Discussion Papers 1988. 
Spatial Organization and Regional Development 277-296. p.
2 77 
Ryszard HORODENSKI - Miroslaw SERWIN 
1. Introduction 
Polish scientific literature offers quite a 
variety of studies devoted to broadly conceived 
regional problems; see, e.g., Horodenski /1983/ for 
a bibliography on the subject. In many works devoted 
to this domain, there appears a characteristic cur-
rent, enabling knowledge of the country in its ter-
ritorial aspect to be gained along with one means 
of interpreting regional policies. Employment of 
such an approach to regional policy is characteris-
tic of the centralized management system, although 
it does not entail proper consequences for the 
links with branch-and-sectoral setting, usually 
considered superordinate in this system of develop-
ment control. 
Another essential approach to regional policy 
finds its expression in the holistic cognition of 
concrete areas /voivodships, communes, towns/ a+ 
gainst the background of the country and other 
areas. This cognitive current makes it possible to 
unearth all the local assets and reserves and to 
suggest individual, specific directions of devel-
opment and thereby to enhance measurable and non-
measurable values. Such an approach is most often 
applied in the very regions, usually by non-profes- 
1/  Poland is divided administratively into 49 voi- 
vodships, which are further subdivided into 
communes  /transe/. 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
sional scholars. The lack of accord that occurs 
between the order-and-allocate management system 
and the grassroots initiatives has been, until 
now, confining this current of regional policy 
and analysis only to vegetation. Absence of sys-
temic conditions for recognizing local assets and 
reserves and for the inclusion into the scope of 
socio-economic development factors means that these 
assets and reserves are not paid sufficient atten-
tion by the decision-makers of various management 
2. Studies performed  
There is a relatively significant body of 
knowledge resulting from studies of the socio- 
economic development of Bialystok voivodship, 
quite often carried out in connection with the 
territories of Lomza, Suwalki, and Ostroleka voi-
vodships. The most important studies, worth noti-
cing here, are: Pukniel /1974/, Sikorski /1979/, 
Niemiec /1974/, Pawluczuk /1981/, Walicki /1985/, 
Sadowski /1981/, Horodenski /1974/, and Kupiec 
/1975/. These studies form a framework for knowledge 
on social and technical infrastructure, education, 
culture, apartment availability, living conditions 
of residents, and industries. A multifaceted an-
alysis of the demographic, settlement, and economic 
problems of the area is contained in the work edited 
and directed by J. Kostrowicki /1967/. 
Studies and publications devoted to agri-
cultural and rural problems of Bialystok voivod-
ship will be commented upon separately. This sepa.. 
rate treatment is justified by the significance of 
agriculture and countryside in the problematic 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
development of this area. 
From among the numerous studies devoted to 
rural and agricultural questions, those performed 
at the Institute of Rural and Agricultural Devel-
opment /IRWiR/ and at the Scientific Research 
Center in Bialystok should be given special at-
tention. These two institutions dug into a num-
ber of aspects of the current situation in agri-
culture and in rural areas. The most important 
studies were reported, e.g., in Michna /1979/, 
Horodenski /1983/, and Serwin /1985/. 
Most often the studies on the development 
of Bialystok voivodship were undertaken and carried 
out at the initiative of scholars or their home 
scientific institutions. It should be emphasized, 
though, that the majority of these studies were 
backed by political and administrative voivodship 
authorities. Scientific findings presented in publi-
cations do not follow the conventions used in prac-
tice because of the reference to a broader documen-
t ry basis. Practice-oriented institutions basical-
1 refer to official statistics. In the case, 
however, of carrying out studies on the development 
of many domains of regional life, statistics are  but 
o0e of the sources. Thus, it perhaps must be em-
phasized that in many studies parallel to statisti- 
1 data such other sources were made use of as in-
terviews, questionnaires, and source documentation. 
In the research conducted to date, especial-
1 those devoted to economics, it is characteristic 
that a tendency toward globalization, 
e., to 
t eatment of processes and phenomena on the voivod-
Ship scale, prevails. Such treatment was generally 
approved by the voivodship authorities, since voi- 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial 
Organization and Regional Development 
vodship-wide indicators suited them best and were 
well in line with the presumptions of the scien-
tific-allocative managerial schemes. These in-
dicators were also easier to obtain in view of 
availability of appropriate data sources. 
3.  The study of the Eastern communes of Bialystok 
Against this background, the study of the 
Eastern communes of Bialystok voivodship undertaken 
in 1984 by the Scientific Research Center in 
Bialystok displays favourable characteristics. 
Voivodship authorities have concluded that a need 
exists for deeper studies of the situation in the 
Eastern communes of Bialystok voivodship, this 
conclusion being motivated by the recognition of 
a worsening socioeconomic position of the popula-
tion in these communes. The need for performing 
such studies was also corroborated by the Inter-
voivodship Commission of the Nortil..Eastern Macro-
regional Planning Area /see conclusions of this 
Commission of April 16th, 1986/. 
On August 15th, 1984 an agreement was 
concluded between the Voivodship Planning Commis-
sion in Bialystok and the Scientific Research Cen-
ter in Bialystok concerning 
the study of "Prob- 
lems of economic and social activization in the 
communes located in the Eastern part of Bialystok 
voivodship". This agreement contains a provision 
specifying the substantial framework for this study. 
Namely, three stages of work are envisaged, of which 
two are: 
x stage I, analytic-diagnostic, to be car-
ried out before June 30, 1985; 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
* II, research and forecasting, to be car-
ried out until the end of 1987. 
Stage I has been completed and its main 
results published in 22 detailed reports /see 
Appendix/. These reports present a comparative 
analysis of the area in question against the 
background of the rest of Bialystok voivodship 
and the country, an overview of the basic condi-
tions of this area's functioning, and indications 
as to the most essential needs of the population 
living in and the economy of the Eastern part of 
the voivodship. 
Within the Scientific Research Center in 
Bialystok /CBN/, in the course of internal plan-
ning, it was established that until June and Decem-
ber of 1987 the research and forecasting tasks 
related to the following domains, deemed neces-
sary for termination of the overall work, shall 
be completed: 
- demographic and socio-professional situa-
tion of the population, 
- land economy, 
- agricultural production in private farms 
without livestock.
Furthermore, in an effort aimed at securing 
the proper multidimensional nature of the studies 
undertaken, several additional enquires were to 
be carried out, mainly via expert-based assessment, 
on such subjects related to the Eastern communes of 
Bialystok voivodship as: 
1/  The question is important as private farming re- 
presents a low specialization profile, with a 
virtual absence of no-livestock farms even if 
livestock is kept only for self consumption 
purposes /transl./. 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
- the role of geographic-natural environment 
in shaping the course of economic and social devel-
- forestry and its influence on the economy 
and living standards of the population; 
-settlement system development perspectives; 
- housing conditions of the population and 
housing construction situation; 
- role of industry in economic development 
and in shaping the population's living conditions; 
- role of tourism in the development of the 
Eastern communes; 
- population living in the most difficult 
- water economy perspectives; 
- competence and effectiveness of local 
authority activities; 
- economic and social policies seen from 
the standpoint of social and economic development 
needs of the neglected areas. 
Detailed studies performed during stage I 
encompassed all of the Eastern communes of Bialystok 
voivodship /24 communes or other basic administra-
tive units/. Detailed studies of stage IT will be 
performed on a mixed geographical basis. Some prob-
lems shall be looked at within the whole population 
of the Eastern communes /i.e., all 25/, while other 
problems will be analysed on the basis of just  6 
communes, purposefully chosen /Sokolka, Szudzialowo, 
Krynki, GrOdek, Michalowo, and Narewka/. It has been 
assumed that proper in-depth studies can only be 
conducted on a narrower, representative sample, 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
2 83 
especially in view of resources and capacities of 
CBN.  The research program is founded on the as-
sumption that conclusions reached for the smaller 
group of communities will also be valid for the 
whole area in question and will make wider ranging 
generalizations possible, which will be used for 
further purposes. 
In view of the need to go down to the level 
of a village, a farm, or a small population group, 
it will be necessary to complement or create from 
scratch a portion of the documentary basis. To this 
end, polling and questionnaires, direct observation 
among inhabitants, and other non-statistical sour-
ces will be used, with the aim of obtaining an 
objective assessment of the phenomena and situa-
tions observed. This method of gathering documen-
tation shall require special, separate organiza-
tional preparations, especially in the area consi-
Obviously, maps, or cartograms, also present 
highly useful sources for the identification and 
interpretation of social and economic situations. 
In the majority of cases, they will be prepared and 
presented according to communal breakdown, which 
is considered foundamental for spatial representa-
tion in this study. 
4.  Findings of the study  
Based upon these detailed studies of the de-
velopment of the Eastern communes of Bialystok 
voivodship, which have been completed to date, two 
findings can be forwarded. The first eon- 
cerns the general development level of this area, 
while the other concerns problems of the func- 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
tioning of agriculture. Besides these, some problems 
related to the development of the area in question 
are illustrated with maps presenting; population 
1/; migration /figure 2/; agricultural 
production space quality /figure 3/; and value of 
agricultural production sales through the state 
/figure  4/. 
Research performed during stage I confirmed 
the opinion existing with regard to the Eastern 
region; namely, that its social and economic devel-
opment level is lower than in the Western part and 
in the whole of Bialystok voivodship. Besides that, 
significant differentiation of many elements of the 
economy and living conditions among the communes in 
question was observed, as well as divergence be-
tween the spheres of economy and social life. Both 
in the authors' conclusions and in the opinions of 
reviewers and of the Scientific Council of OBN, the 
need for conducting further studies of the still 
open or insufficiently analysed problems was in-
The Eastern part of the voivodship is domi-
nated by agriculture. Statistical data indicate 
that approximately 60 % of the rural population and 
13 % of the urban population in the 24 Eastern com-
munes live on agriculture-related jobs. These two 
indicators do display a certain decreasing tendency, 
though, for in  1950  they were, respectively,  90 % 
and 22 %; but agriculture is still the main source 
of income for the majority of population living in 
the Eastern rural areas. 
1/  This part of agricultural produce that is sold 
through private market is usually not evaluated 
because of lack of adequate data itransl./. 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 

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SI S4WWW-111. 
Towns - 
Communes - 
-population number 
- population number 
increase with 1946 level=100% 
increase with 1946 

0.3 120 - 162 % 
111 101 - 107,6 % 
al 163 - 260 % 
111 143,9 % /Suprail/ 
- decrease to the level 
4 261 - 360 % 

361 - 408 % 
::: 53 - 75 % 
al)  1756% /Monki/ 
— 75,1 -100 % 
decrease to the level of 
4,we  boundary of the 
Eestern area 
96,3 % /Surai/ 
Scale: 1:600 000 
FIGURE 1 Bialystok voivodship. Town and commune po-
pulation changes over the period 1946-1983 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 

()'JARY I LY  • 

0  °W  IN 
L K11 
L  0 
ZYNI 0 0 

dl t 
0 0 
.  HA 

1,1 0 

II Ill 
II • 
S  0 

0 I I 
1.  Immigration centres 
Annual average immigration /number 
of persons/: 

• • 
365-455 181 87 
2. Outmigration areas 
Annual average outmigration per 
1000 inhabitants 
20  zs 
Scale: 1:600 000 
FIGURE 2 Bialystok voivodship. Net 
in the period 1975-1983 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
2 87 

sUZ I A 
„ 608 YNIE 

/Tly 0 I 



0 I Efs 
L 0);/W 


1,;97  MILEJCZY 

Voivodship average-
consiaerea area average 

less than 50 
50 - 60 
60 - 70 

70  and more 
FIGURE 3 Bialystok voivodship. General index of 
quality and utility of the agricultural 
production space 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
,-/— — - 
' - SIX HOWOLA - - 
Z.:J.:7_7-- - -- 


less than 30-10 3 
zl per hecare 
30 - 40.10 
• • - • _ • - 

40 - 50.10
50 - 60.10 3 
60 and more 
Bialystok voivodship. Monetary yalue of 
produce sold by private farmers to the 
state market in 1984 in zlotys per hec- 
tare of agricultural land 
Source: Food economy bank in Bialystok 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
Certain conclusions of the study in its part 
concerning agriculture will be highlighted in this 
paper. First of all, the study enabled identifica-
tion of component elements forming conditions of 
the agricultural economy of the area, as well as 
identification of basic factors influencing the 
level of agricultural production. Having performed 
this identification, the study team went on to as-
sess the production effects attained, i.e., crop 
yields and livestock numbers, and also agricultural 
produce sales and their values as registered by 
Cooperative Banks. The scope of recognition of these 
data was taken with diagnostic, but also practical, 
needs in mind. 
Thus, this part of the research work encom-
passed the following domains pertaining to agri-
1. Population and agricultural labour force 
2. Natural conditions of agricultural produc-
3. Availability of the most important capital 
assets /farm buildings, more important machinery 
4. Agricultural service: production, sales-
and utilization-oriented, 
5. Supply of the more important production 
means and materials for agriculture. 
6. Sales through the state market, in physi-
cal and monetary units. 
7. Basic elements  of agricultural  land 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
8.  Main components of financial income and 
expenditure on private farms. 
Studies conducted within these domains al-
lowed first of all to ascertain that undertaking 
the work was justified and that the comparative 
methods used were proper. This stage of research 
has provided data making it possible to state that 
economic activation of agriculture, mainly through 
the fuller used of so far underused factors, will 
evidently require an input of means and resources 
from outside. It is also at this stage of research 
that it became possible to determine the capacities 
of operationalization of economic and productive 
/i.e., technical/ reserves, on the basis of inter-
nal factors. To this end, research concentrated on 
determination of locally appearing reserves and on 
the search for appropriate economic and social fac-
tors together with conditions for their activation 
and use. While in the first stage of the study com-
munes constituted the main object of research in-
terest, in the second stage, still pursuing the 
similar problem area, work concentrated on vil-
lages and farms from the six chosen communes. 
Results obtained during the first stage of 
work made it possible to establish that the main 
elements influencing the conditions of agricultural 
production and economy within the area of the 
Eastern communes can be classified as follows: 
A Natural conditions of production. These 
conditions are generally worse in the area consi-
dered than in the Western part of Bialystok voi-
vodship, but concrete qualities over particular 
communes differ significantly. It has also been 
shown that the activities aiming at improvement 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
of these conditions /fertilizer application, land 
improvement techniques/ has on this area much smal-
ler scope and magnitude. 
x Smaller quantity and weaker quality of 
labour force resources in agriculture. Rapid 
diversion of labour force from agriculture was 
not compensated, neither in proper quantity nor 
with proper timing, by substitutive equipment. 
Similarly, the degree of development of the agri-
cultural servicing network, and especially the 
very functioning of service units, did not satisfy 
the needs expressed by farmers. 
x Monetary net incomes obtained by farmers 
from produce sales were here much lower than in the 
Eastern communes. There exists substantial evidence 
indicating that expenses in farms are dominated by 
fiscal dues, compensations for family members giv-
ing up agriculture and their farms share and moving 
into town, and by capital investment expenses. Only 
a narrow margin is left for current production in-
put purchases, so that attaining higher yields, 
conditioned by higher inputs, is out ofthe question. 
Problems of agricultural development delay 
in the Eastern communes should be looked at from 
two angles. First, it is feasible to look at the 
justifications presented in the analyses of the 
geographical allocation of the food economy in the 
country, with special reference made to agriculture 
as the primary, raw-material-producing, link of the 
food economy chain. Thus, problems considered would 
be placed in the perspective of geographical loca-
tion and means allocation theories. The present 
state of empirical knowledge indicates that actual 
allocation of production means necessitates ration- 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
alization, while existing general scientific pre-
requisites are not sufficient for proposing single 
proper solutions to be attained. The latter state-
ment is clearly corroborated by the specialists 
from this domain. It would, in particular, be very 
difficult at present to formulate "objective" 
criteria of optimum allocation of agriculture and 
food economy throughout the country. Within the 
set of hypothetical partial criteria, economic ef-
is certainly an important element, 
but it cannot become the decisive instrument for 
shaping the spatial distribution of agriculture. 
It should at this point be recalled that applica-
tion of just this one criterion has significantly 
contributed to the present spatial differentiation 
of agriculture in the country. Thus, other criteria 
should also be taken into account, derived from 
social conditions and related to work and living 
standards of population living in other areas of 
the country. The question of elaborating the pro-
per criteria for the optimal /optimizing/ model of 
agriculture allocation is, however, yet to be un-
dertaken; detailed studies must precede the at-
tempted solution. 
On the other hand, though, there exists cur-
rent evidence of the pressing need of finding ad 
hoc solutions that would aim at defining methods 
and means for decelerating the process of further 
spatial differentiation in agriculture. The 
portance of this problem results directly from the 
goals of the present agricultural policy, i.e., 
attainment of food self-sufficiency of the country, 
in part through "profitability of production achi-
eved by good farmers". It is justified to suspect 
1/ To be well distinguished from economic effici-
ency /trensl./. 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
that in the regions of lagging agricultural devel-
opment there will not be many such "good farmers" 
being able to achieve adequate levels of profitabi.. 
lity in their local conditions, and certainly their 
number will be much lower than on the better devel-
oped, preferred areas. It can also be anticipated 
that farms from the socialized agricultural sector, 
i.e., state or cooperative farms, especially those 
newly organized on the land given over to the state 
by the abandoning or retiring private farmers, will 
have difficulties qualifying as "good farmers" from 
that point of view. 
What kinds of ad hoc solutions can be con.. 
sidered for the areas of lagging agricultural de-
velopment? When contemplating such solutions, that 
is, the ones that can be implemented in 5-10 years, 
one should take into account the following types of 
1. Those that aim at elimination of the most 
flagrant negligences impacting the conditions of 
agricultural economy and production. First of all, 
this concerns the spatial land economy within farms 
/liquidation of in-farm land scatter, securing of 
contiguity, etc./, water economy, both in terms of 
general water resources and water supply, improve-
ment of electricity supply, local road network, 
and bettering of the service and supply system. 
2. Those that aim at more direct improvement 
of the financial situation of farmers and in the 
actual supply of production means and capital in-
vestment goods as well as consumption goods. 
Improvement of the financial situation of 
farms and thereby also of the labour force condi-
tions over relatively small areas, being an in-
tegral part of the country's economic organism, is 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
29 4 
a very difficult undertaking. Two directions of 
possible actions can be taken into account: 
a. policies aiming at increasing monetary 
incomes of agriculture, taking on at least two 
following forms: first, as budget disbursements; 
and second, as adequate agricultural produce prices, 
and also low- or no-interest credits with possibiii-
ty of remission; 
b. policies aiming at decreasing farm ex-
penses; as in a. above, also in this case two 
forms of policies are feasible: one, concentrating 
on prices of production means bought by farmers; 
and the other, referring to lowering or even remis-
sion of fiscal charges /mainly land tax/. 
Mixes policies, aiming at the simultaneous increase 
of incomes and decrease of expenses for productive 
purposes, of course also can be contemplated. 
As can easily be seen, implementation of 
most of these policies would require an interven.. 
tion of national state authorities. Regional autho-
rities would have to monitor proper implementation 
through influencing local decisions, where applic-
The other variant of undertakings leading 
to activation of the Eastern areas will first of 
all address not so much practical solutions as 
research work. As has already been mentioned, the 
current state of knowledge does not give sufficient 
foundations for proposing "model" /i.e., to be fol-
lowed or just implemented/ solutions for the spatial 
allocation of agriculture and the food economy sec-
tor throughout the country. In this situation such 
research directions should be considered necessary, 
which would bring possibly complete recognition of 

Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
Discussion Papers, Spatial Organization and Regional Development 
29 5 
this portion of economic and social reality of 
levers and mechanisms forming it, and only there-
upon formulation of "model" solutions. Such studies 
could be organized and conducted on the scale of 
the whole country, by the adequately strong insti-
tutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. 
/all in Polish/ 
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Ryszard Horodenski - Miroslaw Serwin: The Needs, Sources, and Conditions for the Study of the Eastern Communes of Bialystok Voivodship 
In: Spatial Organization and Regional Development. Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 1988. 277-296. p. 
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