Report on the Research Results of the Centre for Regional  
Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
No. 41 
SZIRMAI, Viktoria – A. GERGELY, András – BARÁTH, Gabriella–MOLNÁR, Balázs 
– SZÉPVÖLGYI, Ákos (2003): The City and its Environment: Competition and/or Co-
operation? (A Hungarian Case Study) 
No. 42 
CSATÁRI, Bálint–KANALAS, Imre–NAGY, Gábor –SZARVÁK, Tibor (2004): Regions 
in Information Society – a Hungarian Case-Study 
No. 43 
FARAGÓ, László (2004): The General Theory of Public (Spatial) Planning (The Social 
Technique for Creating the Future) 
No. 44 
HAJDÚ, Zoltán (2004): Carpathian Basin and the Development of the Hungarian 
Landscape Theory Until 1948 
No. 45 
GÁL, Zoltán (2004): Spatial Development and the Expanding European Integration of the 
Hungarian Banking System 
No. 46 
BELUSZKY, Pál – GYŐRI, Róbert (2005): The Hungarian Urban Network in the 
Beginning of the 20th Century 
No. 47 
G. FEKETE, Éva (2005): Long-term Unemployment and Its Alleviation in Rural Areas 
No. 48 
SOMLYÓDYNÉ PFEIL, Edit (2006): Changes in The Organisational Framework of 
Cooperation Within Urban Areas in Hungary 
No. 49 
MEZEI, István (2006): Chances of Hungarian–Slovak Cross-Border Relations 
No. 50 
RECHNITZER, János – SMAHÓ, Melinda (2006): Regional Characteristics of Human 
Resources in Hungary During the Transition 
No. 51 
BARTA, Györgyi – BELUSZKY, Pál – CZIRFUSZ, Márton – GYŐRI, Róbert – 
KUKELY, György (2006): Rehabilitating the Brownfield Zones of Budapest 
No. 52 
GROSZ, András (2006): Clusterisation Processes in the Hungarian Automotive Industry 
No. 53 
FEKETE, G. Éva – HARGITAI, Judit – JÁSZ, Krisztina – SZARVÁK, Tibor – 
SZOBOSZLAI, Zsolt (2006): Idealistic Vision or Reality? Life-long learning among 
Romany ethnic groups 
No. 54 
BARTA, Györgyi (ed.) (2006): Hungary – the New Border of the European Union 
No. 55 
GÁL, Zoltán (2006): Banking Functions of the Hungarian Urban Network in the Early 
20th Century. 
No. 56 
SZÖRÉNYINÉ, Kukorelli Irén (2006): Relation Analysis in Rural Space – A Research 
Method for Exploring the Spatial Structure in Hungary 
No. 57 
MAUREL, Marie-Claude – PÓLA, Péter (2007): Local System and Spatial Change – The 
Case of Bóly in South Transdanubia 
No. 58 
SZIRMAI, Viktória (2007): The Social Characteristics of Hungarian Historic City Centres 
No. 59 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc – GÁL, Zoltán – GIPP, Christoph – VARJÚ, Viktor (2007): Path 
Dependency or Route Flexibility in Demand Responsive Transport? The Case Study of 
TWIST project 
No. 60 
PÓLA, Péter (2007): The Economic Chambers and the Enforcement of  Local Economic 
No. 61 
BUDAY-SÁNTHA, Attila (2007): Development Issues of the Balaton Region 

Discussion Papers 2009. No. 72. 
Cohesion Deficiencies in Eastern and 
Central Europe – Inequalities of Regional Research Area
No. 62 
LUX, Gábor (2008): Industrial Development, Public Policy and Spatial Differentiation in 
Central Europe: Continuities and Change 
No. 63 
MEZEI, Cecília (2008): The Role of Hungarian Local Governments in Local Economic 
No. 64 
NAGY, Gábor (2008): The State of the Info-communication Markets in Dél-Alföld 
Region – Hungary 
No. 65 
HORVÁTH, Gyula (2008): Regional Transformation in Russia 
No. 66 
BELUSZKY, Pál – SIKOS T., Tamás (2008): Changing Village-Typology of  Rural 
Settlements in Hungary at the Beginning of the Third Millennium 
No. 67 
CSIZMADIA, Zoltán – GROSZ, András (2008): Regional Innovation System in West 
No. 68 
HARDI, Tamás (ed.) (2008): Transborder Movements and Relations in the Slovakian–
Hungarian Border Regions 
No. 69 
ERDŐSI, Ferenc (2008): Global and Regional Roles of the Russian Transport 
No. 70 
CSIZMADIA, Zoltán (2009): Cooperation and Innovativity: the Network Foundations of 
the Regional System of Innovation 
No. 71 
Edit (2009): Local Dimensions of a Wider European Neighbourhood: Crossborder 
Relations and Civil Society in the Hungarian–Ukrainian Border Arean