Discussion Papers 2001.  
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union 182-193. p.
Role of the Regions in the Enlarging European Union 
0 Edited by Zoltcin Gal, Pecs, Centre for Regional Studies, 2001 

Ferenc Erd6si 
In connection with the EU accession of Hungary special attention was devoted 
to transportation, a sector, which besides environment protection requires the 
most derogation. The sectoral ministry is mainly concerned about the improve-
ment of transport in technical—technological terms (modernisation and de-
creasing the average of the motor vehicle stock and matching its emission with 
the EU norms and increasing the capacity of roads). Therefore the ministry is 
unable to pay adequate attention to the regionalisation of transport, i.e. to re-
gional transportation. The National Transport Network Development Concept 
mentions the regional dimension only incidentally in terms of the preference of 
mass transport in the backward regions, but transportation received in the Na-
tion Development Plan much less space than its real importance and even this 
was focused on the sub-sectors. Yet, the matter is not only the arrangement of 
activities of the productive and servicing sectors within regional frameworks, 
but also the establishment of a regional transport network able to intermediate 
interactions and manage the migration of persons and goods in a new territorial 
context, which is unavoidable. 
Criteria of regional transport 
Prior to the definition of regional transport and its functions, we are eager to 
clarify, that the transport of a region is identical with regional transport, it only 
means the portion of the varying territorial transport systems of the country 
(main road network, system of accessory roads, local, etc.), falling on the given 
region. At the same time, the transport concept, development plan and pro-
gramme of a region should not exclusively elaborate the regional transport but 
all territorial and sub-sectoral elements of transport within the region. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
The essence of regional transport is determined on basis of the economy of 
scale of the territory by two strictly connected factors — the scale and the func-
tion. Therefore, even based on the economy of scale regional transport is the a 
medium tier, since it is equipped with threshold values, which are beyond the 
capacity of the counties in terms of the establishment and efficient maintenance 
of a transport infrastructure of given kind and technical capacity. 
Within the historically developed space hierarchical system of transport 
networks and services, regional transport is in several non-federal states (such 
as Hungary) due to lack of traditions an absent category. Up to a certain extent 
this lack is connected with the territorial arrangement of state administration 
(i.e. the breakdown of the country by administrative units) and the level of cen-
tralism. The administrative tiers shaped the spatial structure of Hungary's mod-
ern age transport network besides the Austrian imperial will, basically already 
during the establishment of the railway network (as the basic sub-sector influ-
encing the structure of sub-sectors) alongside the unique interests connected 
with them: 
—The national interests pushed the establishment of the main line network 
converging in the capital city 
—The thousand year old institutions of territorial administration with rights 
"engraved into stone tablet"; tried — according to their interests — to con-
centrate the network to the county seats but at the same time they reacted 
enviously to the attempts of the neighbouring counties which attempted 
through the construction of railways, roads and ports to detach the neigh-
bouring peripheries. 
As a result the transport network of the country (in some sense following the 
model of Christaller) has basically a twofold mono-centric structure. The mod-
erate influence of the local forces was sufficient for only partial track modifi-
cation of mainly accessory lines and micro-regional and local road systems. 
Some larger towns within the territory of historical Hungary had already at 
the turn of the century such economic, servicing and cultural importance, which 
went beyond the county frameworks and therefore the gravitation of these 
counties covers in terms of certain roles larger territories, than their county. 
The chambers of industry and commerce articulated the interests of these 
"quasi-regions", having decades long a sphere of operation covering more than 
one county. They tried to go beyond individual interests of the counties and to 
formulate the common interests of larger territorial units, and even to represent 
these in the course of the complicated process of the arrangement of the trans-
port networks which was accompanies by several conflicts of interests. Theo-
retically, all territorial chambers had the opportunity of interest representation, 
yet not all of them became the combative representative of macro-regional 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
F. Erthisi 
(which means territorial) interests. However, the town of Debrecen grew into a 
centre of a wide range of action, seeking the hegemony over the north—east 
territory of the county, which in competition with the nearby Nagyvarad (Or-
adea), tried to influence the direction of accessory railroad tracks, which actu-
ally concerning several counties of course according to its own interests. 
According to its scale regional transport is a new hierarchic category be-
tween the national and county transport, which: 
— is inferior to the national level 
— and superior to the county tier. 
The basic target of regional transport is to satisfy transport demands deriv-
ing from the special scale of functional (economic/ administrative) regions 
(which are accordingly larger than the county scale): 
— First of all through the strengthening of the internal regional cohesion 
between the areas as well as between the centres and sub-centres of the 
given region; 
— Considering the interests of the entire region through strengthening of 
economic and environmental relationships to insure the transit traffic in 
such way, that its advantages surpass the negative impacts; 
— Third, regional transport must serve the improvement of relationships 
with the neighbouring — and for some extent with distant and foreign —
regions. The importance of this aspect is always more emphasised by the 
globalisation.  Figure 1.  describes linkages of intra- and inter-regional 
From the aspect of the inhabitants, economic, social and other actors —
among others the organising—managing apparatus — of the "real" region, the 
most important requirement against the future regional transport is to provide 
for better conditions for the intra-regional, inter—county and inter county seat 
transportation of people and goods. Further, it may contribute to the develop-
ment of the productive co-operation within the region and encourage the use of 
professional specialised services mainly located and provided for in the re-
gional seats. But it is important also for the improvement of the mobility de-
riving from administrative work, the functioning of production within units that 
are above threshold of efficient and economical functioning, and the cluster 
building increasing efficiency. 
In the current phase of development, as in the interest of the country's con-
solidation the privileged aspects are the encouragement of the foreign capital 
input and the orientation towards foreign markets, the economic actors of the 
regions obviously prioritise the external linkages rather than the intra-regional 
transport. Following the economic consolidation of the country the completing 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
of the intra-regional transport will have better chances. Therefore subsequent to 
the establishment of the regional network of publicly used transport the re-
gional scale, infrastructure with special destination and of special technological 
type may by carried out. 
Figure 1 
The networking linkages of intra- and interregional transport 
Destination and transit traffic 
Transport to maintain 
to maintain the region's ex-
intraregional cohesion 
ternal (international, home 
interregional) connections 
transport oriented to the 
Regional airport 
regional centre 
long distance railway, motor 
inter-county transport not 
way, express road 
linked to the regional centre 
long distance transport 
Source: edited by  Erdosi, F. 
The structure and elements of regional transport: one centre 
or multiple centres? 
The structure of regional transport has primary importance from the point of 
internal cohesion and intraregional transport links. This fact raises the issue of 
the role and location of regional centres too. Regional centres are essential for 
the functioning of an organic regional system, even if — in Hungarian context —
their role as an administrative centre should be less important than as the role of 
county seats 'heading' their county. Without hierarchy a country cannot build 
up its spatial system. (The 'post-modern' model of network without centres —
such as the Internet for example — is not relevant to physical linear infrastruc- 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
F. Erdeisi 
ture. Although the application of 'just in time' logistic model with its 'from 
manufacturer to home' delivery systems does not require hubs but 'hub and 
spoke' systems, generating a greater volume of goods traffic, cannot exist with-
out them. In hierarchical systems, on the basis of internal communication inter-
actions, through the performance of superior functions, regions may be re-
garded as major agglomeration areas served by their centres. (These central 
locations with their magnitudes are called 'superior centres' in Christaller' s 
urban network model still used in West European and German but abolished in 
the Hungarian regional science terminology.) 
The major requirements from a regional centre are as follows: 
— It should be an ideal organisational centre of economic activities under-
going through modernisation, globalisation and networking (primarily 
performed by multinational and other firms that deal with manufacturing, 
commerce, services etc.) 
— It should be the most appropriate site for exclusive services to be rendered 
for a small number of customers 
It should be the most important centre of transport/telecommunication and 
— The location of a regional centre in the proximity of institutes of higher 
education and research through the increased efficiency of brainwork may 
create such chances for synergic advantages that regions — even in the age 
of Internet — should never miss. 
Another essential issue from the point of transportation networks is the con-
sideration, whether institutions serving for the wider interests of a region (or 
sometimes even of a larger area than a region) should be concentrated in the 
regional centre only, or should be divided among the cities of region. Practice 
generally follows the single-centre model especially in regions having been 
historical i.e. provincial administrative centres for several centuries with large 
cities regarded as traditional 'capitals' of the region. The division of functions 
may support a multi-centre model, in which simultaneously with the traditional, 
cultural city situated in peripheral position within the region, separate eco-
nomic/commercial 'modern' centres operate on a more favourable transport 
geographic location, having a larger influence on regional economic activities. 
What relationship should intraregional transport have with regional cen-
— Within the  single-centre regional model  the most important routes of re-
gional (thus intraregional) transport — connecting different areas (coun-
ties) within a region — generally go through regional centres and the ori-
entation for central places has priority in development processes. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
— Regions with two regional centres  may face the dilemma whether the 
transport routes heading towards traditional (cultural) centres should be 
developed or those leading to the emerging economic centres should be 
favoured in development processes. The relocation of transport centre 
generally will terminate the dualistic feature of regional development and 
the regional development forces of communication will turn the region 
into a monocentric spatial formation. 
The major elements of monocentric intraregional transport are as follows: 
—The intraregional sections of national/international mainline routes (major 
railway lines, motorways, main roads) 
—Secondary railway lines, major railway sideways (or railway line chains), 
secondary roads serving exclusively for monocentric regional transport 
—Regional level services based on previously mentioned linear infrastruc-
tures (transregional accelerated trains connecting different areas, 'red 
letter' fast coach services connecting county seats mainly. 
Transversal communication connecting microregions situated outside the 
magnitude of regional centres and urban agglomerations is also an important 
component of the regional transport system even if it is used only to connect 
two parts within the region. 
The intraregional sections of national/international  transit routes  are also 
parts of regional transport. Their best routing should not necessarily coincide 
with the main direction and traffic flow pattern of intraregional communication. 
Naturally, some parts of transit traffic (with the goods transported) may be 
`kept within' and switched into the 'blood circulation' of the regional economy 
but the chances for this are usually very small. 
The elements serving for the establishment of transportation linkages with 
other regions belong to the third category of regional transport. Although these 
elements do not increase the level of internal regional cohesion the whole re-
gion may benefit from the access they create to the regional division of labour 
and markets. Good interregional linkages may generate good chances for the 
expansion of regional economy and may serve as a basis for the establishment 
of further interregional relations at a later phase of regional development. 
The  major elements  of interregional transport connections are as follows: 
major railway routes connecting the regional centre with the capital city, or 
other regional centres (intercity, fast train, fast cargo train services), coach (`red 
letter plate' bus services necessary for transversal connection between rural 
regional centres). In Germany the Interregio Zug intercity trains — because of 
more stops provide a special service with special cars and longer travel time on 
middle-term distance level. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
F. Erdosi 
Regional airport as a major element of regional 
transport services 
The interpretation of the meaning of the term  'regional airport' is ambiguous. 
— In everyday context it is understood as an airport serving for the air traffic 
of a whole region. 
— In air traffic professionals' interpretation such airports — located in the 
capital city or metropolises — are called 'regional' that are connected to 
international (transcontinental, intercontinental or transnational air serv-
ice for a travel distance of longer than 1500-2000 km, with the provision 
of 'regional services' by small (50-90 person capacity) jet planes, either 
in the form of home airline service (in large countries) or of short-dis-
tance international flight services (naturally, in case of small countries, 
this latter is the most typical — see  Figure 2) 
According• to the air professionals' interpretation — and to the European 
practice — regional airports serve not primarily for home air traffic. They are 
used for international (or 'quasi international', short international) air traffic 
between two countries (with the exception of large countries). With regard for 
the introduction of motorway/dual carriageway and railway intercity systems 
and the current development level of market economy in such a small country 
as Hungary, practically there are no chances for the reconstruction of scheduled 
home air traffic services even in case Hungarian living conditions turn better. 
Today only the very expensive air taxi system may carry passengers in home air 
service. Thus, for a long time the low demand may force 'regional airports' to 
connect rural cities and their surroundings with the neighbour country only. (for 
business or recreational purposes). This may establish a direct air connection 
between rural cities and foreign countries without the use of Budapest Ferihegy 
During the selection of the site of regional airports there is a strong clash of 
interests between candidate cities, because they think a regional airport is a 
great challenge of opportunity for them. Almost every county seat is planning 
to build a public airport because they expect (through the quick accessibility 
from European countries the airports provide) a larger volume of foreign in-
vestments and economic development. We are on the opinion that the demand 
for cross-border flight services departing from rural airports is so low that two 
or three regional airports are by far enough for the handling of their traffic. 
Because of the low volume of air traffic the profitable operation of more than 
two or three regional airports would be impossible. Nearly 100-200 thousand 
passengers are needed for the cost effective operation of a regional airport 
(equipped with a minimal level of avionic and navigation instruments and a 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
Figure 2 
The potential functions of airports on different levels of spatial 
hierarchy in Hungary 
Regional airports 
(with concrete runway equipped 
for night-time traffic, too) 
International flight service 

Home public flight 
Home general flight 
with inward and outward 
checking procedure 
• Scheduled flight services  • Occasional air taxi services 
• Sport flight 
directed towards the capital 
with aircrafts for 2-10 pas-
• Agriculture and forestry 
city of neighbour countries 
oriented flights 
one-three flights per week by 
• Health care (air rescue) 
passenger aircrafts for 50-90 
• Chartered flight services 
directed to the major resorts 
of the Mediterranean region 
during summer 
• (Cargo) delivery service of 
fine quality products on a 
value of 15-20 USD/kg 
• Business flight for passen-
gers (occasional) 
County airports 
(with grass runway Equipped for 
daytime traffic only) 
International flight service 

Home public flight 
Home general flight 
(with inward and outward 
checking procedure) 
• Business flight 
• Air taxi services 
•  Sport flight 
• Private flight  (e.g.  for  hunt- 
•  Parachuting 
•  Hang gliding 
• (Cargo) delivery service of 
• Agriculture oriented flight 
fine quality products on a 
• Air rescue service 
value of 15-20 USD/kg 
• Business flight 2-15 passen-
gers (occasionally) 
Edited by:  Erclosi F. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
F. Erdosi 
constant presence of border guard authorities). For this reason the majority of 
county seats can expect small aircrafts for 6-10 passengers transporting dele-
gations or 1-3 person private aircrafts only landing on their grass runway in 
daytime period. Compared to rural grass runway airports, the abandoned air-
ports of the Soviet and Hungarian military air forces (equipped with concrete 
runway and appropriate navigation instruments) are relatively in a better posi-
tion. However, their remote location from cities and major economic centres, 
the primary sources of the demand for transportation services is a great obstacle 
in their conversion into civil airports (Debrecen airport is the only exception 
from this rule). These military airports may serve as cargo airports only, pro-
vided that a fair amount of goods to be transported are available within a 100 
km radius. The chances for this are very small. The chances are small for mili-
tary airports (such as Taszar near the city of Kaposvar) to operate as regional 
airports because of their long flight permission procedure taking 1 week for 
civil aircrafts. This is an unfortunate situation, because airports authorised by 
law for multipurpose utilisation are generally located in favourable transport 
geographic position with central location within the region. However, their 
utilisation value is often limited by their long distance from the county seat. 
Regional railways 
The term 'regional railways' used in West European terminology has a differ-
ent meaning in Hungarian context. Instead of terminating, the Hungarian gov-
ernment is going to let out the abandoned, poor quality, loss-producing rail 
sideways to regional railway companies. According to concepts, the activity of 
a railway company would cover a territory of half county size, including some 
short railway lines connecting some microregions. However, the greatest prob-
lem is not with the naming. The problem is in the realisation of plans. 
Because of poor economic conditions county governments, local munici-
palities and firms of regional interest are unable to invest significant resources 
into regional railway systems. (The Hungarian rural population's living 
conditions, population density, relative mobility and transportation demand 
indicators totally differ from the English, German and Swiss counterparts. 
Thus, the practice of these countries cannot be followed automatically. The 
municipalities' contribution to railway development is manifested in some 
small things only, such as the renovation of stations, greening the station's 
surroundings, or just repainting the waiting room). 
However excellent and aggressive is the marketing of 'regional railway 
systems', working as separate units only within MAV, the Hungarian State 
Railway Company, they can increase the demand for transportation by a small 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
degree only. This is still far below the level needed for a cost effective 
operation. Even by a 20-25 per cent of running costs (which is hard to achieve) 
regional railways will be unable to compete with the flexible (from 
manufacturer to doorstep) road delivery system concerning cargo delivery 
The finance of the cohesion oriented infrastructure 
One of the greatest dilemmas of our time is whether regional transport may be 
standardised and if so, what requirements it should meet in the areas of network 
structure, service routes, servicing quality (the frequency of services, speed, 
comfort etc.). In the 20 th  century almost every Hungarian governments were 
setting up a concept for the replacement of Budapest-centred monocentric rail-
way structure with a transversal system to connect rural areas. Due to financial 
problems or centralisation policy none of them has been carried out in practice. 
Today regional transport may follow only a radial structure and the routing of 
Pan-European corridors will coincide with this model. The number of high 
quality road and railway lines being suitable for regional communication, is 
very small. It is not sure, whether financial resources will be available for the 
construction of the missing elements regional transport systems, and what 
mechanism will co-ordinate the different interests during the formation of the 
spatial system of regional transport networks. As long as regions are left with-
out independent financial resources, the central government should provide 
primary financial assistance to regional transport systems. It is not taken for 
granted that municipalities (even through the system of municipal associations) 
will be able to finance these projects because they are overloaded with the fi-
nancial problems of road construction and maintenance having been forced to 
`take over' these tasks from the central government's duties. Taking loans or 
letting out the duties of regional transport into concession do not seem to be 
appropriate financial solutions for the problem. 
From the point of cohesion the selection settlements and areas to have direct 
public transport connections with the centre of region has primary importance. 
As 12-45 per cent of settlements have no direct bus or train connections with 
their county seat, the demand for direct connection may only be approved only 
for a limited number of settlements. In areas situated outside the core of region 
only those cities or major villages may have direct connections with the centre 
that are situated along intraregional road and railway routes. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
F. Erdlisi 
The administrative/functional region and the area 
of regional transport 
The spatial structure of transportation networks — in some cases due to their 
special history of development — may have a different shape from that marked 
by the border of region. (This is much more true in those regions that have been 
formed as a synthesis of administrative districts). This may result in a stronger 
interregional co-operation between cities situated at the opposing sides of re-
gional border than between the peripheral cities and the centre or core cities 
within the region. 
There are several examples for this phenomenon such as Si6fok at the bor-
der of South Transdanubia having more intensive interactions and transport 
connections with Enying in the Middle-Transdanubian region. Also Baja in the 
South Hungarian Plain has stronger relationships in the Southern Transdanu-
bian region than with Szeged. Marcali is more strongly bound to Keszthely than 
to Kaposvar or Pecs. A similar pattern, regarding cross-regional border co-
operation, applies to Csurgo with Nagykanizsa, Kunszentmiklos with Budapest, 
Simontornya with Sarbogard, Bataszek with Baja, Jaszfenyszaru with Hatvan 
and Polgar with Tiszatijvaros. 
Thus, regional borders should be regarded as mainframes only to which re-
gional transports systems should be tailored to but there are overlapping areas 
on both sides of the border. In some cases these 'buffer zones' may have a 
width of 25-40 kms. 
For all that, regional borders are still important elements of regional trans-
port because the existing regional transport systems are too rigid within the 
regional system to follow the formation of a new regional structure. There are 
some opinions disregarding the importance of regional borders and not exclud-
ing the chances for the spatial redistribution of Hungary's regional system. 
However, if the number of regions and consequently the regional borders are 
changed, the regional transport system should follow these changes in all 
(mainly financial) aspects. 
Regional policymakers (especially in Eastern Europe) may overestimate the 
importance of infrastructure and transport in regional economic development. 
Pure transport infrastructure has no 'magic power' to generate economic devel-
opment. Transport has only a complementary force, as an addition to other fa-
vourable economic factors of regional development. The current cyclic phase of 
the economy is also an important factor in the intensity of changes transporta-
tion effects may generate. In an economic recession period motorway construc-
tion alone is unable to generate significant economic development within a 
region but in a booming economic period high capacity traffic routes may sig-
nificantly intensify economic development processes. 

Erdősi, Ferenc: From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport. In: Role of the Regions 
in the Enlarging European Union.  Pécs: Centre for Regional Studies, 2001. 182–193. p. 
Discussion Papers. Special
From a Fiction to the Implementation: Regional Transport 
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