Discussion Papers 2004.
New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the
Urban-Rural Relationship 11-19. p.
The openness of Polish space to the new challenges of civilisation causes that the
historically shaped spatial structures are currently undergoing dynamic changes.
These changes result both from the contemporary world-wide trends, primarily
globalisation, metropolisation, development of the information civilisation, as well
as the widespread introduction of the principles of free market, development of car
transport, changes in the lifestyles, and the process of European integration. All
these processes exert an essential influence, both on the socio-economic activation
and on environmental protection.
Among the metropolitan areas developing in Poland the most important spatial
changes are taking place within the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw (Furman, 2001).
The reach of this area is estimated at some 30–40 km from the centre (Chmielew-
ski, 1996). It is the sole Polish metropolis that is perceived in Europe, ranked at the
end of the third ten of the European metropolises (Jałowiecki, 2000).
During the recent years the rate of landscape degradation within the Metropoli-
tan Area of Warsaw significantly increased. It can be supposed that the contempo-
rary spatial processes will lead to the lowering of life quality.
The currently observed manner of managing space might be called “unsustain-
able” within many areas. This fact is reflected, in particular, through (Degórska,
– decrease of the surface of the open spaces and interruption of their continuity,
as well as worsening of their natural, leisure and climatic functions,
– chaos of the functional-spatial and architectural forms, and frequent lack of
aesthetic feelings with respect to the harmonious composition of landscape,
– inadequate investments in the domain of sewage and water treatment sys-
tems, lack of a comprehensive system of solid waste management, while the
volume of liquid waste and municipal waste is on the increase,
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
– enormous shortages in terms of investments into road infrastructure, and es-
pecially into the construction of thruways and passageways, in conditions of
a dramatic increase of the car numbers and the resulting pollution,
– possibility of appearance of extraordinary hazards, mainly originating from
transport, the energy sector, and floods,
– the activity of the local communities, aiming at the decrease of the areas en-
compassed by the legal protection of nature and the negative attitude towards
the establishment of new such areas.
Landscape degradation is definitely enhanced by the neglect having taken place
in the recent period in the domain of spatial policy. These destructive factors of
spatial organisation may annihilate the internationally unique natural dispositions
of the developing metropolitan area.
The improper composition of space is subject to the process of petrifaction. The
changes within the confines of the developed spatial structures are therefore very
difficult to implement from both social and economic points of view. Hence, it is
necessary to rationalise and optimise the spatial and functional structure, as well as
the use of space at the stage of planning.
As I have already mentioned, the problems of space management remain to a
large extent in opposition to the concept of sustainable and equilibrated growth.
The majority of activities and the biggest financial outlays in Poland are di-
rected towards the protection of nature against the effects that have already oc-
curred (the so-called ex post protection). It seems, on the other hand, that the so-
called active protection, consisting in prevention of emergence of hazards is under-
estimated. An important role in this respect is assigned the spatial and physical
The determination of the open space systems and the ultimate achievement of
the goal of elaboration of the spatial development plan for the Metropolitan Area of
Warsaw, within which open spaces would be considered equivalent to the settle-
ment network as the structure-forming element, may constitute an important step in
the realisation of the concept of sustainable development of this area.
The present report devotes most attention to problems associated with the for-
mation of the open space system within the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw, and
determination of the main fields of spatial conflicts between the socio-economic
development and shaping of open spaces.
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
The prerequisites for the development of the
open space system
In the domain of formation of the spatial order within the Metropolitan Area of
Warsaw it is especially important that this plan of the functional area encompass
open spaces, treated as elements of the development of space equivalent to the
overbuilt areas or the ones meant for construction development.
In physical and spatial planning the term of open space refers to areas with no
structures and not meant for construction purposes, or meant only for very exten-
sive construction, existing between the intensively overbuilt areas. The main com-
ponents of open spaces are green areas (encompassing agricultural land, forests,
meadows, pastures, parks, urban greenery, isolating greenery, etc.), as well as wa-
ters, fallow lands and other areas characterised by the little transformed or not
transformed landscape, retaining the properties of the natural environment, result-
ing from geographical location. The fundamental feature of the spatial setting of
open spaces is preservation of their continuity. In the concept of sustainable devel-
opment the open spaces constitute an element of development of space that is
equivalent to the overbuilt areas and the ones meant for construction development.
They require appropriate shaping and protection in order to preserve or improve the
conditions of human life, which is of special importance within the intensively
urbanised areas, and in particular in the metropolitan regions and large urban ag-
glomerations. The maintenance or preservation of the ecological effectiveness of
the open space system is influenced, in particular, by such characteristics as their
adequate magnitude, preservation of natural linkages (continuity), protection of the
priority areas, natural resistance of biotopes, proper use, and land ownership.
The essential types of open spaces are the regional chains (sequences), local
systems, and priority areas.
As indicated already, the basis for the development of the system of open spaces
is constituted by the preservation of spatial continuity. The main issue consists in
the maintenance of natural connections of the open spaces within the metropolitan
area and their association with the surrounding areas. The model taken for the de-
velopment of space assumed that the strongly urbanised areas, with domination of
the anthropogenic landscape, be separated by open spaces, which, at the same time,
penetrate deeply into the urban tissue.
There is currently an opportunity for a correct design of the open space system
within the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw in view of a significant reserve of sur-
faces that had not been subject to the construction pressure. These surfaces account
for close to 40% of area within the confines of Warsaw itself.
The primary belts of the open space systems of the Metropolitan Area of War-
saw must be associated with the valleys of large rivers (Vistula, Narew and Bug
rivers), and large forest complexes (Kampinos Forest, as well as Otwock-Garwolin,
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
Rembertów, Pomiechówek, Legionowo, Chotomów and Chojnów wooded areas).
Such a setting constitutes the basis for the regional system of open spaces. The
belts mentioned allow for the preservation of the supra-regional natural linkages.
Location of Warsaw on both sides of Vistula River, and especially the high den-
sity of structures in the downtown, cause that the ecological corridor associated
with the valley of Vistula may shrink down to the very riverbed in the perspective
of just a couple of years. This perspective is highly probable, given the attractive-
ness of the riverside areas within the commune of Centre-Warsaw. That is why a
very important objective of spatial policy is constituted by the development of an
alternative belt of open spaces. This belt would be constituted by the forest com-
plexes along some 50% of the circumference, and by the agricultural areas with
low intensity of production. A very valuable feature of this belt would be the asso-
ciation of the functions of nature protection, leisure and aeration.
The wooded complexes existing within the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw, such
as Otwock-Garwolin, Rembertów, Pomiechówek, Legionowo, Chotomów and
Chojnów wooded areas can be considered its “green lungs”. The Kampinos Forest,
protected as the National Park, might, on the other hand, be regarded as the “green
heart” of the region.
The entities included in the NATURA 2000 system, as well as the remaining
existing and planned national and landscape parks, and nature reserves, are consid-
ered priority areas in the open space system. They constitute the nodes, which,
complemented with the network of ecological corridors, build up the system of
open spaces on the metropolitan area of Warsaw. This system would penetrate into
the inside of towns, preserving the connections in the remaining part of the metro-
politan area, as well as a continuation outside of it.
The main areas of conflict
The essential spatial conflict takes place between man and natural environment.
Humanity has for centuries tended to subjugate space, and during the industrial-
technological revolution this activity had usually a robbing character. It was only
the period of the so-called scientific revolution that ultimately brought, at the end
of the 20th century, the awareness of the need of securing development without the
destruction of the environment. The resulting approach was called sustainable de-
The spatial planning process always intervenes into the natural environment,
modifying natural settings, and sometimes leading to their significant degradation.
That is why the drive towards the minimisation of the areas of spatial conflicts is
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
an important goal in the framework of the sustainable and equilibrated spatial plan-
High concentration of population and attractiveness occurring within the Met-
ropolitan Area of Warsaw generate enormous demand for new construction sur-
faces, which is conducive for the emergence of new spatial conflicts.
The primary conflict is deployed between the socio-economic development and
protection of natural surfaces. It encompasses three main planes of conflict,
– the conflict between the increase of the overbuilt areas on the one hand and
the protection of natural surfaces on the other,
– the conflict between the development of linear infrastructure, mainly roads,
on the one hand, and preservation of natural linkages on the other,
– the conflict between, on the one hand, the lack of consent of the local com-
munities and some businesses to the establishment of new, or increase of the
existing, protected areas, and, on the other hand, the initiatives aiming at
creation of such surfaces.
The struggle taking place, involving influences, and first of all – money, is the
confirmation of the deficiency with respect to sustainable development, and the
effect is often negative for the environment.
Assuming that the socio-economic side to the conflict wins, one can expect the
following changes (Figure 1):
1) In the first case the respective activities will lead to the decrease of the bio-
logically active (natural) surfaces. It is frequent – like in Warsaw – that the
aerating wedges, or the green spaces functioning as public leisure areas, are
being taken over for construction. One can expect that in the perspective of
the coming dozen or so years the majority of agricultural land on the subur-
ban areas, owned by private proprietors, would get divided up into smaller
or bigger construction plots. The development strategies of some of the sub-
urban communes of Warsaw have abandoned already the agricultural func-
tion (the cases of Jabłonna, Piaseczno, and the like). Hence, a unified ur-
banised space might appear, devoid of natural and landscape elements. The
inhabitants might get deprived of the leisure places in the neighbourhood,
and the objects essential for their cultural identity. The frequent robbing
land management is usually not conducive to ordering of space, neither in
terms of spatial structure, nor functionally, nor with respect to architectural
forms. The spreading urbanisation, in the form of urban sprawl, constitutes a
great threat for national and landscape parks, considered to be priority areas
in the system of open spaces. The Kampinos Forest National Park (KFNP)
and the Masovian Landscape Park (MLP) are the examples of the victories
of the local lobbies. Thus, licences were obtained for the encroachment of
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
construction into the protective zone of the KFNP and for the continuation
of construction in a part of the MLP. The direct contact with a large town
makes the actual protection of even the areas encompassed by the formal le-
gal protection very difficult.
2) Coming back over to the second case one can forecast the breaking of the
continuity of the natural stripes and corridors. Their environmental perform-
ance and the ecological effectiveness of the system are impaired, along with
the aerating and recreational functions. The continuous system makes it
possible to trace the bicycle paths surrounded by nature. Currently, many
located decisions lead to the disappearance of the aerating function of even
the primary belts, due to the spread of construction. It should be mentioned
that Warsaw has been characterised until quite recently by a model system
of the aerating belts, being at the same time the ecological corridors. An-
other important threat is constituted by the road construction projects, and in
particular – the ones connected with the construction of the planned motor-
way and the thruways. This kind of development is necessary, taking into
account the fact that the area in question has been included on the map of
the European metropolitan areas. The proposed variant of the route of the
A2 motorway may lead, though, to the fragmentation of the important natu-
ral areas. Thus, breaking of the continuity of the KFNP can be expected
along the line Leszno-Kazuń, since this route would constitute the most
convenient connection of the motorway with the Warsaw-Gdańsk road, as
well as the fragmentation of the MLP. Another element accelerating the
process of fragmentation of the natural structures is the development of con-
struction along the roads, usually ending up with formation of continuous
strips of settlements. An example to the point is provided by the road seg-
ment Warsaw-Zakroczym. It is highly probable that soon a continuous strip
of urbanised space would be established, which would cut off permanently
the KFNP from the Vistula River.
3) Finally, as we consider the third field of conflicts, we can expect that the ar-
eas featuring high natural value, but not legally protected, will get devel-
oped in terms of construction, or degraded, rather than to continue to im-
prove the quality of life in town. The currently elaborated physical devel-
opment plans usually respect only the borders of the protected areas. These
plans frequently do not observe the stipulations concerning the natural sys-
tem, in force in the plan of Warsaw. The pressure from the side of local self-
governments of the communes located in the confines of the Warsaw Area
of Protected Landscape brought about the decrease of its surface magnitude
by about 15%. The isolating strip between the forests and the overbuilt areas
was brought down from 100 metres to 30 metres.
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
Figure 1
The primary areas of spatial conflicts between the socio-economic development
and shaping of the open space system as well as the environmental protection
Increase of the
Protection of the
Protection of the environment
overbuilt areas
active surfaces
Development of
the linear-belt-
Preservation of
onomic sphe
wise infrastruc-
natural linkages
Lack of social
Increase of the
The socio-ec
acceptance for
areas on which
creation of new
nature is legally
protected areas
Source: edited by author.
It should be very strongly emphasised that the shortcomings observed with re-
spect to the well-prepared and effective instruments of spatial planning are condu-
cive to such processes. The contemporary trends in spatial development do not
always respect the requirements of environmental protection, and hence also of the
sustainable development principles.
Conciliation of the activities aiming at the socio-economic development and
nature protection is, however, exceptionally difficult, and it requires:
– a well prepared toolbox of instruments and an effective system of spatial
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
– an effective system of laws and regulations concerning environment, encom-
passing all the domains of human endeavour,
– environmental code of conduct in the managerial processes,
– high ecological awareness of the local communities.
The present trends in spatial development of the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw
entail, therefore, shrinking of the open spaces, taking place to the advantage of
appearance of overbuilt areas.
Establishment of the system of open spaces is one of the most important tasks in
the domain of spatial policy for the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw. This area en-
compasses, on the one hand, surfaces, which are very valuable in terms of nature
assets, and which still remain open spaces, and, on the other hand, is the stage for
dynamic transformations of the environment, threatening the surfaces mentioned. It
appears, therefore, that the issue of determination, introduction into the plans, and
thereafter protection against construction development, with simultaneous mainte-
nance or improvement of the natural, as well as recreational and climatic functions,
of these areas, will make a very difficult domain of spatial policy.
The biggest threat for the preservation of open spaces comes from the urban
sprawl process and the pressure from construction, associated to the shortage of
free construction space within the locations featuring the highest investment attrac-
The shaping of the green belt of the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw ought to ac-
count for:
– preservation of the cohesion of the natural system inside the metropolitan
area and of the ecological linkages with the open spaces in its surroundings,
– preservation of the biologically active areas between the surfaces character-
ised by the high density of structures,
– inclusion of the priority areas into the system; strengthening of the protection
status of the most valuable areas of protected landscape; improvement of the
effectiveness of nature protection within the already existing surfaces, and
mainly in the landscape parks and nature reserves,
– protection of the aerating belts and the areas of air regeneration,
– securing of the ecological function of the valley of Vistula River,
– establishment of generally accessible, well developed recreational areas in
the open spaces.
The most dangerous consequences of the unsustainable open space management
include, first of all:
Bozena Degórska :
Spatial Conflicts Between the Shaping of Open Spaces and the Socio-Economic Development in the Metropolitan Area of Warsaw.
In: New Aspects of Regional Transformation and the Urban-Rural Relationship. Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2004. 11-19. p.
Discusssion Papers, Special
– decrease of the open spaces, fulfilling the function of the public recreational
– decrease of the open spaces encompassed by the legal protection of nature,
– decrease of the internal and external natural linkages and the isolating strips,
– decrease of the areas fulfilling the functions of aerating wedges and the areas
of air regeneration.
Despite the numerous negative impacts on the environment, brought by the
socio-economic development and the contemporary spatial economy, there is a
potential for the correct formation of the system of open spaces within the
Metropolitan Area of Warsaw. The most pressing task in the domain of spatial
policy is elaboration of the spatial development plan for the Metropolitan Area of
Warsaw, in which open spaces would be treated, as elements of the plan, on a par
with the overbuilt surfaces and the ones meant for construction development.
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